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Œв‚œd€нЗзЏ“liТчэ?пўП~9ќїь;r‘яH> OўЦЏ§цЗќГ_&u |ќE;ž$яАД”чЯШПи?ъч_рїј/ќЙ$ёу?Дџ|З§чџДПќЏіУпƒрз*ѕћџАžџ0НЇуgїе5ЯЬГфѓ јїфчџE§f3 №ПAР@@ё  їќ ^ К6EQ Credit 6.2: Return Air Flow / Room-by-Room Controls(b) Low emission(c) Local productionCreditlink Checkboxes=Materials & Resources (MR) (Minimum 2 MR Points Required)Final:Prelim:Project Point Total Certification LeveloPoints cannot be earned in both the Prescriptive (below) and the Performance Approach (pg 2) of the EA section.6Permanent Erosion Controls (meet one of the following)5. Nontoxic Pest Control5e) In 'moderate' to 'very heavy' termite risk areas:BPest Control Alternatives (meet any of the following, 1/2 pt each)/Durability Planning (meet all of the following)ДOn the Summary page, included an automatic calculation for average # of bedrooms and average square footage for multi-family buildings, based on the inputs in the MF HAS calc page.Single detachedSingle attachedLIncluded definitions for project type and building type on the Summary page.*Information used in the checklist, MR 2.2:vOn the Checklist sheet, changed the box under WE 2.3 so it states "Full credit in SS 2.5" not "Full credit in SS 2.3".$Prerequisite ID 2.2 (Builder/trade)Credit ID 2.3 (Green Rater)ACorrected the Accountability Form for LL from "LL 2.2" to "LL 2".ƒOn the Checklist sheet - for ID 2.1, added specific indoor moisture control measures to description in the comments (see cell C38)ѕOn the Checklist sheet - for MR 2.1, added checkbox under (a) for "Request country of manufacture", and changed (b) to "All purchased wood is either not tropical, FSC-certified, or reclaimed" to clarify different approaches for meeting part (b).mOn the Checklist sheet - for EQ 2.1 (c), added checkbox for "no fireplace installed" as alternative approach.7(1 pt) - less than 60% of designed landscape softscapes8(2 pts) - less than 40% of designed landscape softscapes8(3 pts) - less than 20% of designed landscape softscapes?(1 pt) - more than 45% of installed plants are drought-tolerant@(2 pts) - more than 90% of installed plants are drought-tolerantT(1 pt) - more than 70% of built environment (excluding area under roof) is permeableU(2 pts) - more than 80% of built environment (excluding area under roof) is permeableU(3 pts) - more than 90% of built environment (excluding area under roof) is permeableL(4 pts) - 100% of built environment (excluding area under roof) is permeableGb) Design and install an irrigation system with head-to-head coverage. 0d) Install a submeter for the irrigation system.Of) Create separate zones for each type of bedding area based on watering needs.jg) Install a timer or controller that activates the valves for each watering zone at the best time of day.Xh) Install pressure-regulating devices to maintain optimal pressure and prevent misting.ai) Utilize high-efficiency nozzles with an average distribution uniformity (DU) of at least 0.70.Ak) Install a moisture sensor controller or rain delay controller.(initial only appropriate choice(s) belowуSS 4.3 Management of Runoff from Roof, part (d): The site is designed by a licensed or certified landscape design or engineering professional such that all water runoff from the home is managed through on-site design elements.2-b) low emissions, typically low-VOC content; MR 2.2 Environmentally Preferable Products: Qualifying assemblies and components meet the criteria for one or more of the following designations, and all information provided to the Green Rater and all measures listed on the project checklist are accurate:+za) Environmentally Preferable Products, including FSC-certified wood products, recycled content, reclaimed content;€c) Local production, indicating that the product was extracted, processed, and manufactured within 500 miles of the site.TSS 2.1 No Invasive Plants: No invasive plant species introduced into the landscape.—SS 2.2 Basic Landscape Design: All of the following requirements are met for all designed landscape softscapes: a) any turf must be drought-tolerant; b) do not use turf in densely shaded areas; c) do not use turf in areas with a slope of 25%; d) add mulch or soil amendments as appropriate; e) all compacted soil (e.g., from construction vehicles) should be tilled to at least 6 inches.њSS 2.5 Reduce Overall Irrigation Demand: Overall outdoor water use was reduced by at least 20% and demonstrated using the method prescribed in the Rating System. All information in the submitted calculations related to outdoor water use is accurate.(бSS 3 Local Heat Island Effects, part (a): Landscaping is designed with trees or vegetated overhangs that shade at least 50% of sidewalks, patios, and driveways within 50 feet of the home at noon on June 21st.*СSS 4.1 Permeable Lot: Lot is designed such that at least 70% of the built environment, not including area under roof, is permeable or designed to capture water runoff for infiltration on-site. ЉWE 2.1 High Efficiency Irrigation Systems: High-efficiency irrigation system elements are installed (measures not listed below do not require an Accountability Form): +њWE 2.3 Reduce Overall Irrigation Demand: Overall outdoor water use was reduced by at least 45% and demonstrated using the method prescribed in the Rating System. All information in the submitted calculations related to outdoor water use is accurate.)žEA 6.1 Good HVAC Design & Installation, part (a): HVAC equipment is designed and sized properly using ACCA Manual J or equivalent, and installed accordingly.2ЖEA 7.1 Efficient Hot Water Distribution: Hot water distribution system is designed and installed that meets the requirements set forth in the Rating System for one of the following:(ьEA 10 Renewable Energy System: A renewable electricity generation system is designed and installed. Energy modeling was used to estimate both the energy supplied by the renewable energy system and the annual reference electrical load. yb) Whole-house continuous ventilation system designed and installed that complies with ASHRAE Standard 62.2 requirements;{c) Whole-house intermittent ventilation system designed and installed that complies with ASHRAE Standard 62.2 requirements;гd) Whole-house passive ventilation system designed and installed that is approved and verified by licensed HVAC engineer to provide ventilation equivalent to that of a continuous system meeting ASHRAE Std. 62.2;M AE 1.1 Basic Operations Training: The home s occupant(s) has been or will be provided with an operations and maintenance manual / binder that includes all of items listed in the Rating System. A one-hour walkthrough of the home with the occupant(s), featuring the elements listed in the Rating System, has been or will be conducted."ДAE 1.2 Enhanced Training: Two hours of training for the occupant(s), in addition to the training provided for AE 1.1, has been or will be provided. See Rating System for examples.SAE 2.1 Education of Building Manager: The building manager has been or will be provided with an operations and maintenance manual / binder that includes all of items listed in the Rating System. A one-hour walkthrough of the home with the building manager, featuring the elements listed in the Rating System, has been or will be conducted.% Form ResponsibleParty IndividualsHSS 2.4 Drought Tolerant Plants: Drought-tolerant plantings were chosen:!IStep 4. Return a signed copy to the Provider and/or project team leader.­INSTRUCTIONS: This form is to be completed by the person / organization responsible for the design and/or implementation of one or more of the LEED for Homes credits below.1 TStep 2. Initial each measur< e below to indicate that the requirements have been met.kStep 3. Complete the Accountability Sign-off section, including your signature, at the bottom of the form. Accountability Form Creator ToolMChanged the format of the Accountability Form to make it more user-friendly. 3EQ Prerequisite 6.1: Room-by-Room Load Calculations<EQ Credit 6.3: Third-Party Performance Test / Multiple Zones=EQ Credit 8.1: Indoor Contaminant Control during Construction)EQ Credit 8.2: Indoor Contaminant Control'EQ Prerequisite 10.1: No HVAC in Garage/EQ Credit 10.2: Minimize Pollutants from Garage%EQ Credit 10.3: Exhaust Fan in GarageCooling efficiency (SEER/HSPF):#Heating efficiency (AFUE/HSPF/COP):Proximity to bodies of water? 'Depth of ground water below structure: Depth of soil to bedrock: Type of soil: Pests: Ultraviolet radiation: Heat loss: Exterior roofing: 1. Site Stewardship@Erosion Controls During Construction (meet all of the following)$ 5. Community Resources / Transit5. Community Resources/Transit<By affixing my signature below, the undersigned does hereby declare and affirm to the USGBC that the LEED for Homes requirements, as specified in the LEED for Homes Rating System, have been met for the indicated credits and will, if audited, provide the necessary supporting documents (drawings, calculations, etc.).Materials & Resources (MR) Available&SS Credit 2.3: Limit Conventional Turf&SS Credit 2.4: Drought-tolerant Plants?SS Credit 2.5: Reduce Overall Irrigation Demand by at Least 20%-SS Credit 3: Reduce Local Heat Island EffectsSS Credit 4.1: Permeable Lot)SS Credit 4.2: Permanent Erosion Controls-SS Credit 4.3: Management of Runoff from Roof&SS Credit 5: Pest Control Alternatives*WE Credit 1.1: Rainwater Harvesting System%WE Credit 1.2: Graywater Reuse System5WE Credit 1.3: Use of Municipal Recycled Water System0WE Credit 2.1: High-Efficiency Irrigation System%WE Credit 2.2: Third-Party Inspection<By affixing my signature below, the undersigned does hereby declare and affirm to the USGBC that the required inspections and performance testing for the LEED for Homes requirements, as specified in the LEED for Homes Rating System, have been completed, and will provide the project documentation file, if requested.Pipe InsulationExhaust Fan in GarageDrought Tolerant PlantsPreliminary RatingIntegrated Project TeamDesign CharretteDetached Garage or No GarageMinimize Disturbed Area of Site!Home Address (Street/City/State):!(Minimum of 0 EA Points Required)Energy and Atmosphere (EA)Y / Pts.Indoor Contaminant Control during Construction/Radon-Resistant Construction in High-Risk Areas3Radon-Resistant Construction in Moderate-Risk AreasIECC 2004 Climate Zone:Annual rainfall (inches/yr):Natural disaster risks:Interior moisture:Air infiltration:Interstitial condensation:Exterior water: Risk Level # of storiesEPA Radon Zone: Terrain / topography: Predominant landscaping: Common regional pests: Other significant features: Above FEMA 100-year floodplain? uFixed the pull-down menu in MR 3.2 on the 'Exp Checklist' tab. It had previously included the option for '1.1.5' pts. Good FiltersBetter Filters Best FiltersIndoor Contaminant ControlNo HVAC in Garage(No Minimum Points Required)Education of Building ManagerPublic AwarenessDurability Planning!LEED for Neighborhood DevelopmentLL2-6 Permeable LotManagement of Run-off from RoofReduced Envelope Leakage Greatly Reduced Envelope LeakageMinimal Envelope LeakageSS 2. LandscapingSS 1. Site StewardshipLL 4. Infrastructure Initiated by:Date project began:Max: 38Max: 15Max: 22Max: 11Max: 10Max: 16Max: 21Max: 3ŒThis section was created to give project teams additional space to make internal notes on the progress of the project. It does not need to be used and it should not be submitted to USGBC. This section is unlocked, so project teams are welcome to make changes to the format as necessary. Any comments or directions provided below have not been created or endorsed by the US Green Building Council.š Ѕ+LEED for Homes Simplified Project Checklist!High Efficiency Irrigation SystemProjectPoints Innovation #1 Innovation #2 Innovation #3EQ 7.3 EQ 1, 10.4 SS 6.2, 6.3SS 6.3 LL 5.2, 5.3LL 5.3LL 3.2-EA Prerequisite 11.1: Refrigerant Charge TestMaxPrereq"Final Credit Category Total PointsY/PtsProject Points PreliminaryFinalOn the Simplified Checklist sheet, reorganized the columns for preliminary rating and final rating so it mirrors the layout in the Checklist.On the Simplified Checklist sheet, reorganized the top of the checklist to mirror the layout in the Checklist sheet, so preliminary and final points are both displayed, and errors are identified if the project falls short on minimum credit category point totals.eOn the Checklist sheet, added a checkbox under MR 2.2 for Adhesives and Sealants under Low Emissions.On the Checklist sheet, under SS 4.1 added "other impermeable surfaces". This cell is now calculated so the total of "vegetative landscape", "permeable paving", impermeable surfaces directed to on-site infiltration features", and "other impermeable surfaces" adds up to 100%. Project name5On the Summary sheet, added input for "Project name".%High-Efficiency Fixtures and Fittings#Final Credit Category Point Totals DIndoor Environmental Quality (EQ) (Minimum 6 EQ Points Required)&YN/A Prerequisite?NM b) percentage of waste divertedModerate Density High DensityVery High DensityThird-party Inspection0Reduce Overall Irrigation Demand by at Least 45% Builder Name:No*OR@EOutstanding Community Resources / Transit (meet one of the following)*NeutralWE 2.3Durability Management.Third-Party Durability Management VerificationExisting InfrastructureLimit Conventional Turf Reduce Local Heat Island EffectsPermanent Erosion ControlsPest Control AlternativesWE 1.3Third Party InspectionSS 2.5Improved LightingOff-site Fabrication!Basic Combustion Venting Measures$Enhanced Combustion Venting MeasuresMoisture Load ControlMinimize Pollutants from GarageGraywater Reuse System*Very High Efficiency Fixtures and FittingsExceptional Energy PerformanceBasic InsulationEnhanced InsulationENERGY STAR LightsRefrigerant Charge TestAppropriate HVAC Refrigerants%Building Orientation for Solar Design&Use of Municipal Recycled Water SystemAdvanced Lighting PackageHigh-Efficiency AppliancesRenewable Energy System8Water Efficiency (WE) (Minimum 3 WE Points Required)Both indoor and outdoor Indoor only, Percentage of roof area used for harvesting ApplicationType of Rainwater Harvest Outdoor only: Percentage reduction in estimated irrigation water demandAVery High-Efficiency Fixtures and Fittings (meet any, 2 pts each)*;Energy & Atmosphere (EA) (Minimum 0 EA Points Required) Type of DHW system% Solar: Percentage of annual DHW loadHImproved Lighting (meet one of the following, see Rating System for pts)@High-Efficiency Appliances (meet any, see Rating System for pts)5Advanced Lighting Package (meet one of the following)Water-Efficiency Clothes WasherPrereq. Company Date Signature Project Team Leader  (90%) (45%)EInnovation & Design Process (ID) (Minimum 0 ID Points Required)'!Adjusted Certification ThresholdsID:SS:LL:WE:EA:MR:EQ:AE:Project DescriptionBuilding Type: Project type: Project Description:Framing Order Waste Factor IECC climate zone HERS Index&2. Environmentally Preferable ProductsMax Pts.Target performance tier: ManagementProject Team Information2MR Credit 2.2: Environmentally Preferable ProductsAssembly: Component SpecificationAssembly: Component:0Mulch or soil amendments used around plant beds.< Project name: Home address:General Information%Estimated conditioned square footage:Date: Signature:Title:Name:1Builder Declaration for ID prerequisite 2.1 & 2.2CMinimize Disturbed Area of Site (meet the appropriate requirements) 9 Percentage of installed plants that are drought-tolerant,EQ Credit 10.4: Detached Garage or No Garage.AE Prerequisite 1.1: Basic Operations TrainingAE Credit 1.3: Public Awareness*AE Credit 2: Education of Building Manager=ID Credit 2.3: Third-party Durability Management Verification-EA Credit 11.2: Appropriate HVAC RefrigerantsSIP floors installed. Instructions<LEED for Homes Simplified Project Checklist (continued) HGreatly Reduced Distribution Losses (meet the following, as appropriate)$GMinimal Distribution Losses (meet one of the following, as appropriate). listed by testing lab and meets EPA standards- listed, power- or direct-vented, fixed doors+ EPA certified or meets safety requirements power- or direct-venting granted automatically back-draft potential test electronic pilot(90%) type:(45%) type: a) pounds waste / square foot2Enhanced Local Exhaust (meet one of the following),6. Distribution of Space Heating and CoolingA. Forced-Air SystemsB. Nonducted HVAC SystemsAIndoor Contaminant Control (meet any of the following, 1 pt each)&a) In conditioned spaces above garage:'b) In conditioned spaces next to garage'1. Education of the Homeowner or Tenant.Public Awareness (meet three of the following)$2. Education of the Building Manager Air leakage rate in ACH50*5. Heating and Cooling Distribution SystemGReduced Distribution Losses (meet all of the following, as appropriate)'Extensive Community Resources / Transit)Outstanding Community Resources / Transit#Basic Community Resources / Transit?Basic Community Resources / Transit (meet one of the following)#CExtensive Community Resources / Transit (meet one of the following)( 0-Bedroom 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom 3-Bedroom 4-Bedroom 5-BedroomTotal # of unitsUnitsUnit AdjustmentAvg. ft2!EA 2. InsulationEA 3. Air Infiltration EA 4. WindowsEA 8. LightingEA 9. Appliances Green Rater Green Rater's Name gLEED for Homes Project Checklist Addendum: Prescriptive Approach for Energy and Atmosphere (EA) Credits!J5Reference electric load, kWh/yr (based on HERS model)0Electricity supplied by renewable system, kWh/yrDPercentage of annual reference electric load met by renewable system LEED for Homes Project ChecklistFAddendum: Prescriptive Approach for Energy and Atmosphere (EA) Credits9LEED for Homes Multi-family Home Size Adjuster CalculatorDetailed Framing DocumentsMR 1.5&Construction Waste Management PlanningConstruction Waste ReductionBasic Outdoor Air Ventilation Enhanced Outdoor Air VentilationThird-Party Performance TestingBasic Local ExhaustEnhanced Local ExhaustWE 3. Indoor Water UseWE 2. Irrigation SystemWE 1. Water Reuse Green Rater:SS 5. Nontoxic Pest ControlSS 6. Compact Development!EA 1. Optimize Energy Performance)EA 11. Residential Refrigerant ManagementEA 10. Renewable Energy MR 1. Material-Efficient Framing)MR 2. Environmentally Preferable ProductsMR 3. Waste ManagementEQ 1. ENERGY STAR w/ IAPEQ 2. Combustion VentingEQ 4. Outdoor Air Ventilation/EQ 6. Distribution of Space Heating and CoolingEQ 8. Contaminant Control"EQ 10. Garage Pollutant Protection&AE 1. Education of Home Owner / Tenant'AE 2. Education of the Building Manager&EA 5. Heating and Cooling Distribution)EA 6. Space Heating and Cooling Equipment-EA Credit 9.2: Water-Efficient Clothes Washer%EA Credit 10: Renewable Energy SystemvUnlocked the Durability Strategies sheet to enable the measures to be copied into the durability inspection checklist.™On the Dur Risk Eval Form sheet, fixed the headings so if the project is a multi-family building, cell G11 shows "# of Units" instead of "# of Bedrooms".|On Accountability Form tab, fixed the form so the contact information for the team leader (cell J80) would show up properly.gChanged the name Checklist to Simplified Checklist and change the name Expanded Checklist to Checklist.OCreated a Field Checklist tab with a flexible checklist for field verification.ќOn Accountability Form tab, removed the option to hide credits that were not being pursued by the project team. Column A now shows whether the project team is planning to pursue a credit or not, but all credits are visible at the top part of the sheet.”Linked the Simple Checklist tab with the Checklist tab so that when the Checklist is filled out, the Simple Checklist is automatically filled also. ЦOn Simple Checklist tab, rearranged the columns so they are shown as "Yes / Pts", "Maybe", "No". Previously, "No" was in between "Yes / Pts" and "Maybe". Also, colored "Maybe" and "No" columns gray.ЭOn Summary tab, changed the statement at the bottom. Since Providers will not be certifying projects, this statement now reads that the Provider is recommending that the project is ready for certification.чOn Checklist tab, changed the warning about minimum credit category point thresholds. No message shows up if the minimum point thresholds are met for the final rating, even if the preliminary rating values are below the thresholds.qOn Checklist tab, updated the "Project Notes" section in columns X through AE so more information could be input.жRemoved the signature information from the bottom of the Simplified Checklist. This document can no longer be submitted for certification. The full Checklist (formerly the Expanded Checklist) must be submitted now. EA pathway? Performance EA pathwayLocation & Linkages (LL)"Innovation and Design Process (ID)Home Address: Builder: Project InformationLEED for HomesAccountability Form Return to: Sustainable Sites (SS)Water Efficiency (WE)Energy & Atmosphere (EA)!Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ)Awareness & Education (AE)ClimateHeating degree days (HDD):Cooling degree days (CDD):Issues Issue TypePests#Durability Strategies by Issue TypeInterstitial Condensation Heat LossUltraviolet Radiation(a) EPP$Erosion Controls During Construction4. Surface WaterjThe LEED logo images were changed to a different format type, to prevent them from expanding when printed.Room-by-Room Load Calculations-Third-Party Performance Test / Multiple ZonesPreoccupancy Flush EquipmentDistribution System5. Heating and Cooling Homeowner or Tenant1. Education of theVery High Efficiency HVAC!Efficient Hot Water Distribution BuilderSigned LEED for Homes ChecklistSigned Accountability Forms&Signed Durability Inspection ChecklistInputs for pull-down menus: Multi-familyCustom Type of HomeOtherHERS Index (if any)HERS Index Calculation Climate zone HERS Index LEED Points calculationroundedfinal remainderCertification LevelsAdjustedHome Size AdjustmentHSA Home sizefor Single-family homes CertifiedSilverGoldPlatinumSub-Total for WE Category:Sub-Total for SS Category:Sub-Total for LL Category:Sub-Total for ID Category:Sub-Total for EA Category:Sub-Total for MR Category:Sub-Total for EQ Category:Sub-Total for AE Category:9Appropriate HVAC Refrigerants (meet one of the following)KFraming Efficiencies (meet any of the following, see Rating System for pts)0Off-site Fabrication (meet one of the following)type:SCS FloorScoreExterior wall: framing Exterior wall: siding or masonryFloor: flooringAssembly : component90% hard flooringGreen Label PlusFloor: framing Floor: carpetFoundation: aggregateFoundation: cementInterior wall: framing'Interior wall, ceiling, millwork: paint$Interior wall, ceiling: gypsum boardLandscape: decking or patio Other : trimOther : window frameOther: cabinetOther: counter Other: doorOther : adhesiv< e, sealant Roof: framing Roof: roofingRoof, floor, wall: insulation%Roof, floor, wall (2 of 3): sheathingCConstruction Waste Management Planning (meet both of the following)'?Construction Waste Reduction (use one of the following methods)&1. ENERGY STAR with Indoor Air PackageSite SelectionRainwater Harvesting SystemAir InfiltrationDate Signature Provider's Name Company Location and Linkages (LL)Sustainable Sites (SS)Water Efficiency (WE)Materials and Resources (MR)$Innovation and Design Process (ID)Type of Fireplace or stoveNoneLHigh-Efficiency Fixtures and Fittings (meet any of the following, 1 pt each)%&11. Residential Refrigerant Management(All declarations and affirmations made in this Accountability Form are made to USGBC solely for the purpose of assisting USGBC in determining whether LEED Certification is merited.  