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Bronze sponsor USGBC Wisconsin

Eliminating Energy Waste in Wisconsin Helps Everyone

Installing cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects creates jobs, upgrades local infrastructure, and improves the environment. Bottom line, the energy and dollars saved through Focus on Energy strengthens Wisconsin’s economy. By eliminating energy waste, we reduce the need to purchase coal and natural gas from other states. This keeps dollars in Wisconsin and lessens the need to build additional power plants.

Our Results

Focus on Energy’s work delivers real, measurable energy and financial savings for Wisconsin’s residents and businesses. All told, since 2011, Focus on Energy has delivered more than $1 billion worth of net economic benefits to Wisconsin. Focus on Energy is funded by Wisconsin’s investor-owned energy utilities, as required under Wis. Stat. § 196.374(2)(a), and participating municipal and electric cooperative utilities.

Designing New Facilities for Energy Efficiency and Lower Operational Costs

Focus on Energy offers design professionals, builders, developers, and owners technical and financial support at every stage of the design and construction process. The financial incentives provided help reduce up-front costs of energy efficiency measures exceeding Wisconsin energy code requirements. Whether you are planning a new office building, renovating a school, or constructing a multifamily building, Focus on Energy provides opportunities to save.

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Get in touch with our team:
Focus on Energy |
One South Pinckney
Madison, WI 53703

New Construction | newconstruction@focusonenergy.com | 877.939.1873

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