No such declaration or affirmation can be construed as a warranty or guarantee of the performance of the building.Project Team Leader:1. Material-Efficient Framing6EQ Prerequisite 2.1: Basic Combustion Venting Measures Team LeaderCompanyAddressCity Metro. AreaStateProject address(es)Company:Additional comments: Return to the Summary tabаChanged the format of the cells for Project Team Leader, Green Rater, Provider Certifier, and the associated company names in the 'Exp Checklist' and 'Checklist' tabs so the cells shrink to fit longer names. verified (initial).Number of community resources within 1/4 mile:.Number of community resources within 1/2 mile: EPP Types: FSC-certifiedfinger joist studscorkbamboosealed concreterecycled-contentSCS Floor Score certifiedlow-VOClocally producedreclaimed contentlinoleum30% fly ash or slag0MR Prerequisite 2.1: FSC Certified Tropical WoodЁFor ground-source heat pump systems: any piping designed to carry water that is well above or below the temperature setting in the home must have R-4 insulation. # of trees:# of 5-gallon shrubs:Water-Efficient Clothes Washer Framing Order Waste Factor Limit"Detailed Cut List and Lumber OrderFraming Efficiencies#ENERGY STAR with Indoor Air Package'Return Air Flow / Room by Room ControlsBasic Operations TrainingMaybe for Homes$Performance of ENERGY STAR for HomesProject Team Leader 1. Integrated Project Planning2. Durability Management 3.Innovative or Regional 1. LEED ND2. Site Selection3. Preferred Locations4. Infrastructure6. Access to Open Space1. Site Stewardship 2. Landscaping3. Local Heat Island Effects4. Surface Water Management6. Compact Development1. Water Reuse2. Irrigation System3. Indoor Water Use1. Optimize Energy Performance7. Water Heating2. Environmentally Preferable3. Waste Management/LEED for Homes Project Checklist, Project NotesCreditsResponsible Party Last UpdatedAdditional NotesEQ 9. Radon ProtectionEQ 7. Air FilteringEQ 5. Local ExhaustEQ 3. Moisture ControlEA 7. Water HeatingNatural Disasters.EQ Credit 5.3: Third-Party Performance Testing0Reduce Overall Irrigation Demand by at Least 20%9Percentage reduction in estimated irrigation water demand#3. Reduce Local Heat Island Effects?Where the site is previously developed, meet all the following:CWhere the site is not previously developed, meet all the following:vegetative landscapepermeable paving6impermeable surfaces directed to infiltration featuresфSome parts of the checklist include unnecessary rounding, particularly in the energy calculation in EA 1 and the multi-family home size adjustment calculation. These values now show the extra digit so any rounding is not hidden.LL 2. Site SelectionIECC climate zoneEPA radon zone Efficient Hot Water DistributionFSC Certified Tropical WoodCLEED for Homes Durability Evaluation Form (for prerequisite ID 2.1))*QNumber of stories: Building type: Garage: HomeStructure type: Basic Landscape Design(Good Windows (meet all of the following) 0Enhanced Insulation (meet both of the following)-Basic Insulation (meet both of the following)4Included a new page of sample durability strategies.NUpdated footnotes on various pages so there are no references to Version 1.11.ICorrected the Accountability Form page so SS 4.3 appears, as appropriate.date last updated :last updated by :iIncluded space on the Expanded Checklist for information about "date last updated" and "last updated by".No Invasive PlantsSilver: Certified: Gold: Platinum: Bedrooms for HomesAwareness and Education (AE)!(Minimum of 0 AE Points Required)!(Minimum of 5 SS Points Required)!(Minimum of 2 MR Points Required)!(Minimum of 3 WE Points Required)Access to Open SpaceBy affixing my signature below, the undersigned does hereby declare and affirm to the USGBC that the LEED for Homes requirements, as specified in the LEED for Homes Rating System, have been met for the indicated credits and will, if audited, provide the necessary supporting documents.* cubic yards waste / 1,000 square feet (must also meet Better Practice) LEED Building Single-familyType of Water HeaterGas, storage, 80 gal.Gas, storage, 60 gal.Gas, storage, 40 gal. Gas, tanklessGas, combination water/spaceElectric, storage, 80 gal.Electric, storage, 60 gal.Electric, storage, 40 gal.Electric, tanklessHeat pump water heaterSolar w / preheat tank EfficiencyLPoints cannot be earned in both the Prescriptive (below) and the Performancepaths of the EA section.=Awareness & Education (AE) (Minimum 0 AE Points Required)Enhanced Training&6. Space Heating and Cooling Equipment' Heating Efficiency (AFUE / HSPF / COP)Cooling efficiency (SEER / EER)Masonry wood-burning fireplace$Factory-built wood-burning fireplaceWoodstove and fireplace insert&Natural gas, propane, or alcohol stove3. Moisture ControlBetter practice (1 pt)Best practice (2 pts) masonry heater Fixed the calculation in the multi-family home size calculator on the "MFHSA calc' tab. The previous calculator worked properly in calculating the Unit Adjustments, but it miscalculated the Overall Average Adjustments for any buildings with smaller-than-average units. 'Fixed the assessment of certified vs. not certified in the 'Checklist' tab. The previous calculation was based on inputs in the 'Exp Checklist' tab, so if a project team only filled out the 'Checklist' tab, the project was not shown as earn certification even if it met the necessary thresholds.I have evaluated this project's documentation package and conducted the necessary QA/QC procedures with the Green Rater, and I hereby declare and affirm to USGBC that this project is ready to earn LEED for Homes certification, as per the attached checklist.= Percentage of designed landscape softscape area that is turf EA Credit 8.2: Improved Lighting'EA Prerequisite 8.1: ENERGY STAR Lights(EA Credit 8.3: Advanced Lighting Package)EA Credit 9.1: High-Efficiency AppliancesLegendUser input cellCalculated cell5Step 1: Calculate outdoor water use for baseline caseCStep 2a: Select appropriate inputs for each zone in the design caseZoneDescription of microclimateType of irrigation installedIE.Type of irrigation control and % water savingsCFIStep 2b: Calculate the outdoor water use for each zone in the design case6Enter the area for each landscape zone in square feet.Area of zone (sq ft)Water demand (% of total)BStep 2c: Calculate the total outdoor water use for the design case:Step 3: Calculate the percentage reduction in water demandzThis step is completed automatically to calculate the reduction in water demand between the design case and baseline case.Reduction in water demand:Step 4: Calculate LEED pointskThis step is completed automatically to calculate the number of points awarded in SS 2.5, WE 2.3, and ID 3. SS 2.5 points WE 2.3 points'ID 3 points (for ex< emplary performance)Landscape Professional Sign-offŒI hereby declare and affirm to USGBC that the above calculation describes the landscape and irrigation system that is installed at the site. CredentialcThe cells below are used for calculations in this spreadsheet. Users may not change their formulas. Irrigation?TypePro? Measures? Hi/Low/Med Fixed SprayImpact/MicrosprayRotorsMultistream rotatorsLow vol/ Pt/ DripIE valueKSdKMCdSamplingStreet address / Lot numbersquare footage (HSA)# of bedrooms (HSA)Part of initial test set? Home Address:[Durability Inspection Checklist Template (for prerequisite ID 2.1 & 2.2 and credit ID 2.3) (M)SInterior Water / MoistureExterior Water / Moisture.Sign-off by Responsible Party (initial below)‹Re-designed the Durability Inspection Checklist Template, with new instructions and increased space for initialing by the builder or trade.density (units/acre)lot size (acres)ПOn the Checklist sheet, added an input for # of units and # of acres for SS 6. These inputs automatically calculate the density and input the appropriate number of points in the final column.# of total units on the lot (calculate)Military|On the Summary sheet, added "Other" to the list of Project types; added "Military" and "Other" to the list of Builder types.ŠOn the Checklist sheet, replaced all default inputs (e.g. % of landscape that is turf; % of plants that are drought-tolerant) with blanks.АAdded the Calculator for Percent Reduction in Outdoor Water Demand, for calculating points in SS 2.5 / WE 2.3. Added a hyperlink in the Checklist sheet under SS 2.5 and WE 2.3.žOn the Checklist sheet, under MR 2.2 - removed the box for low-emissions floor framing; this component is not eligible for credit as a low-emissions material.…On the Checklist sheet, under SS 2.2 part (e) - corrected this so it says "soil must be tilled..." rather than "soil must be filled& "tOn the Simple Checklist sheet, corrected SS 4.3 and EQ 4.2 so they indicate that an Accountability Form is required.zOn the Checklist sheet, included an "OR" between WE 2.2 and WE 2.3 to indicate that a project cannot earn credit for both.uOn the Checklist sheet, corrected EA 6.3 so a maximum of 4 points can be earned (for very high efficiency heat pump).kOn the Checklist sheet, under SS 4.3 - changed the drop-down menu to include 0.5 and 1.5 points as options.ГOn the Checklist sheet, under EA 1 - changed the preliminary rating column so it is automatically calculated based on the HERS Index and climate zone provided in the Summary page. 6-Bedroom9On the MF HSA Calc sheet, added an option for 6 bedrooms.3Estimated length of circulation loop (linear feet):4Central manifold trunk is insulated to at least R-4.MBranch lines from the manifold are no more than 1/2-inch in nominal diameter.;Branch lines are no more than 1/2-inch in nominal diameter.6EA Credit 7.1: Efficient Hot Water Distribution SystemEA Credit 7.2: Pipe Insulation5EA Credit 7.3: Efficient Domestic Hot Water Equipment9Hot water type (gas/electric; size, tank/tankless, etc.):Efficiency (EF or CAE):Reduced Distribution Losses#Greatly Reduced Distribution LossesMinimal Distribution Losses!Good HVAC Design and InstallationHigh-Efficiency HVACEnhanced WindowsExceptional Windows Good Windows&Efficient Domestic Hot Water Equipment Provider:Project contact:4ID Credit 1.5: Building Orientation for Solar DesignLL Credit 2: Site SelectionLL Credit 3.1: Edge DevelopmentLL Credit 3.2: Infill#LL Credit 3.3: Previously Developed$LL Credit 4: Existing Infrastructure!LL Credit 6: Access to Open Space9SS Prerequisite 1.1: Erosion Controls During Construction.SS Credit 1.2: Minimize Disturbed Area of Site'SS Prerequisite 2.1: No Invasive Plants'SS Credit 2.2: Basic Landscaping Design Innovation #4Site!ID 1. Integrated Project Planning!ID 2. Quality Mgmt for Durability'LL 1. LEED for Neighborhood DevelopmentLL 3. Preferred LocationsLL 5. Community ResourcesLL 6. Access to Open Space&SS 3. Reduce Local Heat Island EffectsSS 4. Surface Water ManagementCompany Date Signature Printed Name Project Role / Title #Environmentally Preferable Products„On the Checklist sheet, added note to ID 1.3 to indicate that this credit is not available until a credentialed position is created. Window SHGC:/MR Prerequisite 1.1: Framing Order Waste Factor)MR Credit 1.2: Detailed Framing Documents1MR Credit 1.3: Detailed Cut List and Lumber Order#MR Credit 1.4: Framing EfficienciesSIP walls installed.!Open-web floor trusses installed.!Precut framing package installed.SIP roof installed.(Stud spacing greater than 16" on center.1Ceiling joists spaced greater than 16" on center./Floor joists spaced greater than 16" on center.-Roof rafter spaced grater than 16" on center.Headers sized for actual loads.&Ladder blocking or drywall clips used.Two-stud corners used.#MR Credit 1.5: Off-site Fabrication#Innovation & Design Process (ID) Sustainable Sites (SS) Location & Linkages (LL) Water Efficiency (WE) Materials & Resources (MR) Awareness & Education (AE) DateDescription of Changes˜This page includes a description of any changes that have been made to the LEED for Homes 2008 Checklist since its creation and release in January 2008. Green Rater3Integrated Project Team (meet all of the following)1. ENERGY STAR with IAP2. Combustion Venting3. Moisture Control 4. Outdoor Air Ventilation5. Local Exhaust6. Distribution of Space7. Air Filtering8. Contaminant Control9. Radon Protection10. Garage Pollutant Protection 2. Insulation3. Air Infiltration 4. Windows6. Space Heating and Cooling 8. Lighting 9. Appliances10. Renewable Energy11. Residential Refrigerant Process Design Products Heating and Cooling$2. Education of Building Manager Management"Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ)!(Minimum of 6 EQ Points Required)EQ 19Professional Credentialed with Respect to LEED for Homes EA 3.2EA 4.2EA 5.2EA 6.2EA 8.2#Project Team Leader (if different):8Professional Credentialed with Respect to LEED for HomesABuilding Orientation for Solar Design (meet all of the following)&$2. Quality Management for Durability1Durability Management (meet one of the following) 3. Innovative or Regional Design$1. LEED for Neighborhood DevelopmentEdge DevelopmentInfillAND/ORPreviously DevelopedNotesOther:;Location & Linkages (LL) (Minimum 0 LL Points Required)9Sustainable Sites (SS) (Minimum 5 SS Points Required)Areas of Accountabilityinitial Prescriptive;Fixed the misspelling of 'prescriptive' on the Summary tab.3EQ Credit 2.2: Enhanced Combustion Venting MeasuresEQ Credit 3: Moisture Control/EQ Credit 4.2: Enhanced Outdoor Air Ventilation,EQ Prerequisite 4.1: Outdoor Air Ventilation.EQ Credit 4.3: Third-Party Performance Testing%Type of ventilation system installed:(EQ Prerequisite 5.1: Basic Local Exhaust%EQ Credit 5.2: Enhanced Local ExhaustDurability Evaluation FormProvider QAD Reviewed by Provider QAD{On Summary sheet, changed "Documentation Package" req's to clarify that the Durability Eval Form does not need a signature.qOn the Summary sheet, added "Project Summary page" to the list of documentation items, as this must be submitted.ZOn Checklist sheet, changed sign-off category from "Provider Certifier" to "Provider QAD".fAccountability Sign-off (to be completed by party responsible for the prerequisites and credits above)MShow only Accountability Form measures for the following individual (Step 4):FList of Any Individuals Responsible for Accountability Forms (Step 2):ƒOn Accountability Form sheet, changed protection from the entire sheet to individual cells - to enable Mac user< s to hide/show rows.tOn Accountability Form sheet, set print area to repeat home address, etc. at the top of each page on multi-page AFs.fStep 1. Review the requirements in the LEED for Homes Rating System for each prereq. or credit below.† LL 2. Site Selection: None of the buildings, built structures, roads, or parking areas are located on portions of sites that meet any of the following criteria: a) land whose elevation is at or below 100-year floodplain defined by FEMA; b) land identified as habitat for any species on the threatened or endangered lists; c) land within 100 feet of any water, including wetlands; d) land that was public parkland prior to the project, unless land of equal or greater value as parkland is accepted in trade by the public landowner; e) land that contains  prime soils ,  unique soils , or  soils of state significance .; MR 2.1 FSC Certified Tropical Wood: Both of the following requirements were met: a) All wood product suppliers were provided a notice containing the following elements: i.) a statement that the builder s preference is to purchase products containing tropical wood only if it is FSC-certified; ii.) request for the country of manufacture of each product supplied; and iii.) request for a list of FSC-certified tropical wood products the vendor can supply. b) Any tropical wood used on the project is FSC-certified, reused or reclaimed.$Verification Team Information Provider QADaOn Summary sheet, removed reference to "Certifier" and replaced with "Verification Team" or "QAD"Subdivision / Dev.6On Summary sheet, added space for a second Green Rater6On Summary sheet, added space for the development name!SIGNATURES BY RESPONSIBLE PARTIESUSGBC LEGAL DISCLAIMERROn Checklist sheet, added legal disclaimer and signature for secondary Green Rater?On Checklist sheet, under MR 2.2, added "type" to all measures.aOn Checklist sheet, under EA 6.1, highlighted that both cooling and heating systems are required.ƒOn Summary sheet, changed language at top to clarify that the documentation package must be submitted by a LEED for Homes Provider.(Avg annual solar radiation (kWh/m2/day):!m"WZOn Dur Risk Eval Form sheet, corrected the hyperlink for "average annual solar radiation" JOn Summary sheet, updated the USGBC mailing address to their new location.MOn Summary sheet, updated the e-mail address where submittals should be sent.\On Checklist sheet, fixed comment boxes so the entire Rating System language could be read. Project AddressTotal Landscaped Area (sq ft)#Baseline Outdoor Water Use (gal/mo)eChoose appropriate values for species factor (Ks), microclimate factor (Kmc), irrigation efficiency (IE), and control factor (CF): Divide landscaped area into landscape zones. For each zone, enter the descriptions, and use them to choose a value for each factor. Please refer to the guidance document for more information about how to choose these values.Water demand (gal/mo)$Total outdoor water demand (gal/mo): Printed NameHLEED for Homes Calculator for Percent Reduction in Outdoor Water Demand`Updated Water Use Calc with more information about finding the baseline evapotranspiration rate.Show all&Show all AFs required for this projectФUpdated Accountability Form with sorting capability to show only measures appropriate to the specific project. Also, changed filter so it's based on the final rating only (not preliminary rating).LL 2aLL 2bLL 2cLL 2dLL 2eID 1.2 aID 1.2 bID 1.2 cID 1.5 aID 1.5 bID 1.5 cID 1.5 dID 2.1 aID 2.1 bID 2.1 dID 2.1 eID 2.2 aID 2.2 bSS 5.1aSS 5.1bSS 5.1cSS 5.2aSS 5.2bSS 5.2cSS 5.3aSS 5.3bSS 5.3cSS 1.1aSS 1.1bSS 1.1cSS 1.2aSS 1.2b SS 1.2c-1 SS 1.2c-2 SS 1.2c-3SS 1.2dSS 1.1dSS 1.1eSS 2.2aSS 2.2bSS 2.2cSS 2.2dSS 2.2eSS 3aSS 3bSS 4.2aSS 4.2bSS 4.3aSS 4.3bSS 4.3cSS 4.3dSS 5aSS 5bSS 5cSS 5dSS 5e-1SS 5e-2SS 5e-3SS 5e-4SS 5e-5SS 5e-6WE 2.1aWE 2.1bWE 2.1cWE 2.1dWE 2.1eWE 2.1fWE 2.1gWE 2.1hWE 2.1iWE 2.1jWE 2.1kWE 3.1aWE 3.1b WE 3.1c-2 WE 3.1c-1 WE 3.1c-3 WE 3.2a-1 WE 3.2a-2WE 3.2bWE 3.2cEA 7.1aEA 7.1bEA 7.1cEA 11.2aEA 11.2bEA 11.2cMR 1.3aMR 1.3bMR 1.4aMR 1.4bMR 1.4cMR 1.4dMR 1.4eMR 1.4fMR 1.4gMR 1.4hMR 1.4iMR 1.4jMR 1.5aMR 1.5bMR 2.2PtsID 1.2checkboxptsID 1.5ID 2.1ID 2.2LL 2LL 5.1LL 5.2SS 1.1SS 1.2SS 2.2SS 3SS 4.2SS 4.3SS 5WE 2.1WE 3.1WE 3.2EA 7.1EA 11.2MR 1.3MR 1.4MR 2.1Review of checkboxesError?Review of prerequisitesIDLLSSWEEQMREAAEMinimum pt thresholds met?n/a&ID Credit 1.2: Integrated Project TeamFConfirm list of project team members, capabilities, and meeting dates.XPrincipal member of the project team is a LEED AP Homes prior to the preliminary rating.ID Credit 1.4: Design Charrette=Verify charrette date, location, participants, and duration. &Participate in the Preliminary Rating.!ID Prereq 1.1: Preliminary Rating"ID Prereq 2.1: Durability PlanningjClotheswashers in or over living spaces have drains and drain pans installed or single-throw supply valve.$ID Prereq 2.2: Durability Management to be inputЅVerify that each strategy in the durability inspection checklist is installed in the home and initial the durability inspection checklist for each verified strategy./LL Credit 1: LEED for Neighborhood Developments^Verify site plan, floodplain maps, soil data maps, or other supporting verification materials.\Conduct on-site verification that at least 25% of the lot borders previously developed land.\Conduct on-site verification that at least 75% of the lot borders previously developed land.RVerify historical documents, maps, or comparable evidence of previous development.ZVerify maps or other evidence of water and sewer infrastructure within Н mile of the home.zHome is part of a LEED for Neighborhood Development community that has successfully passed Stage 2 of the LEED-ND process.*LL Credit 5: Community Resources / Transit4Conduct on-site verification of community resources.Types of transit:2Number of transit rides / weekday within 1/2 mile:Types of comm. resources:XConduct on-site verification of open space of at least О acre within Н mile of the home.Verif ChecklistFilter 1 options&LEED for Homes Verification Checklist$Filter based on verification steps? Filter based on credits earned?$Show if listed in preliminary ratingShow if listed in final ratingprelim / final ratingVerification step(Show mid-construction verification stepsShow final verification stepsAwarded in Final Rating?MR 3.1a< MR 3.1bEQ 2.1aEQ 2.1b EQ 2.1c-1 EQ 2.1c-2 EQ 2.1d-1 EQ 2.1d-2 EQ 2.1d-3 EQ 2.1d-4 EQ 2.2a-5 EQ 2.2a-4 EQ 2.2a-1 EQ 2.2a-2 EQ 2.2a-3 EQ 2.2b-1 EQ 2.2b-2 EQ 2.2b-3 EQ 2.2b-4 EQ 2.2b-5 EQ 2.2b-6EQ 3aEQ 3bEQ 4.1aEQ 4.1dEQ 4.1bEQ 4.1cEQ 4.2aEQ 4.2bEQ 5.1aEQ 5.1bEQ 5.1cEQ 5.1dEQ 5.2aEQ 5.2bEQ 5.2cEQ 5.2dEQ 6.2B EQ 6.2A-a EQ 6.2A-bEQ 6.3AEQ 6.3BEQ 8.2aEQ 8.2bEQ 8.2c EQ 10.2a-1 EQ 10.2b-1 EQ 10.2b-2 EQ 10.2b-3EQ 10.3aEQ 10.3bAE 1.1aAE 1.1bAE 1.3aAE 1.3bAE 1.3cAE 1.3dAE 2aAE 2bEA 2.1aEA 2.1bEA 2.2aEA 2.2bEA 4.1a EA 4.1b-1 EA 4.1b-2 EA 5.1A-a EA 5.1A-c EA 5.1A-bEA 5.1BEA 5.2AEA 5.2B EA 5.3A-a EA 5.3A-c EA 5.3A-bEA 5.3BEA 6.1aEA 6.1b EA 6.1c-1 EA 6.1c-2Type of heating systemType of cooling systemEA 8.2aEA 8.2bEA 8.3aEA 8.3bEA 9.1aEA 9.1bEA 9.1cEA 9.1dMR 3.1EQ 2.1EQ 2.2 Pellet stoveEQ 3EQ 4.1EQ 4.2EQ 5.1EQ 5.2EQ 6.2EQ 6.3EQ 8.2EQ 10.2EQ 10.3AE 1.1AE 1.3EA 2.1EA 2.2EA 4.1EA 5.1EA 5.3EA 6.1EA 8.3EA 9.1Credit CategoryLL 1 WE 3.1-3.2 MR 1.2-1.5 WE 2.1-2.3 WE 1.1-1.3 SS 6.1-6.3 SS 2.2-2.5 LL 5.1-5.3EQ 1-10 EQ 7.2-7.3 EQ 10.2-10.4"All prerequisites marked with "Y"?Prereq / Credit Review of double-counting errorsDocumentation ReviewBuildable lot area:ТUse a list of installed plants provided by the project team and a list of invasive plants created by a third-party to verify that none of the installed plants are on the list of invasive plants.?Verify site plans or calculations of percentage turf installed.6Percentage of designed landscape softscapes with turf::Conduct on-site verification of limited conventional turf.GVerify site plans or calculations of drought-tolerant plants installed./Percentage of plants that are drought-tolerant:ECollect and submit outdoor water use calculation to USGBC for review.ОIf credit is taken for the use of drought-tolerant plants, verify with a list of installed plants provided by the project team and a list of drought-tolerant plants created by a third-party.]For part (a), conduct on-site verification of trees and plantings installed to provide shade.[For part (b), conduct on-site verification of high-albedo sidewalks, patios, and driveways.2Verify calculations of percent permeable elements.3Conduct on-site verification of permeable elements.Permeable elements:XFor part (a), conduct on-site verification of installed terraces and/or retaining walls.\For part (b), conduct on-site verification of installed trees, shrubs, and groundcover area.3Estimated percentage of roof covered by vegetation:Infiltration features:SFor part (d), conduct on-site verification of design elements for managing run-off.MFor part (a), conduct on-site verification of designed infiltration features.FFor parts (b) and (c), conduct on-site verification of vegetated roof.bFor part (a), verify that all siding, trim, and exterior framing is at least 12 inches above soil.gFor part (c), verify no wood-to-concrete connections, except as separated by metal or plastic dividers.NFor part (d), verify that all plants are installed at least 24 from the home. SS Credit 6: Compact DevelopmentNumber of units:RVerify calculations related to rainwater harvest area and storage system capacity.Cistern size (gallons):/Percentage of roof area with rainwater capture:Rainwater use applications:^Verify that the rainwater harvesting system and associated storage cistern has been installed.:Verify that the graywater reuse system has been installed.Graywater sources:Graywater applications:WVerify that the irrigation system is plumbed only to a municipal recycled water system.'Irrigation spray does not hit the home.?WE Credit 2.3: Reduce Overall Irrigation Demand by at Least 45% HERS Index:Significant energy features:!EA 1: Optimize Energy PerformanceXVerify that installed insulation meets or exceeds the R-value requirements in IECC 2004.EA 2: InsulationEnvelope leakage (ACH50):EA 3: Air Infiltration EA 4: Windows8Verify that installed skylights are ENERGY STAR labeled.QVerify that installed skylight area does not exceed 3% of conditioned floor area."Skylight area installed (sq. ft.):Window U-FactorTotal window area:5Verify calculation of the window-to-floor area ratio.QVerify that installed windows meet the U-value / SHGC spec's in the prerequisite.UVerify that ductwork installed in unconditioned spaces has R-6 or greater insulation.&EA 5: Heating and Cooling Distribution:Verify that installed distribution system is fully ducted.Forced-Air SystemsRadiative SystemsEquipment / distribution type:LVerify R-3 insulation around all distribution pipes in unconditioned spaces.nVerify that installed HVAC equipment meets the efficiency requirements, using product literature, labels, etc.Structured Plumbing System$Central Manifold Distribution System%Compact Design of Conventional SystemBEstimated max. length of any branch in linear feet to any fixture:QVerify that R-4 insulation is installed around all hot water distribution piping..Percent of DHW load met by solar water heater:GVerify that at least four ENERGY STAR lights are installed in the home.9Verify that ENERGY STAR lights are installed in the home.WVerify that 100% of ceiling fans are ENERGY STAR labeled, or no ceiling fans installed.VVerify that clothes washers with modified energy factor e" 2.0 and water factor < 5.5. <Verify that the renewable energy system has been installed; (Estimated reference electric load (kWh):Renewable energy output (kWh)HVerify startup checklist or other materials provided by HVAC contractor.-Verify that no refrigerants are installed; ORŒVerify the use of non-HCFC refrigerants or refrigerants that meet the ozone depletion and global warming potential requirements in part (c).UVerify calculations are completed and the estimated waste factor does not exceed 10%.•Verify detailed framing documents that include the specific locations, spacing, and sizes of all framing members in floors, walls, roof, and ceiling.!Verify detailed framing cut list.%Verify detailed framing lumber order.–Verify that all roof, floor, and exterior wall components are panelized or otherwise prefabricated. SIP panels do not qualify unless delivered precut.0Verify the notice to wood suppliers and vendors.'Construction waste (pounds per sq. ft.)Waste diversion rate (%):<Verify that no unvented combustion appliances are installed.LVerify that all fireplaces or woodstoves have doors or a seal, if installed.ДIf combustion water heating equip. is installed, verify that it is installed with closed combustion or power-vented exhaust, or located in a detached building or open-air facility.ДIf combustion space heating equip. is installed, verify that it is installed with closed combustion or power-vented exhaust, or located in a detached building or open-air facility.Type of fireplace(s) installed:”For fireplaces, fireplace inserts, or stoves, verify that the installed product meets the credit requirements using product literature, labels, etc.BVerify that calculations related to latent capacity are completed.mVerify that a dehumidification system or HVAC system with additional dehumidification controls is installed. cFor part (a), verify the home is built in a climate with fewer than 4,500 infiltration degree days.LFor parts (b) and (c), verify calculations related to ventilation air flows.;For parts (b) and (c), verify installed ventilation system. Ventilation air flow rate (CFM):4Back-pressure (inches w.c.) in exhaust-only systems:YVerify that kitchen and bathrooms exhaust systems are exhausted directly to the outdoors.TVerify that any single-port bathroom exha< ust fans installed are ENERGY STAR labeled.Verify that occupancy sensors, humidistat controllers, timers, or continuous exhaust systems are installed in all full bathrooms.6Bathrooms (describe # of bathrooms, flow rates, etc.):1Kitchens (describe # of hoods, flow rates, etc.):GCollect calculations related to HVAC sizing and design (e.g. Manual J).RVerify that each radiator or radiative heating segment has flow control installed.7Measured air flows (describe room #, flow rates, etc.):7Designed air flows (describe room #, flow rates, etc.):AHU air filter MERV rating:*Ventilation system air filter MERV rating:œVerify that an air filter is installed on all forced air heating and cooling systems and supply ventilation systems that meets the MERV rating requirements.XFor part (c), verify that a central vacuum system is installed with exhaust to outdoors."EQ Credit 8.3: Pre-Occupancy FlushOVerify the dates, duration, and methods used to conduct the preoccupancy flush. Flush dates:Flush duration (hours):CMethods (e.g. ventilation fans; internal fans; open windows, etc.):"Radon zone (confirmed on EPA map):JConduct on-site verification that there is no garage attached to the home.hVerify that an operations and maintenance manual has been created that includes the prescribed elements.@Verify proposed procedures and practices for training occupants. AE Credit 1.2: Enhanced TrainingYVerify list of open-house dates and durations and informational stations within the home.QVerify website with at least 2 pages of detailed information about the LEED home.@Verify newspaper article published on the LEED for Homes project[Verify LEED for Homes signage installed on exterior of the home measuring at least 6 sq.ft.GVerify proposed procedures and practices for training building manager.XVerify building manager s manual has been created that includes the prescribed elements.?ID Credit 1.3: Pro. Credentialed with Respect to LEED for HomeskTiers, erosion blankets, compost blankets, filters socks, etc. installed to stabilize soil in sloped areas./Verify calculations of average housing density.WE Credit 3: Indoor Water UsegVerify that high-efficiency showerheads are installed, using manufacturer spec. sheets where necessary.cVerify that high-efficiency faucets are installed, using manufacturer spec. sheets where necessary.cVerify that high-efficiency toilets are installed, using manufacturer spec. sheets where necessary. Avg. showerhead flow rate (GPM):%Avg. lavatory faucet flow rate (GPM):Avg. toilet flow rate (GPF):oVerify calc's related to the percentage of the annual reference electric load supplied by the renewable system.rVerify that the installed water heating system meets the efficiency req'ts, using product literature, labels, etc.sIf solar water heater is installed, verify calc's related to percentage of hot water loads met by the solar system.gSystem includes push-button controls in each full bathroom and kitchen, and an automatic pump shut-off.7Demand-controlled circulation loop with R-4 insulation.8Central manifold trunk is no more than 6 feet in length.?Duct leakage rate (CFM @ 25 Pascals per 100 sq.ft. floor area):Wall Insulation R-value:Attic Insulation R-value:%Foundation / Slab Insulation R-value:oVerify insulation is installed to Grade I or Grade II specifications of the National Home Energy Rating System.MR 3: Waste ManagementkVerify the project team has investigated local waste diversion options, using documentation or discussions.fVerify calc's of construction waste reduction or diversion using estimates or waste hauling documents./Construction waste (cubic yds per 1000 sq.ft.)EQ 7: Air FiltershVerify kitchen and bathroom exhaust systems are installed that satisfy requirements of ASHRAE Std. 62.2.q Verify supply air flow rates tested by a third-party not on the project team are within 15% or 10 CFM of design.fVerify installed HVAC system includes at least two separate zones with independent thermostat control.jFor part (b), verify shoe removal and storage space is installed near the primary entryway with no carpet.vFor part (a), verify permanent, cleanable, walk-off mats are installed at each entry that are at least 4 ft in length.[Verify that surfaces between garage and conditioned spaces are sealed and weather-stripped.$ID Credit 3: Innovations (ruling #):;Verify calculations of development along site perimeter; OR9\Conduct on-site verification of existing infrastructure (e.g. foundation footings, etc.); ORY\Conduct on-site verification of water and sewer infrastructure within Н mile of the home; ORZ/Verify lists or maps of community resources; O      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxz§џџџ{|}~€R->Verify transit schedules and calculations of transit rides; OR<(Participate in the design charrette; OR %MVerify maps and calcs of open space at least О acre within Н mile of home; ORK'Number of rooms that could be bedrooms:-Verify square footages and number of bedroomsbBranch lines from the circ. loop to each fixture are d" 10 feet long and 1/2-inch nominal diameter."Renewable energy system size (kW):7Observe the refrigerant charge test being conducted; OR5<Verify back-draft calculations are completed by third-party.{Test the exhaust air flow rates for kitchens and bathrooms and verify that the requirements of ASHRAE Std. 62.2 are met; ORyiTest supply air flow rates for each room and verify air flow rates are within 15% or 10 CFM of design; ORg^Verify proposed procedures for training occupants, homebuyer DVD, or other training materials.!Total buildable lot area (acres):6Percentage of buildable lot area left undisturbed (%):(Estimated sq.ft. of native groundcover:Mid-constructionMid-construction or FinalMid-construction and FinalZTest ventilation air flow rates and verify that the req'ts of ASHRAE Std. 62.2 are met; ORXkFor part (b), verify external penetrations are sealed and corrosion-proof screens and covers are installed.composite w/ no added U-F0EQ Credit 1: Energy Star with Indoor Air PackageEQ 9: Radon ProtectionMid / final verif step‰Verify no wood used in the project is from a tropical country, unless FSC-certified, using information provided by suppliers and vendors.check duplicatesАThis page is provided to enable verification team members to quickly identify any possible documentation errors in the project checklist file. Possible errors are identified inЌred cells. There may be cases in which correct information provided on the checklist triggers an error flag on this page. In these cases, please provide a short note in thencomprehensive, and does not obviate the need for further quality assurance reviews by the QAD and Green Rater.ŸUpdated Verification Checklist with improved layout, enhanced sorting capabilities, and improved correspondence with the Verification & Submittal requirements.lCreated a new QA Review sheet, which includes automated error-checking to assist with documentation reviews.ЋOn Checklist sheet, updated ID 1.3 to allow this credit to be earned. The recent ruling language related to LEED AP Homes applicability is input in the comment for ID 1.3.please see ID 01-06 for detailsƒEnter project address, builder, total landscaped area, reference evapotranspiration rate (ETo, in inches for July), and ETo source.ETo Source (e.g., WaterSense)u=other impermeable surfaces (areas not counted towards credit)kOn Checklist sheet, under SS 4.1, clarified other impermeable surfaces as areas not counted towards credit.7On Dur Risk Eval Form sheet, updated names of programs.VUpdated Water Use Calc with EPA link for finding the baseline evapotranspiration rate.iOn Acc Form sheet, fixed code allowing user to create custom list of Acc Forms for a project team member.(Sum of zone areas = Tot Landscaped Area?žThis step is completed automatically. < If an error is indicated, the sum of the zone areas does not equal the Total Landscaped Area. Please address this error.)Clarified error checks in Water Use Calc.gFor QA Review, fixed checkboxes for two MR 2.2 components so that they would register as being checked.Part of test set? Date testedILEED for Homes Certification Submittal for Batches of Single-family HomesIn-unit ConditionedNon-residentialTypes of SpacesAreas of the BuildingCommon areas, residentialFloor area, total square feet)Green Rater Declaration for ID credit 2.3ЭUSGBC makes no warranty with respect to any LEED certified project, including any warranty of habitability, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. There are no warranties, express or implied, written or oral, statutory or otherwise, with respect to the certifications provided by USGBC. By way of example only, and without limiting the broad scope of the foregoing, it is understood that LEED certification, whether at the Certified level or any other level, does not mean that the project is structurally sound or safe, constructed in accordance with applicable laws, regulations or codes, free of mold or mildew, free of volatile organic compounds or allegens, or free of soil gases including radon. eI hereby declare and affirm to USGBC that all of the above durability measures were verified as having been installed and/or incorporated into the home and home site. This signature is not an endorsement of the choice of durability measures or strategies installed, nor is it a validation of the quality or workmanship of the construction or installation. WOn Dur Guidelines sheet, updated text to better correspond with Rating System language.AOn Dur Insp Chklst sheet, included Green Rater signature section.Energy PerformanceHome Size CalculationsHome Size Adj (calculated)dOn Summary sheet, added input for # of homes in the project (total) and # of homes in the submittal.,Renamed "MFHSA calc" sheet to "Multi-family"On Multi-family sheet, fixed the calculation of avg. # of bedrooms and avg. square footage so it properly counts 6-bedroom units.iOn Multi-family sheet, added boxes for information about the breakdown of square footage in the building. The following is a list of homes that were certified together as a batch. All of the information provided in the attached project checklist, accountability forms, and durability plan is applicable to all of the homes listed below. As per LEED for Homes guidelines, every home in this batch submittal will meet or exceed the performance requirements for every prerequisite and credit awarded on the project checklist. For this reason, the number of bedrooms and square footage listed on the project checklist may differ from your actual home.NAdded new "Multi-home" sheet for submittals with multiple single-family homes.pOn Summary sheet, added notes to clarify the # of bedroom and square footage to input for multi-home submittals. Energy Rater:zOn Verif Chklst sheet, added one more on-site verification date entry at the top, for projects that require 4 site visits.:On Checklist sheet, added "notes" heading to each section.? Innovation 1 (ruling #):? Innovation 4 (ruling #):? Innovation 3 (ruling #):? Innovation 2 (ruling #):,? Site Selection (meet all of the following)? No Invasive Plants? Limit Conventional Turf? Drought-Tolerant Plants6? Basic Landscaping Design (meet all of the following)2? Reduce Overall Irrigation Demand by at Least 20%>? Reduce Local Heat Island Effects (meet one of the following)#? Permeable LotF? Management of Runoff from Roof (meet any, see Rating System for pts) J? High-Efficiency Irrigation System (meet any of the following, 1 pt each)$2? Reduce Overall Irrigation Demand by at Least 45%?? Good HVAC Design and Installation (meet all of the following)$E? Efficient Hot Water Distribution System (meet one of the following)*? Renewable Energy System4? Indicates that an Accountability Form is required.w& Updated by:Date Most Recently Updated:=? Environmentally Preferable Products (meet any, 1/2 pt each)&ŒSS 2.3 Limit Conventional Turf: The use of any turf that requires regular mowing, watering and/or chemicals is limited, as indicated below: KEQ 4.1 Outdoor Air Ventilation: One of the following requirements was met: EQ 5.1 Basic Local Exhaust: All of the following requirements were met: a) Local exhaust systems designed and installed in all bathrooms (including half-baths) and the kitchen to meet the requirements of Section 5 of ASHRAE Standard 62.2. b) Fans and ducts designed and installed to meet the requirements of Section 7 of ASHRAE Standard 62.2. c) Exhaust air is sent to the outdoors (i.e. not to attics or interstitial spaces) d) All single-port bathroom exhaust fans are ENERGY STAR labeled. лEQ 6.1 Room by Room Load Calculations: Design calculations were completed (using ACCA Manuals J and D, the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, or an equivalent computation procedure) and ducts were installed accordingly. 'ьEQ 8.1 Indoor Contaminant Control During Construction: Upon installation, all ducts and vents were permanently sealed to minimize contamination during construction. Any seals were removed after all phases of construction are completed. 7*EQ 8.3 Pre-Occupancy Flush: The home was flushed with fresh air prior to occupancy but after all phases of construction are completed. The entire home was flushed for at least 48 total hours, keeping all interior doors open. During the flush, windows were kept open and fan (e.g., HVAC system fan) ran continuously OR the home was flushed with all HVAC fans and exhaust fans operating continuously at the highest flow rate. Additional fans were used to circulate air within the home. The HVAC air filter was replaced or cleaned afterward, as necessary. EQ 9 Radon Resistant Construction: The home was designed and built with radon-resistant construction techniques as prescribed by EPA, the International Residential Code, Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code or some equivalent code or standard. "8? Basic Operations Training (meet both of the following)? Enhanced Training@? Education of the Building Manager (meet both of the following)$pOn Checklist sheet, added hand-pen symbol next to prerequisites and credits that require an Accountability Form.gVerify installed elements used to satisfy credit requirements, such as trees, overhangs, awnings, etc. [Verify calcs or simulations for glazing area, south-facing roof area, and seasonal shading.HCollect completed Durability Risk Evaluation Form prior to construction.FTub, showers, and spa areas have nonpaper-faced backer board on walls.[Kitchens, bathrooms, laundry room, and spa areas have water-resistant flooring (no carpet).MAreas within 3ft of exterior doors have water-resistant flooring (no carper).QTank water heaters in or over living spaces have drains and drain pans installed.>Conventional clothes dryers have exhaust directly to outdoors.>Condensing clothes dryers have drain and drain pans installed.:Measures listed in checklist appear in contract documents.6Disturbed topsoil stockpiled & protected from erosion.>Silt fencing installed to control path and velocity of runoff.HStraw bales, silt sacks, rock filters, or comparable measures installed.8Swales installed to divert surfact water from hillsides.TFor parts (a) and (c), verify tree and plant preservation plan and/or site drawings.nFor parts (a) and (c) , conduct on-site verification that  no-disturbance zones are marked and not disturbed.IFor part (b), verify calculations of buildable lot area left u< ndisturbed.sFor part (e-i), verify that all cellulosic material is treated with a borate product up to 3 feet above foundation.;For part (e-ii), verify sand or diatomaceous earth barrier.MFor part (e-iii), verify steel mesh barrier termite control system installed.@For part (e-iv), verify non-toxic termite bait system installed.SFor part (e-v), verify non-cellulosic (i.e. not wood or straw) wall structure used.•For part (e-vi), verify foundation walls are either solid concrete, masonry walls with top course of solid block bond beam, or concrete-filled block.ZConduct on-site verification that turf is not installed in densely shaded or sloped areas.АUse a list of installed plants provided by the project team and a list of drought-tolerant plants created by a third-party to verify that installed plants are drought-tolerant.DVerify that the calculation was performed by a qualified individual.?Confirm that all verification requirements for SS 2.5 were met.`For part (b), verify specifications or test results demonstrating the SRI value (if applicable).ЄConduct on-site verification of any water-saving items identified in the calculation, including high-efficiency irrigation measures and high/low shading conditions.LVerify calculations of estimates related to shaded and/or high-albedo areas.OFor part (b), verify site plans or list of trees, shrubs, and groundcover area.nIf graywater is collected from faucets and other sources, verify calculations related to graywater collection.JAll spray heads are operating and delivering water only to intended zones.5Any switches or shut-off valves are working properly.AAny irrigation systems are located at least 2 feet from the home.+Any timers or controllers are set properly.FFor part (a), irrigation system installed by Water Sense professional.JFor part (e), at least 50% of the landscape area utilizes drip irrigation.EFor part (b), irrigation system installed with head-to-head coverage./For part (c), central shut-off valve installed.;For part (d), submeter installed for the irrigation system._For part (g), timer or controller installed to activate irrigation system at appropriate times.@For part (f), separate zones used for each type of bedding area.QFor part (h), pressure-regulating devices installed to maintain optimal pressure.ZFor part (i), high-efficiency nozzles (with distribution uniformity e" 0.70) are installed.+For part (j), 'Check valves' are installed.LFor part (k), moisture sensor controller or rain delay controller installed.mFor EA 5.3, verify that installed air handler unit and ductwork is located visibly within conditioned spaces.jFor EA 5.3, verify that installed air handler unit and ductwork is located within conditioned envelope; ORhUFor EA 5.2, verify that the entire system is located within the conditioned envelope.>For EA 5.3, verify that an outdoor reset control is installed.qVerify that an ENERGY STAR labeled programmable thermostat is installed (except heat pumps and hydronic systems).\For part (a), verify that at least seven total ENERGY STAR lights are installed in the home.^For part (b), verify that all exterior lighting includes motion sensors or photovoltaic cells.`Verify calculations showing 60% of fixtures or 80% of lamps in the home are ENERGY STAR labeled.@For part (a), verify that refrigerators are ENERGY STAR labeled.6For part (b), verify ENERGY STAR labeled ceiling fans.^For part (c), verify that dishwashers are ENERGY STAR labeled, with 6.0 gallons/cycle or less.BFor part (d), verify that clothes washers are ENERGY STAR labeled.WVerify that carbon monoxide monitors/sensors are installed on each floor in every unit.2For masonry heaters, verify masonry heater design.ЂFor best practice with wood-burning fireplaces, inserts, stoves, and masonry heaters, conduct back-draft potential test and confirm minimal pressure differential.For part (d), verify calculations, modeling results, on-site test results, or something equivalent that demonstrates that the proposed passive design will meet the ventilation air flow requirements in ASHRAE Std. 62.2, above and beyond natural infiltration rates assumed by the Standard.CFor part (a), verify calculations related to ventilation air flows.3For parts (a), verify installed ventilation system.=For part (b), verify a lab-certified HRV or ERV is installed.kOn Verif Chklst sheet, changed various requirements to better match the language in the new V&S Guidelines.In exhaust-only ventilation systems, test flow rate out of the home or conduct air flow tests to confirm minimal back-pressure.Acc. Form RequiredAcc. Form Required (part d)/Acc. Form Required, if masonry heater installedAcc. Form Required (part a)cFor part (a), verify that every room has a return, transfer grille, jump duct, or door undercut; ORa\For part (b), conduct pressure differential test and confirm minimal pressure difference; ORZpFor part (b), verify results of a pressure differential test performed by a third-party not on the project team.BDuring mid-construction site visits, verify that ducts are sealed.cAt final verification site visits, conduct swipe of duct interiors and verify that ducts are clean.pVerify that all air-handling equipment and ductwork is located outside of the fire-rated envelope of the garage.jVerify that carbon monoxide sensors/monitors are installed in all rooms that share a door with the garage.VVerify exhaust fan in the garage that is at least 70 CFM nonducted, or 100 CFM ducted.3For part (a), verify exhaust fan runs continuously.ВFor part (b), verify exhaust fan in the garage that is linked to an occupant sensor, light switch, etc. and timer is set to provide at least 3 air changes each time the fan runs.›Verify that the ventilation air flow rates tested by a qualified energy rater, or USGBC-approved alternative, meet the requirements in ASHRAE Std. 62.2; OR”Verify that the exhaust air flow rates tested by a qualified energy rater, or USGBC-approved alternative, meet the requirements in ASHRAE Std. 62.2.YVerify HERS Index from the "Energy Star Home" report created by a qualified energy rater.ХVerify envelope leakage test results conducted by a qualified energy rater, or USGBC-approved alternative, according to the procedures set forth in the National Home Energy Rating System Standards.GVerify duct leakage test results conducted by a qualified energy rater.ZVerify "Energy Star Home with Indoor airPLUS " report created by a qualified energy rater.ŠOn Verif Chklst sheet, replaced "HERS Rater" with "qualified energy rater" and replaced the term "inspection" with "on-site verification".Overall average adjustment:On Multi-family sheet, fixed the notes at the top to clarify that a weighted approach is not acceptable for attached townhomes.ŽThis approach can be used to determine an overall home size adjuster for for multi-family buildings, but it cannot be used to determine an overall home size adjuster for a complex with multiple multi-family buildings. If a project includes multiple multi-family buildings, each building must have its own home size adjustment. This weighted approach cannot be used for multiple single-family homes.…Please input the floor area for each type of space within the building below. Input the # of units in each building, and the average square footage for units with the corresponding bedroom number. For example, if the building has three 2-bedroom units that are 1300, 1400, and 1500 square feet, insert "3" in cell G24 and "1400" in cell H24. Please leave zeros or blanks where appropriate. Unconditioned0On QA Review sheet, corrected review for EQ 2.2.AE 2*On QA Review sheet, added review for AE 2. EA 8.2-8.3 EA 3.2-3.3 EA 4.2-4.3 EA 5.2-5.3 EA 6.2-6.3EQ 9LOn QA Review sheet, added review for EA 3, EA 4, EA 5, EA 6, EA 8, and EQ 9.9? FSC Certified Tropical Wood (meet all of the following)Acc FormGreen Rater Signature:FOn Verif Chklst sheet, changed "inspec< tor" to "Green Rater" throughout+Green Rater notes / description of approachZComplete Thermal Bypass Inspection Checklist or verify its completion by the energy rater.HOn Summary sheet, removed "other" as an option under "type of building".aCorrected Checklist sheet so the "# of units" are reported accurately for multi-family buildings.eCorrected Simple Chklst sheet so the "# of units" are reported accurately for multi-family buildings.}Corrected Dur Eval Form sheet so the "Average unit size" and "# of units" are reported accurately for multi-family buildings. In Office2On Verif Chklst sheet, corrected filter for MR 2.2RCollect calculations related to room-by-room load and HVAC sizing (e.g. Manual J).XCollect calculations related to heating and cooling distribution design (e.g. Manual D).xReview calculations to ensure each of the following: outdoor temperatures are the 99.0% design temperatures as published in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals for the home s location; indoor temperatures shall be 75 F for cooling; infiltration rate shall be selected as  tight , or the equivalent term; insulation and window U-values reflect proposed envelope specifications.$Forced-Air Systems Review calculations to ensure each of the following are included: design loads (btuh) for each room, corresponding to the output from the HVAC sizing and design calculations (e.g. Manual J), are used as inputs; calculation of total effective length (TEL) for the longest supply and return duct run; calculation of expected pressure drop across filter, coil, and other similar non-duct components; calculation of expected static pressure from the air handler; calculation of air flow rates (CFM) for each register in every room.WRadiative Systems Review calculations to ensure each of the following are included: design loads (btuh) for each room, corresponding to the output from the HVAC sizing and design calculations (e.g. Manual J), are used as inputs; heat output rate (e.g. Btuh per linear foot) for piping, radiator, etc.; calculation of pipe and radiator sizing.ЯVerify that radon-resistant construction elements are installed, including: gas-permeable layer (e.g. gravel); plastic sheeting; electrical outlet near vent piping; and vent piping through roof or side wall.VUpdated Verif Chklst sheet to align with September 2009 updated to the V&S Guidelines.OInterstitial spaces are never used to supply or return forced air. (see EA 5.1)RNonpaper-faced backer board used in all tubs, showers, and spa areas. (see ID 2.1)]Water-resistant flooring in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry rooms, and spa areas. (see ID 2.1)JWater-resistant flooring within 3 feet of all exterior doors. (see ID 2.1)_Drain and drain pan installed for any tank water heaters in or over living spaces. (see ID 2.1)yDrain and drain pan OR single-throw supply valve installed for any clothes washers in or over living spaces. (see ID 2.1)zConventional clothes dryers exhausted directly to outdoors; Condensing clothes dryer has drain and drain pan. (see ID 2.1)0Refrigerant charge test conducted. (see EA 11.1)ГOn Dur Insp Chklst sheet, added prerequisites from LEED for Homes Rating System and clarified that projects should include 3 items in addition to those required by LEED for Homes.ZOn Verif Chklst, added note clarifying the limits of the tool when used on a Mac computer.ЄFor Mac users: on both Acc Form and Verif Chklst sheets, changed protection settings so rows can be manually hidden or unhidden. Individual cells are now protected.=Thermal bypass inspection checklist passed (see EA 1.1 / 2.1)NDuct leakage to the outdoors limited to 6 cfm / 100 sq.ft. (see EA 1.1 / 5.1)JClimate zone 4-8: Exposed concrete slab edge insulated. (see EA 1.1 / 2.1)GAll local exhaust systems vented directly to the outdoors. (see EQ 5.1){Whole house ventilation and local kitchen and bathroom exhaust systems that comply with ASHRAE Std. 62.2 (see EQ 4.1 / 5.1)$Roof, floor, wall: cavity insulationOther: water supply pipingOTHER water piping>On Checklist sheet, updated MR 2.2 checkboxes to reflect CIRs.<On Checkllist sheet, made small corrections to reflect CIRs.Awarded in Prelim Rating?€On Checklist sheet, included Errata & Clarifications to Rating System language in the comments for each prerequisite and credit.RVerify completed (unsigned) durability inspection checklist prior to construction.sCollect completed and signed durability inspection checklist or builder quality management plan after construction.Builder / DeveloperE-mail:On Summary sheet, updated heading / submittal information.Other: drivewaydrivewayLandscape: decking and patiolOn Acc Form sheet, changed filter on SS 4.3 so the AF only shows when the project earns part (d) / 2 points.kOn Water Use Calc sheet, corrected and updated calculation for Irrigation Efficiency based on TASC rulings.Type of building:Type of builder / project:Type of BuilderSmall SpeculativeLarge ProductionMulti-family DeveloperAffordable project?@a) Home qualifies under ASHRAE Std. 62.2-2007 climate exemption.?<Enhanced Outdoor Air Ventilation (meet one of the following)!Other : interior trimФOn Summary sheet, separated type of builder, and added checkboxes for "affordable" and "gut-rehab" - so projects could be identified as both affordable and gut-rehab, or both custom and gut-rehab.On Acc Form sheet, changed the filter so projects pursuing EQ 1 would not be expected to fill out AFs for EQ 4.1, 5.1, and 6.1.sOn Checklist sheet, under EQ 4.1, replaced checkbox for "Located in climate with d" 4,500 infiltration degree days."mOn Acc Form sheet, for EQ 4.1, updated requirement so it no longer references 4,500 infiltration degree days.=On Acc Form sheet, corrected the filter for SS 4.3, part (d).XOn Checklist sheet, under MR 2.1, changed the language for part (b) to reduce confusion.wOn Checklist sheet, in EQ section, added a filter so projects earning EQ 1 could see which credits were not applicable.nOn Checklist sheet, in MR 2.2, correct listing and change "exterior trim" to "interior trim", as per MR 02-57.[On Checklist sheet, updated clarifications within the notes for each credit / prerequisite.Use this calculator to determine the percent reduction in outdoor water use (irrigation), and LEED points earned in SS 2.5 and WE 2.3. This must be completed by a qualified landscape professional: someone with certification, licensure, formal training (higher education), or at least 10 years of professional experience, in landscaping, irrigation, or a related field. Please review the guidance document, "Guidance on Calculation of Outdoor Water Use Reductions", before using the calculator for the 1st time. јNotes: 1) SS 2.5 and WE 2.3 address reducing total outdoor water needs. Reducing potable water use is addressed in Credit WE 1. 2) Credit is earned for reducing water use in areas with designed landscape. Existing landscaping is not included. lNote: ETo values are available from the EPA's WaterSense website, based on data from the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). This site gives ETo values for June, which is acceptable. ETo values from the ET Manager Scheduler Software from Rainbird are also acceptable (use values for June). ЫФЩЋAV thanks these sources for the use of this data. :http://www.epa.gov/watersense/nhspecs/wb_data_finder.html Description of vegetation!WE 2.1(a) earned? WE 2.2 earned?,# of WE 2.1 (b,c,d,h,I,j) measures installedPOn Water Use Calc sheet, updated calculator with notes and further instructions.Building < DetailsTotal # of unitsStreet address / Building #LLEED for Homes Certification Submittal for Batches of Multi-family Buildings$The following is a list of buildings that were certified together as a batch. All of the information provided in the attached project checklist, accountability forms, and durability plan is applicable to all of the homes listed below. As per LEED for Homes guidelines, every home in this batch submittal will meet or exceed the performance requirements for every prerequisite and credit awarded on the project checklist. For this reason, the number of bedrooms and square footage listed on the project checklist may differ from your actual home.# of units testedVerification DatesModeling ApproachVAdded Multi-building sheet, to track batch submittals that include multiple buildings.=On Checklist sheet, corrected footnote date and print layout.qUpdated Acc Form sheet so the filter properly addresses partial credit in SS credits (due to partial landscaping)On Multi-home and Multi-building sheet, removed sampling information. This will be submitted separately, according to updated Sampling Protocol.2Location in Drawings, Specs, and/or Scopes of Work7LEED for Homes Prerequisites (remove if not applicable)}On Dur Insp Chklst, clarified current policy for ID 2.3. Also, included language to clearly identify prerequisite strategies.ЁNotes: 1) Well-designed landscaped areas have zones designed so that all plants within each zone will need the same amount of water. 2) Many projects will have fewer than 8 zones. Leave unused rows blank. 2) For boxes with pull-down menus, choose from the list. Do not type in information. 3) The fly-out directions box can be moved by dragging it. 4) A calculator with more than 8 zones is available upon request.uOn Summary page, removed reference to "signed" Durability Evaluation Form, since the form does not need to be signed.6For each section below, list durability strategies used to help mitigate the durability risks. Where necessary, add additional rows or remove strategies that are not relevant. Refer to the Example Durability Strategies page for sample strategies that may be applicable. The project team must indicate where the strategy is included in the drawings, specification, or scopes of work, and the responsible project team member must sign-off that the durability strategies were incorporated into the home. For ID 2.3, the Green Rater must initial that the strategies were verified in the home. A minimum of 18 total strategies, not including those already included as LEED for Homes prerequisites, must be included and verified for the credit to be awarded. These strategies should be focused on medium or high-risk areas. errors? duplicates?calc\On Multi-home sheet, fixed the home size adjustment calculation so it longer gives an error.Zip CodeOther project team members QAD Company Rater Company Energy Rater<On QA Review page, corrected the error indicator for EQ 2.2.mOn Checklist page, reduced text size and increase spacing to create more space for notes (see columns AB-AE). Reg Date:Registration #:UOn Summary page, added registration #, registration date, and zip code as new inputs. Average square footage per unit: Average # of bedrooms per unit:On Checklist page, under MR 2.2, replaced "Floor: carpet" category with "Floor: flooring", and removed associated local checkbox.^On Water Demand Calc page, changed micro-climate factor inputs to allow values of 0.9 and 1.1.EOn Dur Insp Chklst sheet, added sign-off section for the Green Rater.2LEED for Homes Verification Checklist InstructionsUnits / Models: Site Visit Details(Special instructions from Provider QAD:!EQ 2.2 - Backdraft potential test1EQ 4.3 - Air flow test - whole-house ventilation 3EQ 5.3 - Air flow test - bathroom & kitchen exhaust,EQ 6.3 - Air flow test - room-by-room supply0EQ 6.2 - Room-by-room pressure differential testFailures (see below)"No failures - all requirements metRequires return site visitVerification results - Failures Verification results - Follow-up(Requires discussion with QAD (see below)Comments / ProblemsuStep 1: Complete - or have the project team complete - the project checklist for the preliminary and/or final rating.Prereq or Credit #Verif. phase: Date of visit:'LEED for Homes Verification Cover SheetƒStep 2: On cover sheet, QAD may provide customized instructions to the Green Rater and indicate which performance tests are needed.Step 3: On verification checklist, adjust the verification stage (mid-construction vs. final) for individual prerequisites and credits below.zStep 5: Initial each measure on the verification checklist as it is verified, and include relevant notes and observations.uStep 6: On cover page, indicate whether failures occurred and follow-up actions are required, and sign at the bottom.0Step 4: Customize the verification checklist by filtering based on the rating (preliminary vs. final) and the verification step (mid-construction vs. final). * NOTE * If you're using a Mac, the filters will not work. In order to create a custom checklist, hide or unhide individual rows manually.ЄzЌ`~On Verif Chklst, changed cover page format to include more information to Green Raters, and clarify feedback from site visits.Certification PackageKOn Summary page, added hyperlinks for EPA radon zone and IECC climate zone.hOn Dur Eval Form, corrected hyperlink for FEMA flood zones and included instructions in comment section.hOn Checklist page, updated comments on each prerequisite & credit to include recent general CIRs & IDRs.OOn Checklist page, added checkbox for EQ 6.2 for radiant floor heating systems.tOn Checklist page, changed EQ 5.2 (c) checkbox to clarify that the timer must operate for 20 minutes post-occupancy.#j) Installed check valves in heads.Дb) Central manifold distribution system with R-4 insulation on trunk; manifold trunk under 6ft long; limited branch length (see Rating System for details); limited branch diameter.€c) Compact design of conventional system with limited branch length (see Rating System for details) and limited branch diameter.Зa) Structured plumbing system with R-4 insulation; limited circulation loop length; limited branch length (see Rating System for details); demand control with automatic pump shut-off.№On Acc Form page, changed SS 4.3 so it only shows up if part (d) is marked on the checklist; changed SS 3 so it only shows up if part (a) is marked on the checklist; changed EQ 4.2 so it only shows up if part (a) is marked on the checklist.§EQ 4.2 Enhanced Outdoor Air Ventilation, part (a): The home is located in a mild climates (meets the exemption listed in ASHRAE Std. 62.2-2007), and a whole-building ventilation system was designed and installed that complies with ASHRAE Standard 62.2.2ЕThis tool is designed to enable project teams to create new Accountability Forms (AF) to suit the needs of the project. Creating customized Accountability Forms is a 4-step process:Step 1:XComplete the final rating in the LEED for Homes Project Checklist - see "checklist" tab.Step 2:šIdentify the various individuals that are responsible for signing at least one Accountability Form. Enter these names in the box below (Excel rows 10-13).Step 3:ŠSelect one of these individuals as the "responsible party" in the Accountability Form below for each prerequisite or credit being pursued.Step 4:gTo print a customized Accountability Form for each responsible party, select the name in the drop-down menu below, check the print area and correct if necessary, and print the form. *NOTE: if you're using a Mac, the pull-down menu will not automatically customize the form. In this case, hide or unhide individual rows to create custom Accountability Forms.ИVНLEED for Homes Project Summary LL 3.1-3.2aCorrected Acc Form for EQ 4.2 so the Acc Form shows up properly when this credit is being earned.RUpdated Checklist notes to include new CIRs & exemplary performance opportunities.?LEED for Homes R< egistration & Certification Fee Estimating Tool9how do I know if a project qualifies for the member rate?SF ratesGeneral Project Informationsingle-family homeslow-rise multi-family buildings!Estimated # of batch submittals: Number of homes: Fee Summary)Total conditioned floor area, all bldgs: Batch certification fee:Registration rate: Certification rate: YesNumber of buildings: &Total project registration fee (est.):'Total project certification fee (est.):Project details: see General Project Info. Above%Summary (based on information below):# of buildings:total conditioned floor area: Total conditioned floor area ft2!8LEED for Homes Guidance Documents & Supporting Material DescriptionScope & eligibility guidelines]Guidance on the types of projects that can participate in LEED for Homes, and any conditions.2Project team verification & submittal requirementseCredit-by-credit list of materials and documents needed for to assist Green Raters with verification.VStep-by-step instructions for using sampling for large numbers of single-family homes.MStep-by-step instructions for using sampling in large multi-family buildings.*Submarket guidance: multi-family buildingsJDescription of rules and interpretations unique to multi-family buildings.&Submarket guidance: gut-rehab projectsFDescription of rules and interpretations unique to gut-rehab projects.&Submarket guidance: mixed-use projectsMSample fit-out guidelines for non-residential tenants in mixed-use buildings.Photodocumentation guidelinesbGuidance on when and how photo-documentation may be used to assist Green Raters with verification.Durability checklist guidance ID 2.1 & 2.2TStep-by-step instructions for creating a durability inspection checklist for ID 2.1.Sample durability strategiesnA list of examples of durability strategies, organized by durability concern and compiled from various sources,Guidance on outdoor water demand calculationSS 2.5, WE 2.3[Detailed guidance on choosing inputs and avoiding common mistakes with the OWD calculation.#Thermal Bypass Inspection ChecklistEA 1 & 2?EPA's ENERGY STAR for Homes Thermal Bypass Inspection Checklist!Refrigerant charge test checklistEA 11.1ЗA list of items to be checked by the contractor to ensure proper charge of the refrigerant. See Section 6 & 7 of the ENERGY STAR HVAC System Quality Installation Contractor Checklist."Guidance for non-wood framed homesMR 1 & 2)Radon resistant new construction guidanceREPA's guidance document "Building Radon Out", appropriate for all new construction)Radon requirements for gut-rehab projectskLink to ASTM standard for radon mitigation in existing buildings. Available from EPA for free upon request.2012 pilot credit library Food gardens5On Water Demand Calc sheet, updated Watersense links.BNew Fees page for calculating registration and certification fees.qOn Summary page, changed inputs for multi-family projects to only include # of buildings in this batch submittal.XNew Guidance Docs page that includes links to various USGBC and EPA guidance documents. ЃRemoved Dur Guidelines page, Dur Strategies page, and the TBC page. These documents are now online and hyperlinks have been included on the new Guidance Docs page.Indoor airPLUS ODetailed technical specifications for meeting the EPA's Indoor airPLUS program.COn Dur Eval Form, updated links for wind speed and annual rainfall.VOn Checklist page, updated EQ 2.1 (b) to clarify that each unit must have a CO monitorBy affixing my signature below, the undersigned does hereby declare and affirm to the USGBC that the required inspections and performance testing for the LEED for Homes requirements, as specified in the LEED for Homes Rating System, have been completed. I have evaluated this project's documentation package and conducted the necessary QA/QC procedures with the Green Rater, and I hereby declare and affirm to USGBC that the homes included in this submittal are ready to earn LEED for Homes certification, as per the attached checklist.Project Summary page,Multi-home or Multi-building page (if appl.)$Conflict of Interest Form (if appl.)YOn Summary page, removed sign-off page and updated list of items in Certification Package”On Checklist page, altered sign-off page to include Provider QAD sign-off (previously from Summary page) and to reflect new Green Rater requirements-Credit Interpretation Request online database.Credit Interpretation Request online submittalNOnline tool for submitting new Credit Interpretation Requests and ID Requests.bOnline searchable database of generally applicable Credit Interpretation Requests and ID Requests.$Conflict of Interest Disclosure FormfForm for Provider QADs and Green Raters to disclose any conflicts of interest for individual projects.iCollection of CIRs and clarifications related to homes built with SIPs, ICFs, steel, concrete block, etc.ЧCollection of pilot credits that can be earned for points in ID 3. These are prospective credits for future Rating Systems, and project teams must meet the requirements and provide feedback to USGBC.bPre-approved ID request (eligible for credit in ID 3) for food gardens that meet various criteria.First submittal? Number of units: MF ratesTotals - current submittal!Estimated Totals - entire project'Please fill in the boxes below, based on the current information about the entire project. The estimates below should include, but not be limited to, the homes and buildings included in the first batch submittal. Fees associated with mid-rise multi-family projects must be calculated separately.HEstimates based on information provided in General Project section above.not including large batch (10+ homes) discountThis worksheet is designed to help project teams to estimate the registration and certification fees for a LEED for Homes project. Prior to completing this worksheet, please do the following: - Review the guidance on LEED for Homes volume pricing in the Guidance for Multiple Single-family Homes - Complete the Summary page in this project checklist file - For multi-family projects, complete the Multi-family page in this project checklist file - For projects with multiple multi-family buildings, complete the Multi-building page in this project checklist file LEED for Homes requires completion of on-site inspections prior to certification. Additional Provider and Green Rater verification costs apply and are based on market prices - please consult the Provider of your choice for applicable rates and fees. All fees are subject to change. Registration and Certification fees are nonrefundable. Please contact your Provider or USGBC (homes@usgbc.org) with any questions or to confirm estimated fee totals.POn Checklist page, changed language in SS 3 to remove reference to "hardscapes".›By affixing my signature below, the undersigned does hereby declare and affirm to the USGBC that the required inspections and performance testing for the LEED for Homes requirements, as specified in the LEED for Homes Rating System, have been completed. I also hereby confirm that all verification services were performed in accordance with the LEED for Homes Verification & Submittal Guidelines and Addendum.j2Sampling protocol for multiple single-family homes,Sampling protocol for multi-family buildings*Operations and maintenance manual templateCSample template for the occupant operations and maintenance manual.iInstructions for how to use the sample template to create an occupant operations and maintenance manual. 0Submarket guidance: multiple single-family homesЪDescription of rules and interpretations unique to developments, subdivisions, and small projects with multiple single-family homes. Includes guidance on batch submittals and volume LEED for Homes fees. O&M manual template instructionsDocument / Topic (hyperlinked)"ID Request Documents (hyperlinked)7Does the project qualify for the national member rate? bOn Fee page, add reference to "national member", to reduce c<Њonfusion over local chapter membership8ID 2.3 - Verify items on durability Inspection checklistLOn Water Demand Calc page, limited the Control Factor to no lower than 0.70.Max annual wind speed (mph):XOn Durability Eval Form, changed wind speed link to NOAA for maximum wind speed by city.ET0 (in/month for June or July)cjOn Water Demand Calc page, changed instructions to clarify that ET0 for either June or July is acceptable.DOn Multi-home page, changed layout so instructions are all readable.lOn Multi-building page, updated format to include total # of buildings and total conditioned square footage.LEED Trademark PolicyaUSGBC policy on how and when the LEED logo can be used. See page 22 for LEED for Homes specifics.JOn Guidance Docs page, added link to USGBC LEED Trademark Policy document.[On Checklist page, corrected note in SS 2.2 and 2.5 related to exemplary performance point. Gut-rehab? GOn Multi-building page, removed cell protection from HERS Index column.@On Guidance Docs page, updated link to the Pilot Credit library.dOn Guidance Docs page, removed links to old pre-approved IDRs (most of which are now Pilot Credits).YOn Summary Page, removed a confusing note re: townhomes in the "type of building" input. ROn Checklist page, corrected ruling language for exemplary performance for MR 1.5. ID 2.1 c-i ID 2.1 c-ii ID 2.1 c-iii ID 2.1 c-iv-a ID 2.1 c-iv-b ID 2.1 c-v-a ID 2.1 c-v-b ID 2.1 c-vi ID 2.1 c-viiPOn Checklist page, under ID 2.1, added each individual moisture control measure.I hereby declare and affirm to USGBC that I have evaluated this project's durability risks, completed the Durability Risk Evaluation Form, and incorporated appropriate durability measures into the design to adequately address the moderate and high risks. The construction drawings and/or specifications have been updated accordingly, and the the measures were verified to be completed appropriately.On Dur Insp Chklst, changed sign-off for Builder Declaration to add "and/or" to "& construction drawings and/or specifications"щOn Summary Page, added error-check to ensure the # of bedrooms is a whole number in single-family homes. Prior version included an error that would produce the wrong home size adjustment if a fraction was input for the # of bedrooms. LEED AP Homes Candidate HandbookSCurrent policies and procedures for the LEED Homes professional credentialing exam.)Project Registration and Payment GuidanceUStep-by-step guidance on how to register LEED for Homes projects and submit payments.ГOn Guidance Docs page, added links to EA 1.2 Alternative Compliance Path for energy verification as well as LEED AP Homes candidate handbook and guidance for project registration.ƒImportant note: projects registered after October 1st, 2014 that use the performance path must achieve a HERS Index of 70 or lower.@Energy & Atmosphere (EA) (Must earn points equal to HERS 70)UOn Checklist page, added notes to EA sections to highlight new minimum EA requirementMOn Checklist page, added EA minimum point floor to the certification QA checkMOn QA Review page, added EA minimum point floor to the certification QA checkзImportant note: projects registered after October 1st, 2014 that use the prescriptive path must achieve at least the following: 13 points (projects in climate zone 1-5), or 9.5 points (projects in climate zone 6-8) ^On Summary page, add warning to the HERS Index input if the minimum EA requirement is not met.4This document was last updated on October 1st, 2014."5certification fee should be paid through LEED Online.<E-mail certification package to: homescertification@gbci.org! checklist explaining the discrepancy. If you believe there is a flaw in the error-checking, please contact afoss@usgbc.org. This automated error-checking is notvOn Summary page, changed fee payment instructions and changed submittal e-mail address to homescertification@gbci.org.cThis documentation package must be submitted to GBCI by the designated LEED for Homes Provider. Theџт Ь aЮa‘г‘ђиђ €х€’ъ’гюЏЛё—hѕD ^ї: (љ Дњ>§8ўiEкЖŒhpLу Пы Ч :бŠo(fS з яЈ Hщ#ЂH%G'Y(›)T{+4v- //ФZ2яЇ3<6š 7 (9Н Q<цЧ>АРЛхДЁљДГАфпА­БсрЕїДГИгА­ЯNАЊнAрд s%#ФЗ,V2k9ц к<U @…еHP$N{мO3[SВЄVћтZ9 aaИ9kмo|sЏdz— cc\––Bх››ŒŒ——OŒыUj_ ТKUЌ g2ЭЩ€ KЏІЏpКJН  dќЉёвMbP?_*+‚€%џСƒ„&р?'р?(р?)р?M HP officejet 6200 seriesмФ!Cя€ъ odLetterџџџџDINU"8t PчіІЅD 8SMTJ(HP officejet 6200 seriesInputBinAutomaticallySelectRESDLLUniresDLLHPPreAnalysisFalseMSPreAnalysisFalseHPReportSymmetricMarginsFalseHPMinimizeMarginsFalseHPAlignMarginsForMDTrueHPPrintPreviewFalseHPOverSprayOptionAutomaticHPOverSpray100HPBorderLessPhotoFalseHPBorderLessAutoFitFalseHPCustomBorderlessTrueHPOutputOrderReverseTruePaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTrueHPDryTimeOptionAutomaticHPDryTime0HPInkVolumeOptionAutomaticHPInkVolumeNormalHPPrintInGrayScaleFalsePrintQualityNormalPrintQualityGroupPQGroup_2HPColorModeCOLOR_MODEHPPDLTypePDL_PCL3HPPosterPrintingFalseHPPosterPrintingOptionPOSTER_2ColorModeColor24HPMirrorPrintFalseTextAsBlackFalseMediaTypePLAINResolution600dpiPQDPIInstalledHPAutoDuplexScalingTrueHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalseHPManualDuplexDialogItemsInstructionID_01_FACEUP-NOROTATEHPManualDuplexPageRotateUserRotateHPOutputBinOrientationFACEUPHPManualFeedOrientationFACEUPHPSpeedMechFastDraftHPMediaTypeTreeviewPopupTrueHPManualDuplexDialogModelModalHPManualDuplexPageOrderOddPagesFirstHPMapManualFeedToTray1FalsePSAlignmentFileHPZ3AlhnPSServicesOptionStarHPCleaningFilesDataHP_Clean_TestPageHPConsumerCustomPaperHPCustomHPColorSelectionForHPAEnabledHPBornOnDateHPBODHPCustomSizeCommandTRUEHPRESDLLNameHPFRES50HPRedEyeReductionOnHPDigitalImagingHPHomePrintingHPSmartFocusOnHPContrastOnHPDigitalFlashOnHPSharpnessOnHPSmoothingOnHPJpegPngPassthroughTrueHPHTDLLNameHPFIGlhnHPMHDLLNameHPFIME50HPHPAFilterTrueHPAdvancedColorSettingTrueHPCRDCommandTrueHPSendUnitMeasureCommandTRUEHPXMLFileUsedhpo6200t.xmlPIUPHdLetterъ oџџџџџџџџџџџџ [none] [none]4PРРРРРРd€?OWNERџџџџ44dPrint driver host for 32bit appџџџџsplwow64.exe<‚C:\Windows\splwow64.exeЁ"bр?р?œ&œЊРU} I} I } m} I} $ } I} I} $ } $ } Ж} IK џ@ h@ џ x@ @ @ x@ џ x@  x@  @  @  @  @ @ Д@ ‡@;‡@џZ@џZРšџZРšџZРšџZРšџx@џ@§ RОRRRRRRRR ОRRRRRRRRR ОRRRRRRRRR § ЙОšššššššš § ЕОšššššššš Оššššššššš § JЖОšššššššš Оššššššššš О ššššššššš § мО šššššššš  м§ дdО šššš§ дЁ š д§ оО šššš§ дe š м§ пО šššš§ дfО šš м§ дрОššššО šš ОQQQQQQQQQ § мМ§ р7мО мм§ дтб§ дса§ i5О GHI мО мм§ жО KKK§ k6О GHI ОооонппО   О § ;О KKK§ k7О GHI  дОооопО § b8О KKK§ kЁО GHI ОооопО   О § b9О KKK§ С О GHI О оооО пп§ b:О KKK§ LлО GHI ОLппš § jкОJJJLGHI зDžl(((((BBF8N<4F"<0<< Z@!џ"Z@#;$Z@%џ&Z@'џ@(Z@)џ*Z@+џ,Д@ -Д@.;/Z@0 џ1 Z@2 џ3 Z@4 џ5 Z@6 џ7 Z@8 џ9 Z@: џ; Z@< џ= Z@> Д@ ? i@ м L§ !дВО!KKKLGHI !j"м§ #мЏ#lО $дд§ %дАО %GHI§ %iмО %GHI %l§ 'дcО'GHI§ 'iнО 'GHI 'WО(ппš§ )дcО )GHI§ )iнО )GHI О *ппš§ +доО +GHI§ +iнО +GHI О,QQQQQQQQQ § .мМ/м§ 0OЈО0PQMN§ 0b–О 0 щѓ 1š§ 2OЉО2PQMN\2bџџ2 џFCZР Avg. # of bedrooms: # of bedrooms: B# of bedrooms: Z2G џџ2џDCZР CZР B%(how to choose?) B2 щ]2 Eџџ4џGCZР +estimated by MFHSA: C@A B3š§ 4дЎ4a§ 4д•4щr4bџџ4 џ\CZР &Avg. floor area (square feet): $Floor area (square feet): BFloor area (square feet): Z4Grџџ2џDCZР CZР B%(how to choose?) BО 4 ъѓ Y4 Eџџ6џCCZР 'estimated by MFHSA: CA B5уu6џџ6џ_CZР %# of bldgs in this submittal: (# of homes in project, total: B!# of homes in project, total: О 6MNj6bџџ4џTCZР "Avg. 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If the Builder is the Team Leader, please input the Builder company name here.<9— tь„№„Ђ №H Г №B€G\ …‹П XPƒPП?П№ Чi!x№]4@ ŠRмЧkЂ†CЅХYˆ†­%‹ь №Жh<iThe address for the Team Leader. If the Builder is the Team Leader, please put the Builder address here.<9? h@Р ь„№„Ђ № H Г №B€PG\ …‹П XPƒPП?П№ Ч<@#ž№]4 @ ДвНbуХB† Ш6јђW‹ь №ЖЗ<ИThis will be used as the primary contact for trades looking to submit Accountability Forms. If the Builder is the Team Leader, please put the Builder primary contact information here.<9л Зь–№–Ђ № K у №T€€G\ …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє?П№ c1ЋА;Ћ№]4 @ гŒХўHBiBК{ѓ9Ž{‹ь №Жв<гIn the case of multi-home submittals, do the following: 1. calculate the home size adjuster for each home. 2. input the # of bedrooms associated with the home that has the the worst-case home size adjustment.<9ƒ в жЅ2ь–№–Ђ № K у №T€аG\ …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє?П№ c3Ћ@=Ћ№]4 @ ^†ЂИІd:MŽФ•эК­Д”‹ь №ЖЯ<аIn the case of multi-home submittals, do the following: 1. calculate the home size adjuster for each home. 2. input the floor area associated with the home that has the the worst-case home size adjustment.<9j Я ь–№–Ђ №K у №T€H\ …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє?П№ZЋЋР№]4@ лЮЩюЇb<@ј_Мзœv‹ь №Жv<wFor multi-home submittals, please input "see attached address list" and complete and print the "Multi-home" worksheet.<v“ vAРZ§ь„№„Ђ №K  Г №B€PH\ …‹П XPƒPП?П№.b @NK№]4K@ pG“ф•N™‰’ \‹ь №Ж$<%LEED for Homes includes the following building types: 1) single-family, detached - traditional single-family home. 2) single-family, attached - homes that share a party wall with at least one other home, but are not stacked vertically. This would include single-family townhomes, as well as less traditional side-by-side duplexes. LEED for Homes considers each townhome in a set to be a separate building. 3) multi-family buildings - homes that are stacked vertically, including apartment buildings, condos, and stacked duplexes and triplexes. <9 #: $ ь„№„Ђ №M  Г №B€€H\ …‹П XPƒPП?П№1Ћ PTZ№]4M@ 'Ђ™ПŽ№ B…§}nЊmхЌ‹ь №Ж<LEED for Homes tracks the following builder types: 1) custom - homes that are custom designed and built for a particular occupant. 2) small spec - homes constructed by low-volume, speculative builders. The classification of small vs. large will vary by market, but spec homes are not custom built for a particular occupant or buyer. 3) large production - homes constructed by high-volume, speculative builders. The definition of a large production project will vary by market, and the distinction is left to the project team, but typically includes developments or subdivisions. 4) military - homes constructed for and funded by the some branch of the US military. 5) multi-family developer - projects built by developers that focus on primarily or exclusively on multi-family buildings.<9Ћ  ь–№–Ђ №nЁ у №T€з\ …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє?П№4x <x№]4n@ ‚/B1–dE…3нг…!Е‹ь №Ж‚<ƒFor multi-family projects, if more than one building is being submitted for certification, please complete the Multi-Building tab.<9Д ‚х=ь–№–Ђ №oЁ у №T€(з\ …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє?П№6x >k№]4o@ I”5э|рHЄpXьk] я‹ь №Ж‚<ƒFor multi-family projects, if more than one building is being submitted for certification, please complete the Multi-Building tab.<9Д ‚х=ьЬ№ФВ №%Ђ Ѓ №Š€ћAС?Пџ?€УУПNew LEED LogoPicture 47New LEED Logo№ <є—№]&%`џџь~№~’ №H Ѓ №<€€з\ …‹П))AПР@џ№W фy №]6  ь №Ж"4ь~№~’ №H Ѓ №<€Јз\ …‹П))AПР@џ№W хy №]6  ь №Ж"4ь~№~’ №H Ѓ №<€и\ …‹П))AПР@џ№W хy№]6  ь №Ж"4ь~№~’ №H Ѓ №<€(и\ …‹П))AПР@џ№? фp №]6  ь №Ж"4ь~№~’ №H Ѓ №<€€и\ …‹П))AПР@џ№? хp №]6  ь №Ж"4ь~№~’ №AH Ѓ №<€Ји\ …‹П))AПР@џ№? хp№]6 A ь №Ж"4ь~№~’ №Ё Ѓ №<€й\ …‹П))AПР@џ№W хy+№]6  ь №Ж"4 Douglas King Douglas King Doug Kingi Douglas King Douglas King0K Douglas King2M Douglas King2  Doug Kingi4  Doug Kingi6nDoug 8oDoug >ДАЊ<Zg ‹‹Fb   хB(++++ HH BH::BB FF DD ::<<<<22 %% ''  8800 0022 %%66 )) !! )) ''  !!!я7И866аЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ  mfhsalinkИў::аЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ IECC climate zoneрЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ Ђhttp://resourcecenter.pnl.gov/cocoon/morf/ResourceCenter/graphic/973yXє;HЏ,‚]Ф…'cЅЋИТ<<аЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ EPA radon zoneрЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ lhttp://www.epa.gov/iaq/radon/zonemap.htmlyXє;HЏ,‚]Ф…'cЅЋИК<<аЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ EPA radon zoneрЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ dhttp://www.epa.gov/radon/zonemap.htmlyXє;HЏ,‚]Ф…'cЅЋВџџџџ О’ƒ ePlease input a whole number between 0 and 100. 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Clarification: Projects do not need to complete LEED-ND certification before earning this point, but the requirements of Stage 2 must be met. <({s”} •FЃ{й#@ь„№„Ђ №шA Г №B€(Љ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№}f—…№]4ш@ лЮš‹hЏ`OЕ<Јн‘tХ‹ь №Ж‹(<ŒModerate Density (2 points). Build homes with an average housing density of 7 or more dwelling units per acre of buildable land. A single home on 1/7-acre buildable lot qualifies. Clarification: Buildable land should not include setbacks defined by law as excluded from residential development. Buildable land should include setbacks defined only in developer or covenants or HOA agreements. <({ЖFФ{pŠ} ‹@ь„№„Ђ №яA Г №B€ЈЉ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№‡‰K“N№]4я@ $u№ƒвCБ^ћtˆHp‹ь №ЖЛ<МGraywater Reuse System (1 point). Design and install a graywater reuse system for landscape irrigation use (i.e., not a septic system) or indoor water use. The system must include a tank or dosing basin that can be used as part of the irrigation system. Graywater must be collected from at least one of the following: - clothes washer; - showers; - some combination of faucets and other sources estimated to exceed 5,000 gallons per year. <{Ј К} Л@ь„№„Ђ №іA Г №B€аЉ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№•hKЂ №]4і@ iaП YЩLЊ1Ѕ+zVф‹ь №Жн(<ЛReduce Overall Irrigation Demand by at Least 45% (maximum 4 points, as specified in Table 11). Design the landscape and irrigation system to reduce the overall irrigation water demand water budget. The estimates must be calculated and prepared by a landscape professional, biologist, or other qualified professional using the method outlined below. Reduction in estimated irrigation water usage - Points 45-49% - 1 40 54% - 2 54 59% - 3 60+% - 4 Exemplary Performance: Projects can earn ID points for achieving a reduction in estimated outdoor water use of 65% or more. A reduction of 65% or more is awarded 1 ID point; 70% or more is awarded 2 ID points; 75% or more is awarded 3 ID points; 80% or more is awarded 4 ID points.<({л У} Ф л{  н@ь„№„Ђ №љA Г №B€PЊ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5—ЋKЎу№]4љ@ x-зі­[GЏr‚!Њy{t‹ь №Ж™ <3 High-Efficiency Fixtures and Fittings (1 point each, maximum 3 points). Meet one or more of the following requirements by installing high-efficiency (low-flow) fixtures or fittings. A project cannot earn points in both WE 3.1 and WE 3.2 for the same fixture type (e.g., faucet, shower, or toilet). a) The average flow rate for all lavatory faucets must be d" 2.00 gpm. b) The average flow rate for all showers must be d" 2.00 gpm per stall. c) The average flow rate for all toilets must be d" 1.30 gpf OR toilets must be dual-flush and meet the requirements of ASME A112.19.14 OR toilets must meet the U.S. EPA WaterSense specification and be certified and labeled accordingly. Clarifications: - Part (c) cannot be earned through the use of toilet tank bags. - For part (c), the flow rate of dual-flush toilets can be calculated using the following formula (high and low volumes must be verified): Avg. volume = [(high volume flush) + 2* (low volume flush)] ї 3 - Flow restrictors are an acceptable strategy to earn WE 3, if the flow-restrictors are hardware that cannot easily be removed. For toilets, flush valve conversion devices and toilet tank bags cannot be used to earn credit under WE 3. - Average or weighted flow rates (i.e. in the case of dual-flush toilets) must be calculated to the hundredths place. For example, if the average flow rate for toilets is 1.13 gal/flush, this cannot be rounded down to 1.10.< {Ё­LМ{™@ь„№„Ђ №џA Г №B€€Њ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ЄЖv№]4џ@ ї+€ђБёTFО“w‘љc‹ь №ЖG @<Exceptional Energy Performance (maximum 34 points). Exceed the performance of ENERGY STAR for Homes. Use the equations below relating the Home Energy Standards (HERS) Index to the appropriate number of LEED points. South: LEED Pts = Log (100 - HERS Index) ї 0.024 - 48.3 North: LEED Pts = Log (100 - HERS Index) ї 0.021 - 60.8 Clarifications: - If a project is meeting a regional Builder Option Package (BOP) but not meeting the prerequisites in the prescriptive approach (i.e. EA 2  10), the regional BOP can be used to satisfy EA 1.1. (An example of a regional BOP is the Pacific Northwest BOP.) In the case of a project that only minimally complies with a regional BOP, the project may only earn EA points for meeting the requirements of EA 7.1, 7.2, and 11.2. See related CIRS: EA 0-14; EA 04-10; EA 07-21. - For multi-family buildings using the performance path (EA 1) and modeling the whole building, if the PV is serving an ancillary load that is not already included in the energy model, this ancillary load must be added to the total loads in both the rated and reference building. - For multi-family buildings modeling the building unit-by-unit, use a pro-rated approach to assign PV to each individual unit. Use the following approach: (a) calculate the kWh output for the entire PV system; (b) calculate the kWh per square foot of conditioned spaces based on the total building square footage; (c) estimate the PV output for each unit by multiplying the unit floor area by the kWh per square foot calculated in part b. - To be credited in EA 10 or EA 1, any renewable energy system must serve the occupants - either directly or indirectly. If a project leases space on the building for a renewable energy system but the system is not used to offset energy use from the building, it may not be used for EA 10 or EA 1. - The energy model used for EA 1 in low-rise building should only include the residential and residential-associated spaces, as per the RESNET protocols. For any non-residential spaces, the project team must develop detailed green tenant fit-out guidelines (see relevant guidance from LEED for Homes on tenant fit-out guidelines). - For single-family homes using the performance path (EA 1), if the PV is serving an ancillary load that is not already included in the energy model, this ancillary load must be added to the total loads in both the reference and rated home. - For multi-family buildings using the performance path (EA 1) and modeling the building unit-by-unit, use a pro-rated approach to assign PV to each individual unit. Use the following approach: (a) calculate the kWh output for the entire PV system; (b) calculate the kWh per square foot of conditioned spaces based on the total building square footage; (c) estimate the PV output for each unit by multiplying the unit floor area by the kWh per square foot calculated in part b. <@9m ;‹ <9< I: J9 K‰I Z9(1 G @ј‹х ь„№„Ђ №B Г №B€ЈЊ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ЎђФПљ№]4@ `K*TўРRF“dлƒk‹ь №Жd <ЩAppropriate HVAC Refrigerants (1 point). Do one of the following: a) Do not use refrigerants. b) Install an HVAC system with non-HCFC refrigerant (e.g., R-410a). c) Install an HVAC system with a refrigerant that complies with the following equation. (See Table 21 for examples of the equation applied to R410a used in different system sizes). LCGWP + LCODP x 10^5 d" 160 where LCODP = [ODPr x (Lr x Life + Mr) x Rc]/Life LCGWP = [GWPr x (Lr x Life + Mr) x Rc]/Life LCODP = Lifecycle Ozone Depletion Potential (lb CFC11/ton-year) LCGWP = Lifecycle Direct Global Warming Potential (lb CO2/ton-year) GWPr = Global Warming Potential of Refrigerant (0 12,000 lb CO2/lbr) ODPr = Ozone Depletion Potential of Refrigerant (0 0.2 lb CFC11/lbr) Lr = Refrigerant Leakage Rate (0.5 2.0%; default of 2% unless otherwise demonstrated) Mr = End-of-life Refrigerant Loss (2.0 10%; default of 10% unless otherwise demonstrated) Rc = Refrigerant Charge (0.50 5.0 lbs of refrigerant per ton of cooling capacity) Life = Equipment Life (10 35 years; default based on equipment type, unless otherwise demonstrated) < { b9 c; d@ь„№„Ђ №B Г №B€аЊ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ЅШ—Ўђ№]4@  (+,З%LАн-;‹ЎI‹ь №Ж(<‘Pipe Insulation (1 point). All domestic hot water piping shall have R-4 insulation. Insulation shall be properly installed on all piping elbows to adequately insulate the 90-degree bend. Clarification: - In order to earn this point, all hot water pipes not used for direct space heating (e.g. radiative floor heating) must meet the requirements of the credit, including sub-slab hot water pipes. <({ОFЬ{-} @ь„№„Ђ №B Г №B€PЋ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5Ѕ-œПљ№]4@ ”УLў6Ÿ,@ЂO–ёфЅ?‹ь №Ж(</Efficient Hot Water Distribution (2 points). Design and install an energy-efficient hot water distribution system (see Figure 5). None of the branch length requirements below apply to cold water demand loads (e.g., toilets), washing machines, or tubs without showerheads. Select one of the following designs: a) Structured plumbing system. The system must meet all of the following: i. The system must have a demand-controlled circulation loop that is insulated to at least R-4. ii. The total length of the circulation loop must be less than 40 linear feet of plumbing in one-story homes. Add 2x the ceiling height for two-story homes, and add 4x the ceiling height for three- or four-story homes. iii. Branch lines from the loop to each fixture must be d"10 feet long and a maximum of Н-inch nominal diameter. iv. The system must be designed with a push button control in each full bathroom and the kitchen and an automatic pump shut-off. b) Central manifold distribution system. The system must meet all of the following: i. The central manifold trunk must be no more than 6 feet in length. ii. The central manifold trunk must be insulated to at least R-4. iii. No branch line from the central manifold to any fixtures may exceed 20 feet in one-story homes. Add 1x the ceiling height for two-story homes, and add 2x the ceiling height for three- or four-story homes. iv. Branch lines from the manifold must be a maximum of Н-inch nominal diameter. c) Compact design of conventional system. The system must meet all of the following: i. No branch line from the water heater to any fixtures may exceed 20 feet in one-story homes. Add 1x the ceiling height for two-story homes, and add 2x the ceiling height for three- or four-story homes. ii. Branch lines from the central header to each fixture must be a maximum of Н-inch nominal diameter. Clarifications: - Determine "ceiling height" by measuring the floor-to-floor distance. No additional branch length should be allowed for homes with a basement, and a basement should not be considered an additional story for EA 7.1. - Part (a) can be met using multiple loops that extend from a single water heater. - Parts (b) & (c) can be met with multiple water heaters. - For parts (a-iii), (b-iii), and (c-i), calculate the length of installed pipe from the circulation loop, manifold, or water heater to the furthest fixture. Any 3/8 diameter piping should be counted at half the length of Н diameter pipe when calculating maximum branch length; check local code for compliance. - For part (c-i) in a multi-story home, the maximum allowable branch length differs for each story. Branches to 1st floor fixtures may not exceed 20 feet; branches to 2nd story fixtures may not exceed 20 feet + 1x the story height; branches to 3rd story fixtures may not exceed 20 feet + 2x the story height; etc. - Partial credit (1 point) is awarded if a project meets part (a)  structured plumbing system - sections i, iii, and iv. - Pot-fillers can be left out of this equation if they are not located above a sink or drain. - For part (a-iv), motion sensors are an acceptable alternative to push button controls as long as the motion sensor is designed to activate the demand-controlled pump and there is a time delay after the initial trigger to shut off the pump. The sensor should be installed in a way that the pump is only activated if someone is very close to the faucet or shower. - Part (c) can be awarded if the total capacity (in gallons) for each hot water branch line in the home is less than 0.5 gallons. (EA 07-37) - The WaterSense New Home requirements for hot water distribution satisfy EA 7.1 for both parts (b) and (c). Meeting the WaterSense New Home requirements for a structured plumbing system only ensures 1 point for EA 7.1 unless the length of the recirculating loop is verified. (EA 07-40)<(9п# ;‰I J: K9G& @eь„№„Ђ №B Г №B€аЋ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5щ€ѓї№]4@ аЇ§4џЫH—ь.†њю‹ь №Ж' <OENERGY STAR with Indoor Air Package (13 points). Complete all the requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency s ENERGY STAR with Indoor Air Package (IAP). Clarification: - LEED for Homes will treat certification under Indoor airPLUS (the USEPA s replacement for Indoor Air Package) as equivalent to certification under the Indoor Air Package: EQ 1 earned with Indoor airPLUS is worth 13 points. Projects registered after June 23, 2009 must use Indoor airPLUS to earn EQ 1. - IAP section 4.5 includes the requirement that the "Airflow shall be tested to meet rated fan airflow (at 0.25 in. w.c.) OR verify duct(s) sized according to the requirements of ASHRAE 62.2 Table 7.1 and the manufacturer s design criteria (ASHRAE 62.2 section 7.3). Projects earning EQ 1 cannot earn points in EQ 4.3.< {ЩЊFИ{ƒ '@ь„№„Ђ №B Г №B€Ќ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5љгФл№]4@ BŠ Ё"wMwљГuЁ6Q‹ь №ЖК <ЛMoisture Load Control (1 point). Install dehumidification equipment with sufficient latent capacity to maintain relative humidity at or below 60%. This must be achieved through one of the following: a) Additional dehumidification system(s). b) A central HVAC system equipped with additional controls to operate in dehumidification mode. Clarification: Dehumidification equipment is not required to maintain RH <60% for every hour of the year; projects are granted some discretion. When determining latent loads to include, use ASHRAE Fundamentals or a comparable standard. Loads should include outdoor loads from ventilation and air leakage, as well as indoor loads from showers, cooking, etc.< {ЌUFc{БК@ь„№„Ђ №%B Г №B€PЌ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ѕФє№]4%@ ОљОWЬCЄ@„шФвіu‘‹ь №Ж\(<]Basic Local Exhaust. Meet all the following requirements: a) Design and install local exhaust systems in all bathrooms (including half-baths) and the kitchen to meet the requirements of Section 5 of ASHRAE Standard 62.2. Sample requirements that relate to minimum intermittent local exhaust flow rates are shown in Table 31, below. b) Design and install the fans and ducts to meet the requirements of Section 7 of ASHRAE Standard 62.2. c) Exhaust air to the outdoors (i.e., exhaust to attics or interstitial spaces is not permitted). d) Use ENERGY STAR labeled bathroom exhaust fans (except for exhaust fans serving multiple bathrooms). Clarifications: - Part (d) is waived for bathrooms with an ERV or HRV. - As written, ASHRAE Standard 62.2 (and LEED for Homes) requires local exhaust in the kitchen that meets the following: If the fan capacity produces fewer than 5 kitchen ACH, the exhaust must be provided by a range hood and meet the 100 CFM requirement in Std. 62.2; If the fan capacity produces greater than 5 kitchen ACH, the exhaust may be a non-range hood, but must be located in the kitchen. <({x…L”{= [} \@ь„№„Ђ №&B Г №B€аЌ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5—Фє№]4&@ №ЦЧЃS`KfЎz=срл‹ь №Жe(<fEnhanced Local Exhaust (1 point). Use one of the following strategies in every bathroom to control the use of the local exhaust fan: a) An occupancy sensor. b) An automatic humidistat controller. c) An automatic timer to operate the fan for a timed interval after occupant leaves the room. d) A continuously operating exhaust fan. Clarifications: - This credit can be awarded if the requirements are met for all bathrooms with showers, bathtubs, or spas (i.e. half-baths are excluded). - For EQ 5.2, timers should be set to operate exhaust fans for at least 20 minutes after showering. (EQ 05-13) <({ЖTLc{Рd} e@ь„№„Ђ №'B Г №B€P­] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5 №Фє№]4'@ 3я“JBООз”8FсP‹ь №ЖГ<ДThird-Party Performance Testing (1 point). Perform a third-party test of each exhaust air flow rate for compliance with the requirements in Section 5 of ASHRAE Standard 62.2. <{В} Г@ь„№„Ђ №3B Г №B€€­] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5пK/ї№]43@ *'ШнŒH=@А^,ю‹ь №Жn <oPreoccupancy Flush (1 point). Flush the home with fresh air, according to the following guidelines: a) Flush prior to occupancy but after all phases of construction are completed. b) Flush the entire home, keeping all interior doors open. c) Flush for 48 total hours; the hours may be nonconsecutive, if necessary. d) Keep all windows open and run a fan (e.g., HVAC system fan) continuously or flush the home with all HVAC fans and exhaust fans operating continuously at the highest flow rate. e) Use additional fans to circulate air within the home. f) Replace or clean HVAC air filter afterward, as necessary. < {М l9 m; n@ь„№„Ђ №8B Г №B€а­] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5'ˆ1х№]48@  }fjo1H­™ СuEy‹ь №Жn(<oExhaust Fan in Garage (1 point). Install an exhaust fan in the garage that is rated for continuous operation and designed to be operated in one of the following ways. Nonducted exhaust fans must be 70 cfm or greater, and ducted exhaust fans must be 100 cfm or greater. a) Fan must run continuously; or b) Fan must be designed with an automatic timer control linked to an occupant sensor, light switch, garage door opening-closing mechanism, carbon monoxide sensor, or equivalent. The timer must be set to provide at least three air changes each time the fan is turned on. Clarification: If a multi-car above-ground garage is open to the air on three sides (i.e. one side is shared with the multi-family building), EQ 10.3 may be awarded. If a garage is open to the air on 4 sides, it means it's detached from the multi-family building and EQ 10.4 may be awarded. (EQ 10-22)<(9U @: A‰C O9} n@ь„№„Ђ №=B Г №B€PЎ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№52ZФJš№]4=@ bКьљeЪdJ›яOjз˜У ‹ь №Жb0<Х Basic Operations Training. Provide the home s occupant(s) with the following: a) An operations and maintenance manual or binder that includes all the following items: i. The completed checklist of LEED for Homes features; ii. A copy of each signed Accountability Form; i ii. A copy of the durability inspection checklist; iv. The product manufacturers manuals for all installed equipment, fixtures, and appliances; v. General information on efficient use of energy, water, and natural resources; vi. Operations and maintenance guidance for any LEED for Homes related equipment installed in the home, including space heating and cooling equipment, mechanical ventilation equipment, humidity control equipment, radon protection system, renewable energy system, and irrigation, rain water harvesting, and or graywater system; vii. Guidance on occupant activities and choices, including cleaning materials, methods, and supplies, water-efficient landscaping, impacts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, irrigation, lighting selection, and appliance selection; viii. Educational information on  green power . b) A minimum one-hour walkthrough of the home with the occupant(s), featuring the following: i. Identification of all installed equipment; ii. ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшъ§џџџыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџInstruction in how to use the measures and operate the equipment; iii. Information on how to maintain the measures and equipment. Clarification: - It is acceptable to provide the O&M manual in a digital format (e.g. cd or dvd), but tenants should be able to request and receive a printed copy if they are unable to access or read the information in digital format. <0{7rF€{л`9 a; b@ь„№„Ђ №BB Г №B€€Ў] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5cФ| №]4B@ РRЗЧќaD‡ќЯ”ёЭš‹ь №ЖM <›Basic Insulation. Meet all the following requirements: a) Install insulation that meets or exceeds the R-value requirements listed in Chapter 4 of the 2004 International Energy Conservation Code. Alternative wall and insulation systems, such as structural insulated panels (SIPs) and insulated concrete forms (ICFs), must demonstrate a comparable R-value, but thermal mass or infiltration effects cannot be included in the R-value calculation. b) Install insulation to meet the Grade II specifications set by the National Home Energy Rating Standards (Table 16). Installation must be verified by an energy rater or Green Rater conducting a predrywall thermal bypass inspection, as summarized in Figure 3. Note: For any portion of the home constructed with SIPs or ICFs, the rater must conduct a modified visual inspection using the ENERGY STAR Structural Insulated Panel Visual Inspection Form. Clarification: - For part (b) in historic homes, gut-rehab homes, or other cases where part of an exterior wall cavity is inaccessible, LEED for Homes follows the guidance provided by EPA in Note 1 of the TBC:  verification of measures in the thermal bypass inspection checklist (TBC) are subject to the judgment and discretion of the energy rater. If an energy rater is satisfied that the methodology and results of infrared testing on a project meet the TBC requirements, this is acceptable. Similarly, if the home energy rater is satisfied that a specific approach to blown-in insulation meets the TBC requirements on a project, this is acceptable. - According to the EPA, the slab-edge insulation requirement in the TBC only applies to slab-on-grade floors with a floor surface less than 12" below grade. Basements are typically exempted under this definition, except for walkout basements. However, EPA also allows up to 25% of the slab edge to be uninsulated.< {ї„F’{АM@ь„№„Ђ №CB Г №B€аЎ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5fКФmŠ№]4C@  Mпi0їAЙАцЬ.‹ь №Ж”<•Enhanced Insulation (2 points). Meet the following requirements: a) Install insulation that exceeds the R-value requirements listed in Chapter 4 of the 2004 International Energy Conservation Code by at least 5%. Alternative wall and insulation systems, such as structural insulated panels (SIPs) and insulated concrete forms (ICFs), must demonstrate a comparable R-value, but thermal mass or infiltration effects cannot be included in the R-value calculation. b) Install insulation to meet the Grade I specifications set by the National Home Energy Rating Standards (Table 16). Installation must be verified by an energy rater or Green Rater conducting a predrywall thermal bypass inspection as summarized in Figure 3. Note: For any portion of the home constructed with SIPs or ICFs, the rater must conduct a modified visual inspection, using the ENERGY STAR Structural Insulated Panel Visual Inspection Form. <{ “} ”@ь„№„Ђ №DB Г №B€Џ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№5hxФm—№]4D@ *ЙIЙ3bAІUФe]$р‹ь №Ж•<–Reduced Envelope Leakage. Meet the air leakage requirements shown in Table 17. The air leakage rate must be tested and verified by an energy rater. <{№ •@ь„№„Ђ №EB Г №B€PЏ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№ЭlKrh№]4E@ ;ЕЅ${MžИ‰4УДЃž‹ь №Жž<ŸGreatly Reduced Envelope Leakage. Meet the air leakage requirements shown in Table 17. The air leakage rate must be tested and verified by an energy rater. <{–} ž@ь„№„Ђ №FB Г №B€€Џ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№9m—r №]4F@ ykыP_ЎхJŒЏ %Yсќ‹ь №Ж–<—Minimal Envelope Leakage. Meet the air leakage requirements shown in Table 17. The air leakage rate must be tested and verified by an energy rater. <{d•} –@ь„№„Ђ №GB Г №B€аЏ] …‹П XPƒPП?П№an8Ф…М№]4G@ Р­жG щЈF’ˆЌјK‡+‹ь №Жx <yGood Windows. Meet all the following requirements: a) Design and install windows and glass doors that have NFRC ratings that meet or exceed the window requirements of the ENERGY STAR for Homes national Builder Option Package (Table 18). b) The ratio of skylight glazing to conditioned floor area may not exceed 3%. All skylights must meet the ENERGY STAR performance requirements for skylights, but are exempt from the requirements in Table 18. c) Homes in the North or North/Central climate zones that have a total window-to-floor area ratio (WFA) of 18% or more must meet a more stringent U-factor requirement (also applicable to EA 4.2 and 4.3): U-factor = [0.18 / WFA] * [U-factor from Table 18] d) Homes in the South or South/Central climate zones that have a total window-to-floor area ratio (WFA) of 18% or more must meet a more stringent solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) requirement (also applicable to EA 4.2 and 4.3): SHGC = [0.18 / WFA] * [SHGC from Table 18] Note: Up to 0.75% of the window-to-floor area may be used for decorative glass or skylight area that does not meet the U-factor and SHGC requirements above. < {лs{,w} x@ь„№„Ђ №HB Г №B€@^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№нr ~–№]4H@ 6фн˜БwdIЅ КСtЋ!‹‹ь №Жt <uExceptional Windows (3 points). Design and install windows and glass doors that have NFRC ratings that substantially exceed the window requirements in the ENERGY STAR for Homes national Builder Option Package (Table 18). Clarifications: - Homes in the North or North/Central climate zones that have a total window-to-floor area ratio (WFA) of 18% or more must meet a more stringent U-factor requirement: U-factor = [0.18 / WFA] * [U-factor from Table 18] - Homes in the South or South/Central climate zones that have a total window-to-floor area ratio (WFA) of 18% or more must meet a more stringent solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) requirement: SHGC = [0.18 / WFA] * [SHGC from Table 18] - If a home has a WFA of greater than 0.18, the requisite U-factor and SHGC for EA 4.2 and 4.3 is more stringent. Projects must use the adjustment in notes (c) and (d) in EA 4.1. (EA 04-14)< 9… п‰I ю9Ы t@ь„№„Ђ №IB Г №B€P@^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№нpP~–№]4I@ „ѕ™ЙтйџC‡‹C аž>‹ь №Жc(<dEnhanced Windows (2 points). Design and install windows and glass doors that have NFRC ratings that exceed the window requirements in the ENERGY STAR for Homes national Builder Option Package (Table 18). Clarifications: - Homes in the North or North/Central climate zones that have a total window-to-floor area ratio (WFA) of 18% or more must meet a more stringent U-factor requirement: U-factor = [0.18 / WFA] * [U-factor from Table 18] - Homes in the South or South/Central climate zones that have a total window-to-floor area ratio (WFA) of 18% or more must meet a more stringent solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) requirement: SHGC = [0.18 / WFA] * [SHGC from Table 18] - If a home has a WFA of greater than 0.18, the requisite U-factor and SHGC for EA 4.2 and 4.3 is more stringent. Projects must use the adjustment in notes (c) and (d) in EA 4.1. (EA 04-14)<(95 Э: Ю‰I н9Ы c@Zaь„№„Ђ №PB Г №B€а@^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№цtтФ…Ѓ№]4P@ ПВ+BѓОМJ˜ ђИ+С‹ь №Жc<ЧA. Forced-Air Systems: Reduced Distribution Losses. Meet the following requirements: a) Limit duct air leakage rate to outside the conditioned envelope. The tested duct leakage rate must be d" 4.0 cfm at 25 Pascals per 100 square feet of conditioned floor area (for each installed system), verified by the energy rater. Testing is waived if the home meets EA 5.3 (b) or (c). b) Do not install ducts in exterior walls unless extra insulation is added to maintain the overall UA for an exterior wall without ducts. Ducts may be run inside interior wall cavities but must be fully ducted (i.e., do not use the wall cavity as the duct). c) Use at least R-6 insulation around ducts in unconditioned spaces. B. Nonducted HVAC Systems (e.g., Hydronic Systems): Reduced Distribution Losses. Use at least R-3 insulation around distribution pipes in unconditioned spaces. <{‰b} c@ь„№„Ђ №QB Г №B€A^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№ЭvГK…Ѓ№]4Q@ М3ЧЖьјI‡ћŒ%Ÿ„‹ь №Жј<ёA. Forced-Air Systems: Greatly Reduced Distribution Losses (2 points). Limit duct air leakage to outside the conditioned envelope. The tested duct leakage rate must be d" 3.0 cfm at 25 Pascals per 100 square feet of conditioned floor area (for each installed system), verified by the energy rater. B. Nonducted HVAC Systems (e.g., Hydronic Systems): Greatly Reduced Distribution Losses (2 points). Keep the system (including boiler and distribution pipes) entirely within the conditioned envelope. <{л ї} ј@ь„№„Ђ №RB Г №B€PA^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№Ÿ~– ‰Ь№]4R@ [qŒaIvнoЌ*j‹ь №Ж<<yA. Forced-Air Systems: Minimal Distribution Losses (3 points). Meet one of the following requirements: a) Limit duct air leakage to outside the conditioned envelope. The tested duct leakage rate must be d" 1.0 cfm at 25 Pascals per 100 square feet of conditioned floor area, verified by the energy rater. b) Locate the air-handler unit and all ductwork within the conditioned envelope and minimize envelope leakage (i.e., meet the requirements of EA 3.3). c) Locate the air-handler unit and all ductwork visibly within conditioned spaces (i.e., no ductwork hidden in walls, chases, floors, or ceilings). B. Nonducted HVAC Systems (e.g., Hydronic Systems): Minimal Distribution Losses (1 point). Install outdoor reset control (i.e., controls that modulate distribution water temperature based on outdoor air temperature). <{ ;} <@ь„№„Ђ №SB Г №B€€A^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5…МДi№]4S@ лЌмНLЯAІ’DХQЋБ‹ь №ЖIP< Good HVAC Design and Installation. Meet each of the following requirements: a) Design and size HVAC equipment properly using ACCA Manual J, the ASHRAE 2001 Handbook of Fundamentals or an equivalent computation procedure. b) Install HVAC equipment that meets the requirements of the ENERGY STAR for Homes national Builder Option Package (Table 19). c) Install ENERGY STAR labeled programmable thermostat (except heat pumps and hydronic systems). IECC Climate Zones 1-3, Cooling Equipment IECC Climate Zones 1-3, Heating Equipment Central AC and air source heat pumps e" 14 SEER Central AC and air source heat pumps e" 8.2 HSPF Open loop ground-source heat pumps e" 16.2 EER Furnaces (gas, oil or propane) e" 80 AFUE Closed loop ground-source heat pumps e" 14.1 EER Boilers (gas, oil or propane) e" 80 AFUE Direct expansion ground-source heat pumps e" 15 EER Open loop ground-source heat pumps e" 3.6 COP Closed loop ground-source heat pumps e" 3.3 COP Direct expansion ground-source heat pumps e" 3.5 COP IECC Climate Zones 4-8, Cooling Equipment IECC Climate Zones 4-8, Heating Equipment Central AC and air source heat pumps e" 13 SEER Central AC and air source heat pumps e" 8.2 HSPF Open loop ground-source heat pumps e" 16.2 EER Furnaces (gas, oil or propane) e" 90 AFUE Closed loop ground-source heat pumps e" 14.1 EER Boilers (gas, oil or propane) e" 85 AFUE Direct expansion ground-source heat pumps e" 15 EER Open loop ground-source heat pumps e" 3.6 COP Closed loop ground-source heat pumps e" 3.3 COP Direct expansion ground-source heat pumps e" 3.5 COP Clarifications: - For part (c), programmable thermostats are no longer required to be ENERGY STAR labeled. - The note indicates that homes with no air-conditioning must follow the performance approach (e.g. EA 1). Homes with no heating must also follow the performance approach, and may not use the prescriptive pathway. - Part (b) requires that the HVAC equipment meet or exceed the performance specifications in the ENERGY STAR national BOP. This includes the following requirements not mentioned in the Rating System: 1) homes with heat pumps and programmable thermostats must have adaptive recovery; 2)  Indoor and outdoor coils shall be matched in accordance with ARI standards ; and 3) "Maximum oversizing limit for air conditioners and heat pumps is 15% - with the exception of heat pumps in Climate Zones 5 - 8, where the maximum oversizing limit is 25%." - A Manual J (or equivalent) calculation is required for each unit in multi-family or multi-home projects. It may be possible to re-use a Manual J calculation, but only if the units have the same or very similar design (including size, orientation, exposure, and energy-efficiency measures) such that they would be expected to have the same loads. - Although Manual J & D calculations are not required for ductless projects, calculations must be performed to determine the room-by-room loads based on specific features of the home and to determine how to size the distribution system to satisfy these loads. In the case where individual heating and cooling units are used in each room (e.g. radiant floor heating, mini-splits), the distribution requirement may be satisfied by performing the load calculations and t<uhen following manufacturer s guidance to meet these loads.<P{c О} П{ Р{B{#—p{P} LŒ {B&I@ь„№„Ђ №VB Г №B€аA^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№Ы‡…ФЉ№]4V@ ›ВКЬЗ%HЁуР­гh ‹ь №ЖX< High-Efficiency HVAC (2 points). Design and install HVAC equipment that is better than the equipment required by the ENERGY STAR Builder Option Package (Table 19). IECC Climate Zones 4-8, Cooling Equipment Central AC and air source heat pumps e" 14 SEER Open loop ground-source heat pumps e" 17.8 EER Closed loop ground-source heat pumps e" 15.5 EER Direct expansion ground-source heat pumps e" 16.5 EER IECC Climate Zones 4-8, Heating Equipment Central AC and air source heat pumps e" 8.6 HSPF Furnaces (gas, oil or propane) e" 92 AFUE Boilers (gas, oil or propane) e" 87 AFUE Open loop ground-source heat pumps e" 4.0 COP Closed loop ground-source heat pumps e" 3.6 COP Direct expansion ground-source heat pumps e" 3.9 COP IECC Climate Zones 1-3, Cooling Equipment Central AC and air source heat pumps e" 15 SEER Open loop ground-source heat pumps e" 17.8 EER Closed loop ground-source heat pumps e" 15.5 EER Direct expansion ground-source heat pumps e" 16.5 EER IECC Climate Zones 1-3, Heating Equipment Central AC and air source heat pumps e" 8.6 HSPF Furnaces (gas, oil or propane) e" 90 AFUE Boilers (gas, oil or propane) e" 85 AFUE Open loop ground-source heat pumps e" 4.0 COP Closed loop ground-source heat pumps e" 3.6 COP Direct expansion ground-source heat pumps e" 3.9 COP <X{Z Ѕ} Іф а{ –у Р{Н жт { Цс №{З @ь„№„Ђ №WB Г №B€B^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№ю‰ЬФ—о№]4W@ ЩЋкт"AвBЏЛєИщ‚‹ь №ЖSP<Ї Very High Efficiency HVAC (maximum 4 points). Design and install HVAC equipment that is substantially better than the equipment required by the ENERGY STAR Builder Option Package (Table 19). Any piping designed as part of a heat pump system to carry water that is well above (or below) the thermostatic temperature settings in the home must have R-4 insulation or greater. Note: The maximum of 4 points is available only if a heat pump is installed. Furnace and boiler systems can earn a maximum of 3 points. IECC Climate Zones 4-8, Cooling Equipment Central AC and air source heat pumps e" 15 SEER Open loop ground-source heat pumps e" 19.4EER Closed loop ground-source heat pumps e" 17 EER Direct expansion ground-source heat pumps e" 18 EER IECC Climate Zones 4-8, Heating Equipment Central AC and air source heat pumps e" 9.0 HSPF Furnaces (gas, oil or propane) e" 94 AFUE Boilers (gas, oil or propane) e" 90 AFUE Open loop ground-source heat pumps e" 4.3 COP Closed loop ground-source heat pumps e" 4.0 COP Direct expansion ground-source heat pumps e" 4.2 COP IECC Climate Zones 1-3 Cooling Equipment Central AC and air source heat pumps e" 16 SEER Open loop ground-source heat pumps e" 19.4 EER Closed loop ground-source heat pumps e" 17 EER Direct expansion ground-source heat pumps e" 18 EER IECC Climate Zones 1-3 Heating Equipment Central AC and air source heat pumps e" 9.0 HSPF Furnaces (gas, oil or propane) e" 92 AFUE Boilers (gas, oil or propane) e" 87 AFUE Open loop ground-source heat pumps e" 4.3 COP Closed loop ground-source heat pumps e" 4.0 COP Direct expansion ground-source heat pumps e" 4.2 COP <P{2 ф *{ ыу {К *п S{  о >{К S@ь„№„Ђ №_B Г №B€PB^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ŒŸKЄP№]4_@ 'ZtJЫюI‘OвєgЇ‹ь №ЖВ<eEfficient Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Equipment (maximum 3 points). Design and install energy-efficient water heating equipment. Select one measure from Table 20 below. Water heater type and efficiency requirement - Points Gas water heaters EF e" 0.53 (80 gallon) High-efficiency storage water heater - 1 EF e" 0.57 (60 gallon) High-efficiency storage water heater - 1 EF e" 0.61 (40 gallon) High-efficiency storage water heater - 1 EF e" 0.8 Storage or tankless water heater - 2 CAE e" 0.8 Combination water and space heaters - 2 Electric water heaters EF e" 0.89 (80 gallon) High-efficiency storage water heater - 1 EF e" 0.92 (50 gallon) High-efficiency storage water heater - 1 EF e" 0.93 (40 gallon) High-efficiency storage water heater - 1 EF e" 0.99 Tankless water heater - 2 EF e" 2.0 Heat pump water heater - 3 Solar water heaters (backup) e" 40% of annual DHW load With preheat tank - 2 e" 60% of annual DHW load With preheat tank - 3 <{g Б; В@ь„№„Ђ №`B Г №B€€B^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ГФœѓ№]4`@ ss6ИЖ…EI†=Lйи!T‹ь №Жн<оENERGY STAR Lights. Install at least four ENERGY STAR labeled light fixtures or ENERGY STAR labeled compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in high-use rooms (kitchen, dining room, living room, family room, hallways). <{пм} н@ь„№„Ђ №dB Г №B€аB^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№Эѓ—Є№]4d@ КAр•19яIŽ?@у‚Щ1‹ь №Жœ<Improved Lighting (1.5 maximum points). Select and install one or both of the following measures: a) Indoor lighting (0.5 points). Install three additional ENERGY STAR labeled light fixtures or ENERGY STAR labeled compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in high-use rooms. These are in addition to the four ENERGY STAR lights required by EA 8.1. b) Exterior lighting (1 point). All exterior lighting must have either motion sensor controls or integrated photovoltaic cells. The following lighting is exempt: emergency lighting; lighting required by code for health and safety purposes; and lighting used for eye adaptation near covered vehicle entrances or exits. <{ќ ›} œ@ь„№„Ђ №hB Г №B€C^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5˜ˆФЗ`№]4h@ ьI”оT”zG•A"sйkъ™‹ь №Ж < Renewable Energy System (maximum 10 points). Design and install a renewable electricity generation system. Use energy modeling to estimate both the energy supplied by the renewable energy system and the annual reference electrical load. Receive 1 point for every 3% of the annual reference electrical load met by the system. Annual reference electric load is defined as the amount of electricity that a typical home (e.g., the HERS Reference Home) would consume in a typical year. The annual reference electric load must be determined using the procedures specified in the 2006 Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards (HERS) Guidelines. For example, Annual reference electric load = 10,000 KWh Annual electricity consumption in LEED home = 7,000 KWh Annual electricity supplied by renewable energy system = 1,800 KWh Percentage of annual reference electric load supplied by renewable energy system = 1,800 / 10,000 = 18.0% LEED points, under EA 10 = 18.0 ї 3 = 6.0 points Clarifications: - For single-family homes using the prescriptive path (EA 10), any ancillary loads served by the PV system must be added to the annual reference electric load before doing the calculation to determing percent savings. - For multi-family buildings using the prescriptive path (EA 10) and a whole-building approach, any ancillary loads served by the PV system must be added to the annual reference electric load before doing the calculation to determing percent savings. - For multi-family buildings using the prescriptive path (EA 10) and a unit-by-unit approach, use the following approach: (a) calculate the kWh output for the entire PV system; (b) calculate the kWh per square foot of conditioned spaces based on the total building square footage; (c) estimate the PV output for each unit by multiplying the unit floor area by the kWh per square foot calculated in part b; and (d) use this pro-rated output in the calculation in EA 10. - For multi-family buildings using the prescriptive path (EA 10) and a unit-by-unit approach, PV may only be credited if it serves all of the units / occupants. - For projects using the prescriptive path (EA 10), any ancillary loads served by the PV system must be added to the annual reference electric load before doing the calculation to determing percent savings. < 9š х‰I є9K  @ь„№„Ђ №ю‹ Г №B€PC^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№Ы&№2Е№]4ю@ њ~л \кqKЃh ЋЕєx‹ь №Ж <Innovation 1. Prepare a written Innovative Design Request, to be submitted by the LEED for Homes Provider to USGBC, explaining the merits of the proposed measure. This point cannot be counted until LEED for Homes has ruled on the request. All written submittals must contain the following: - the intent of the proposed measure; - the proposed requirement for compliance; - the proposed documentation to demonstrate compliance; and - a description and an estimate of the benefit or impact provided by the proposed measure. <{ƒ : @ь„№„Ђ №№‹ Г №B€€C^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№Ы(дK4|№]4№@ ZўUяXKОŠ‡~$ЋH‹ь №Ж <Innovation 3. Prepare a written Innovative Design Request, to be submitted by the LEED for Homes Provider to USGBC, explaining the merits of the proposed measure. This point cannot be counted until LEED for Homes has ruled on the request. All written submittals must contain the following: - the intent of the proposed measure; - the proposed requirement for compliance; - the proposed documentation to demonstrate compliance; and - a description and an estimate of the benefit or impact provided by the proposed measure. <{… } @ь„№„Ђ №ў‹ Г №B€аC^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№ЫM!V№]4ў@ ˆtХvнDŽ…куУmA‹ь №Ж<Erosion Controls During Construction. Prior to construction, design and plan appropriate erosion control measures. During construction, implement these measures. Erosion control measures must include all of the following: a) Stockpile and protect disturbed topsoil from erosion (for reuse). b) Control the path and velocity of runoff with silt fencing or comparable measures. c) Protect on-site storm sewer inlets, streams, and lakes with straw bales, silt fencing, silt sacks, rock filters, or comparable measures. d) Provide swales to divert surface water from hillsides. e) If soils in a sloped area (i.e., 25%, or 4:1 slope) are disturbed during construction, use tiers, erosion blankets, compost blankets, filter socks and berms, or some comparable approach to keep soil stabilized. <{r} @ь„№„Ђ №œ Г №B€D^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№ЫK(5№]4@ йо1ѕdџHЈІЧE‹ь №Жz0<ѕ Integrated Project Team (1 point). Assemble and involve a project team to meet the three criteria below: a) Include team members, in addition to the builder and Green Rater, whose capabilities include at least three of the following skill sets: architecture or residential building design; mechanical or energy engineering; building science or performance testing; green building or sustainable design; and civil engineering, landscape architecture, habitat restoration, or land-use planning. b) Actively involve all team members referenced above in at least three of the following phases of the home design and construction process: conceptual or schematic design; LEED planning; preliminary design; energy and envelope systems analysis or design; design development; final design, working drawings or specifications; and construction. c) Conduct meetings with the project team at least monthly to review project status, introduce new team members to project goals, discuss problems encountered, formulate solutions, review responsibilities and identify next steps. Clarifications: - The  project team does not include the Provider and/or green rater. For part (a), the credit should be changed to  Include team members, not including the builder or Green Rater, whose capabilities include&  - For part (c), if a project is on hold or inactive, monthly meetings are not required. (ID 01-03)<0{С2| 3LB~ C{Дz!ь„№„Ђ №œ Г №B€PD^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№Ы&aK(ї№]4@ Юk|7ЅEŽ—убЎwЅA‹ь №Ж;<<Durability Management. During construction, the builder shall have a quality management process in place to ensure installation of the durability measures. This prerequisite can be satisfied by having the builder inspect and check off each measure in the durability inspection checklist created for 2.1(e), above. <{ :} ;Beeь„№„Ђ №œ Г №B€€D^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№ЫVj\№]4@ нЌък‹Cƒ&lX)сУG‹ь №ЖУ(<ФNo Invasive Plants. Introduce no invasive plant species into the landscape. Clarification: This requirement applies to all vegetation, including turfgrass and vegetated groundcovers. (SS 02-55)<({НNF\} ]{DУ@ь„№„Ђ № œ Г №B€E^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5qMФ}‘№]4 @ ќдуV?<@ŒKzз‹Дш‹ь №Жˆ <‰Management of Runoff from Roof (maximum 2 points). Design and install one or more of the following runoff control measures: a) Install permanent stormwater controls (e.g., vegetated swales, on-site rain garden, dry well, or rainwater cistern) designed to manage runoff from the home (1 point). b) Install vegetated roof to cover 50% of the roof area (0.5 point). OR c) Install vegetated roof to cover 100% of the roof area (1 point). d) Have the site designed by a licensed or certified landscape design or engineering professional such that all water runoff from the home is managed through an on-site design element (2 points). < {m†9 ‡: ˆ@ь„№„Ђ №œ Г №B€(E^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5}ыФ‡)№]4@ Ыиœ[ВИAŽЂАˆB‹ь №ЖŽ<Very High Density (4 points). Build homes with an average housing density of 20 or more dwelling units per acre of buildable land. A single home on 1/20-acre buildable lot qualifies. Clarification: Buildable land should not include setbacks defined by law as excluded from residential development. Buildable land should include setbacks defined only in developer or covenants or HOA agreements. <{Ш: Ž@ь„№„Ђ №œ Г №B€PE^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5}Й—ˆН№]4@ ЬKьFИ|рGОJі˜яЈ‹ь №Жˆ <‰High Density (3 points). Build homes with an average housing density of 10 or more dwelling units per acre of buildable land. A single home on 1/10-acre buildable lot qualifies. Clarification: Buildable land should not include setbacks defined by law as excluded from residential development. Buildable land should include setbacks defined only in developer or covenants or HOA agreements. < {ъГFС{{ˆ@ь„№„Ђ №œ Г №B€ЈE^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5nЋФ}н№]4@ Ю3xШЁ&ЋIЉФ6ЬЃž\Q‹ь №Жш(<щPermanent Erosion Controls (1 point). Design and install one of the following permanent erosion control measures: a) If portions of the lot are located on a steep slope, reduce long-term runoff effects through use of terracing and retaining walls. OR b) Plant one tree, four 5-gallon shrubs, or 50 square feet of native groundcover per 500 square feet of disturbed lot area (including area under roof). Clarification: - In part (b), trees installed should be mature enough to have a caliper (trunk thickness) of at least 1.5 inches. Also, it is acceptable to use ten 2-gallon shrubs rather than four 5-gallon shrubs per 500 sf. - Projects that are constructed to the lot-line and have no space for landscaping may not earn this credit. <({ šFЈ{кч: ш@ь„№„Ђ №œ Г №B€(F^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5:@ L№]4@ Ђ%+{мкЛBЋЏчyC‹ь №Ж < Infill (2 points). Select a lot such that at least 75% of the perimeter immediately borders previously developed land. In the case of a multihome new development, each home in the development is awarded these points if at least 75% of the development site immediately borders previously developed land. Clarifications: - Where the term  borders previously developed land is used, the land itself must be developed. Being located adjacent to a lot with development located on it is not sufficient unless the development is immediately adjacent to the LEED project. - Where the term  borders previously developed land is used, the adjacent land must have development that is at least 5 years old. - If the home is located in a new development, then the term  development site includes all of the new home sites in that new development, not just the one building site that is to be certified. - If a project borders a body of water, this border should not be included in the calculation  i.e. it should not be a credit or penalty. - If a project borders a park or is a corner lot, the adjacent park or roadway shall be treated as non-existent (i.e., assessment is to be based on the land on the other side of the park, or the land on the other side of one of the roadways). < {и0L?{ž@ь„№„Ђ №œ Г №B€€F^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5*@ 5C№]4@ @АДO|оHЗŒqў™Љ6‹ь №Ж <Innovation 4. Prepare a written Innovative Design Request, to be submitted by the LEED for Homes Provider to USGBC, explaining the merits of the proposed measure. This point cannot be counted until LEED for Homes has ruled on the request. All written submittals must contain the following: - the intent of the proposed measure; - the proposed requirement for compliance; - the proposed documentation to demonstrate compliance; and - a description and an estimate of the benefit or impact provided by the proposed measure. <{… } @ь„№„Ђ №œ Г №B€ЈF^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5'ФФ3 №]4@ 0ШpхŠЖK `НђЏ‘ыю‹ь №Ж <Innovation 2. Prepare a written Innovative Design Request, to be submitted by the LEED for Homes Provider to USGBC, explaining the merits of the proposed measure. This point cannot be counted until LEED for Homes has ruled on the request. All written submittals must contain the following: - the intent of the proposed measure; - the proposed requirement for compliance; - the proposed documentation to demonstrate compliance; and - a description and an estimate of the benefit or impact provided by the proposed measure. <{ } @ь„№„Ђ №œ Г №B€G^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5&Є52№]4@ AWзЧеuCЕЌж>ЗЁ2и‹ь №Ж <Third-Party Durability Management Verification (3 points). Have the Green Rater inspect and verify each measure listed in the durability inspection checklist created for 2.1(e), above. Clarification: In order to earn this, the durability inspection checklist must include at least 18-20 strategies, with at least 3 strategies in every medium or high durability risk area. All strategies must be verified to be counted. This count may not include strategies that are already prerequisites in the Rating System (see ID 02-25). < {ЛFЩ{Beь„№„Ђ №!œ Г №B€(G^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5Ю &№]4!@ >#гœx‹™FДHЇнЊ%Х‹ь №ЖŒ0<Professional Credentialed with Respect to LEED for Homes (1 point). At least one principal member of the project team shall be a professional who is credentialed with respect to LEED for Homes as determined by the U.S. Green Building Council. Clarification : Once the LEED AP Homes credential is available, projects may begin awarding the credit, on the following strict conditions: 1) the individual with the credential must be a principal member of the project team, and not a member of the verification team; 2) the individual with the credential must play an ongoing role on the project team, including participation in meetings, etc.; 3) the credential must be earned and verified by the Green Rater prior to the project's preliminary rating; 4) there are currently no credentials or levels of experience that are considered equivalent to LEED AP Homes, but there may be considerations in the future.<0{Uѓ}!іI} { Œ!ь„№„Ђ №"œ Г №B€€G^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5€Ф#№]4"@ N'ЎШEЎV‘}яu”+‹ь №Ж№<ёPreliminary Rating. As early as practical, conduct a preliminary LEED for Homes meeting, with the participation of the Provider and key members of the project team. As part of the meeting, create an action plan that identifies the following: - The targeted LEED award level (Certified, Silver, Gold, or Platinum). - The LEED for Homes credits that have been selected to meet the targeted award level. - The party accountable for meeting the LEED for Homes requirements for each selected credit. <{ё я| №!ь„№„Ђ №#œ Г №B€ЈG^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5@Ф•#№]4#@ X?iЃ'ЬHЄЉPтшны‹ь №Ж(< Rainwater Harvesting System (maximum 4 points, as specified in Table 10). Design and install a rainwater harvesting and storage system (including surface runoff and/or roof runoff) for landscape irrigation use or indoor water use. The storage system must be sized to hold all the water from a 1-inch rainfall event (equivalent to 0.62 gallons per square foot of roof area used for capture), taking into consideration the size of the harvest system (i.e., 50% or 75% of total roof area, depending on the measure chosen from Table 10). System size Application - Points e" 50% of roof area Indoor only - 2 e" 50% of roof area Outdoor only - 3 e" 75% of roof area Both indoor and outdoor - 4 Clarification: - Partial credit (1 point) can be awarded if a system is installed that only collects water from 25-50% of the roof area, but a storage tank must be installed to collect water for a 1-inch rain event falling on 50% of the roof area. - To earn this credit, a storage system must be installed. The storage system must be designed to address concerns about mosquitoes, pests, and debris, and must be accessible for reuse of the water (e.g. plumbing to irrigation system, hose bib). Open wells, ponds, etc. are not considered acceptable storage systems for this credit. (WE 01-26)<({ўБFП}Т{Š @ь„№„Ђ №$œ Г №B€(H^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ˆН“†№]4$@ tЋ:(ѓLˆÜDЊ‹ь №ЖЁ<ЂUse of Municipal Recycled Water System (3 points). Design the plumbing such that irrigation system water demand is supplied by municipal recycled water. This is applicable only in communities with a municipal recycled water program. Note: A home using a municipal recycled water system cannot receive points under WE 1.2 (Graywater Reuse System) or WE 1.1 (Rainwater Harvesting System) for outdoor applications. <{E  } Ё@ь„№„Ђ №%œ Г №B€€H^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ŽU —Ž№]4%@  НŒх\ЏGИPП(Рeлx‹ь №ЖЪ<ЫThird-Party Inspection (1 point). Perform a third-party inspection of the irrigation system in operation, including observation of all of the following: a) All spray heads are operating and delivering water only to intended zones. b) Any switches or shut-off valves are working properly. c) Any timers or controllers are set properly. d) Any irrigation systems are located at least 2 feet from the home. e) Irrigation spray does not hit the home. <{# Щ} Ъ@ь„№„Ђ №*œ Г №B€ЈH^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ІЃ Гo№]4*@ ŸчŠk КD”t@Й $У‹ь №Жa(<bRefrigerant Charge Test. Provide proof of proper refrigerant charge of the air- conditioning system (unless home has no mechanical cooling system). Clarifications: - Split systems, even those that are pre-charged, must have a refrigerant charge test to satisfy EA 11.1. - No refrigerant charge test is required for non-split, factory charged units. <({\–LЅ{ `}a@ь„№„Ђ №,œ Г №B€(I^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5Š —˜Ф№]4,@ @ФP#ОJ‘i˜§…oѕе‹ь №Ж(<‘Pipe Insulation (1 point). All domestic hot water piping shall have R-4 insulation. Insulation shall be properly installed on all piping elbows to adequately insulate the 90-degree bend. Clarification: - In order to earn this point, all hot water pipes not used for direct space heating (e.g. radiative floor heating) must meet the requirements of the credit, including sub-slab hot water pipes. <({˜ ОC Ь{А } @ь„№„Ђ №-œ Г №B€ЈI^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5Ї ФО№]4-@ †œчјП$K‘дvр„S‹ь №Жd <ЩAppropriate HVAC Refrigerants (1 point). Do one of the following: a) Do not use refrigerants. b) Install an HVAC system with non-HCFC refrigerant (e.g., R-410a). c) Install an HVAC system with a refrigerant that complies with the following equation. (See Table 21 for examples of the equation applied to R410a used in different system sizes). LCGWP + LCODP x 10^5 d" 160 where LCODP = [ODPr x (Lr x Life + Mr) x Rc]/Life LCGWP = [GWPr x (Lr x Life + Mr) x Rc]/Life LCODP = Lifecycle Ozone Depletion Potential (lb CFC11/ton-year) LCGWP = Lifecycle Direct Global Warming Potential (lb CO2/ton-year) GWPr = Global Warming Potential of Refrigerant (0 12,000 lb CO2/lbr) ODPr = Ozone Depletion Potential of Refrigerant (0 0.2 lb CFC11/lbr) Lr = Refrigerant Leakage Rate (0.5 2.0%; default of 2% unless otherwise demonstrated) Mr = End-of-life Refrigerant Loss (2.0 10%; default of 10% unless otherwise demonstrated) Rc = Refrigerant Charge (0.50 5.0 lbs of refrigerant per ton of cooling capacity) Life = Equipment Life (10 35 years; default based on equipment type, unless otherwise demonstrated) < { b9 c; d@ь„№„Ђ №1œ Г №B€J^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5˜—Љf№]41@ с)eg–Ш@Ј`ѕЩФз@ˆ‹ь №Ж< High-Efficiency Appliances (maximum 2 points). Install appliances from the list below. To receive points for one type (e.g., refrigerator), every appliance of that type must meet the applicable requirement below. a) ENERGY STAR labeled refrigerator(s) (1 point). b) ENERGY STAR labeled ceiling fans (at least one in living or family room and one per bedroom) (0.5 point). c) ENERGY STAR labeled dishwasher(s) that use 6.0 gallons or less per cycle (0.5 point). d) ENERGY STAR labeled clothes washer(s) (0.5 point). <{4 } @<„№„Ђ №2œ Г №B€(J^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5šтKЉŠ№]42@ ъU y5ъщB‚†дA.ыя‹< №Жь<йWater-Efficient Clothes Washer (1 point). Install clothes washer with modified energy factor (MEF) e" 2.0 and water factor (WF) < 5.5. A clothes washer that meets these requirements and the requirement in EA 9.1 can be counted for both. <{І ь@<„№„Ђ №5œ Г №B€€J^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ВxИг№]45@ nV@Ь{y[@•ТL’ч%їs‹< №Жa<bFraming Order Waste Factor Limit. Limit the overall estimated waste factor to 10% or less. If the waste factor on any portion of the framing order exceeds 10%, calculate the overall waste factor as shown in Table 22. Waste factor is defined as the percentage of framing material ordered in excess of the estimated material needed for construction. <{ш`} a@<„№„Ђ №;œ Г №B€ЈJ^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ПќщР№]4;@ < К\э`ћMЏХюHzm‹< №ЖЇ <O FSC Certified Tropical Wood. Meet the following two requirements, as applicable: a) Provide all wood product suppliers with a notice (see Figure 6, below) containing all the following elements: i. a statement that the builder s preference is to purchase products containing tropical wood only if it is FSC-certified; ii. a request f      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghik§џџџlmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€or the country of manufacture of each product supplied; and iii. a request for a list of FSC-certified tropical wood products the vendor can supply. b) If tropical wood is intentionally used (i.e., specified in purchasing documents), use only FSC-certified tropical wood products. Reused or reclaimed materials are exempt. Note: A species of wood is considered tropical for the purposes of this prerequisite if it is grown in a country that lies between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Clarification: - To meet the requirements for FSC certification under MR 2.1, the finished product must be FSC certified. If a finished product includes some FSC-certified material, but the finished product is not itself FSC-certified, this product does not meet the requirements for FSC certification under MR 2.1. Certification under any of the FSC labels (e.g., FSC Pure, FSC Mixed Source, FSC Mixed Credit, FSC Recycled), is acceptable. - FSC Chain of Custody must be intact until the point of purchase by the project team. Project team contractors and subcontractors do not need to have Chain of Custody.< {ˆ@FN{ Ї@<„№„Ђ №Dœ Г №B€K^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ыsќx№]4D@ аЮъ:FšШE‘лѓQ ]Ћ\‹< №Ж[(<\Basic Combustion Venting Measures. Meet all the following requirements. a) No unvented combustion appliances (e.g., decorative logs) are allowed. b) A carbon monoxide (CO) monitor must be installed on each floor. c) All fireplaces and woodstoves must have doors. d) Space and water heating equipment that involves combustion must meet one of the following. Space heating systems in homes located in IECC-2006 climate zone 1 or 2 are exempt. i. it must be designed and installed with closed combustion (i.e., sealed supply air and exhaust ducting); ii. it must be designed and installed with power-vented exhaust; or iii. it must be located in a detached utility building or open-air facility. Clarifications: - Part (c) is satisfied if the fireplace has a solid glass enclosure. - In multi-family buildings, CO monitors must be installed in each unit. <({žЛLЪ{ Z} [@<„№„Ђ №Iœ Г №B€€K^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5§KФ№№]4I@ =Чї)G„E™ТЛqœ_оћ‹< №Жё(<уBasic Outdoor Air Ventilation. Design and install a whole building ventilation system that complies with ASHRAE Standard 62.2. A summary of alternatives is provided below, but the HVAC contractor should review and follow the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.2, Sections 4 and 7. a) Mild climate exemption. A home built in a climate with fewer than than 4,500 infiltration degree-days is exempt from this prerequisite. b) Continuous ventilation. Meet the ventilation requirements in Table 30 below. c) Intermittent ventilation. Use Equation 4.2 of ASHRAE Standard 62.2 to demonstrate adequate ventilation air flow. d) Passive ventilation. Have a passive ventilation system approved and verified by a licensed HVAC engineer as providing ventilation equivalent to that achieved by continuous ventilation systems as described in Table 30. Clarifications: - Homes with fewer than 4,500 infiltration degree days are no longer exempt from the ventilation requirements. The only exemptions allowed within LEED for Homes are those listed in ASHRAE Std. 62.2-2007. The exemptions listed in ASHRAE Std. 62.2-2007 are the following: Enforced for all projects registered after January 1, 2010. (EQ 04-23) a) buildings in zone 3B or 3C of the IECC 2004/2007 Climate Zone Map; b) buildings with no mechanical cooling that are located in zone 1 or 2 of the IECC 2004/2007 Climate Zone Map; and c) buildings that are thermally conditioned for human occupancy for less than 876 hours per year. - For part (c), ASHRAE Std 62.2, section 4.4 provides guidance on how to calculate ventilation rates for systems that operate intermittently. Please review the standard; a system that operates infrequently must compensate with a larger fan flow rate. - For part (d)  passive ventilation - Green Raters must verify some evidence (e.g., model results, calculations, or on-site test results) that the design will yield air flows equivalent to those required by ASHRAE Std. 62.2. Design features are not sufficient. Operable windows and natural infiltration is not sufficient, because the air flows in Std. 62.2 already assume natural infiltration rates. If passive ventilation is used, the project team should submit its strategy to the EQ TASC for research and information purposes. <({ьPL_{л№} ё@<„№„Ђ №Jœ Г №B€L^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5Y •№]4J@ ‹Ј=щч~ОC еSУ§рюГ‹< №Ж˜<1Third-Party Performance Testing (1 point). Have a third-party test the flow rate of air brought into the home, and verify that the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.2 are met. In exhaust-only ventilation systems, install exhaust ducts according to Table 7.1 of ASHRAE Standard 62.2, and either test the flow rate out of the home or conduct air flow tests to ensure back-pressure of d" 0.20 inches w.c. <{ж—} ˜@<„№„Ђ №Mœ Г №B€(L^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5 №Kє№]4M@ љUuОцNžCЊаД#a‹< №Жў0<џRoom-by-Room Load Calculations. Perform design calculations (using ACCA Manual J and D, the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, or an equivalent computation procedure) and install system accordingly. Clarification: - For ductless systems, a Manual D calculation is not required but some calculations are required for room-by-room loads based on specific features of the home and calculations are required to demonstrate that the loads are met based on the distribution system installed (e.g. hot water piping). - If the Total Equivalent Length cannot be verified, it's acceptable to verify an equivalent calculation for the friction coeffecient or pressure drop over the ductwork. TEL is one way to estimate pressure drop over ductwork, but there are other methods.<0{ЇЧFе{ў} џ{Žў@<„№„Ђ №Wœ Г №B€€L^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5#йФ/ї№]4W@ ы;йЊЌZuGUаЁПlI ‹< №Ж (<ž Radon-Resistant Construction in Moderate-Risk Areas (1 point). If the home is outside EPA Radon Zone 1, design and build the home with radon-resistant construction techniques as prescribed by EPA, the International Residential Code, Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code, or some equivalent code or standard. Clarifications: - Radon-resistant new construction includes five components: 1) gas-permeable layer; 2) heavy-gauge plastic sheeting; 3) sealing and caulking of all penetrations through the concrete slab; 4) vent pipe that exhausts gases to the outside through side wall or roof; and 5) electrical outlet near vent piping. It is not acceptable to cap the exhaust pipe inside the home. - Radon-resistant new construction requires the sub-slab pipe to be vented to the outside, either through the side wall or roof. It is not acceptable to cap the pipe inside the home. - The requirements for radon protection are automatically satisfied if the home is elevated by at least 2 ft. with open air space between the home and ground. An open-air garage under a multi-family building is an acceptable alternative. - For projects in Canada, the prerequisite is to have the home tested for radon OR install radon resistant new construction. If the project installs an active sub-slab or sub-membrane depressurization system, 1 point can be awarded under EQ 9.2. - Gut-rehab projects must do one of the following: 1. Meet the requirements in ASTME-2121, which includes: install passive radon-resistant infrastructure, including piping through slab that connects to exterior through sidewall or roof. In this case, the area under the slab must be tested for connectivity, to ensure the piping accommodates the entire sub-slab area. Depending on sub-slab connectivity, multiple source pipes may be needed. In this case, a post-construction test is still strongly recommended. 2. Conduct radon testing. If the test shows minimal radon risks, no further action is required. If the test shows an unacceptable radon risk, an active radon mitigation system is required. See EQ 09-15 for details about how to conduct the testing. USGBC follows the EPA recommendations on radon testing. See www.epa.gov/radon/pubs/citguide.html for details. - Multi-family projects should follow the ASTM-E Standard 2121 for details about how to design the sub-slab soil-gas collection system. See http://www.epa.gov/radon/pubs/mitstds.html for information on how to get a free copy of the Standard. According to the EPA document "Building Radon Out" (pg. 38), slab designs that are greater than 4,000 square feet should include separate sub-slab pipe loops for each 2,000 to 4,000 square foot area. <(9І L‰I [9:. œ :  @<„№„Ђ №Yœ Г №B€M^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5#ћ/ї№]4Y@ №ег‘‘Ы)JЌАŠЙьWК‹< №Ж’ <“No HVAC in Garage. Place all air-handling equipment and ductwork outside the fire-rated envelope of the garage. Clarification: - The AHU may not be located in a closet or cabinet that only opens into the garage. The AHU may be located in a room that is adjacent to the garage, but only if it is directly connected to the living space and the door to the garage is sealed, gasketed, and self-closing.< {sF{ъ’@<„№„Ђ №Zœ Г №B€(M^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5&zK4Г№]4Z@ lгŽCЬE‹§ВV;ж‹‹< №Ж‡ <Minimize Pollutants from Garage (2 points). Tightly seal shared surfaces between garage and conditioned spaces, including all of the following: a) In conditioned spaces above the garage: i) seal all penetrations; ii) seal all connecting floor and ceiling joist bays. b) In conditioned spaces next to the garage: i) weather-strip all doors; ii) place carbon monoxide detectors in adjacent rooms that share a door with the garage; iii) seal all penetrations; and iv) seal all cracks at the base of the walls. Clarification: - Part a-iii  to paint garage walls and ceilings - is not required by any project as a condition for earning EQ 10.2. < {8 F{y‡@<„№„Ђ №\œ Г №B€€M^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5/ЬK/ї№]4\@ ЂfPЙzwzKЂЅiоŒnА‹< №Ж*<+Detached Garage or No Garage (3 points). <{і)} *@<„№„Ђ №œ Г №B€ЈM^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№9x'Hu№]4@ Н[Œƒ7NMw`’ЙѕЎ‹< №ЖЈ(<Q Edge Development (1 point). Select a lot such that at least 25% of the perimeter immediately borders previously developed land. In the case of a multihome new development, each home in the development is awarded this point if at least 25% of the development site immediately borders previously developed land. Clarifications: - Where the term  borders previously developed land is used, the land itself must be developed. Being located adjacent to a lot with development located on it is not sufficient unless the development is immediately adjacent to the LEED project. - Where the term  borders previously developed land is used, the adjacent land must have development that is at least 5 years old. - If the home is located in a new development, then the term  development site includes all of the new home sites in that new development, not just the one building site that is to be certified. - If a project borders a body of water, this border should not be included in the calculation  i.e. it should not be a credit or penalty. - If a project borders a park or is a corner lot, the adjacent park or roadway shall be treated as non-existent (i.e., assessment is to be based on the land on the other side of the park, or the land on the other side of one of the roadways). - LL 3.3 may only be awarded if 75% of the total buildable land for the project was previously developed. This applies to single-family and multi-family projects. If the LEED home is built on the footprint of a previously existing structure, but this footprint comprises less than 75% of the total buildable land, LL 3.3 should not be awarded. Enforced for all projects registered after January 1, 2010. (LL 03-11)<(ƒК 7„ 9…N HƒЉ Ј@<„№„Ђ №žœ Г №B€(N^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№:Ђ—Fd№]4ž@ ˜† О_ЙNВТ*Й~…tУ‹< №ЖЁ(<ЂPreviously Developed (1 point). Build on a previously developed lot. In the case of a multihome new development, each home in the development is awarded this point if at least 75% of the development site is built on previously developed land. Clarifications: LL 3.3 may only be awarded if 75% of the total buildable land for the project was previously developed. This applies to single-family and multi-family projects. If the LEED home is built on the footprint of a previously existing structure, but this footprint comprises less than 75% of the total buildable land, LL 3.3 should not be awarded. Enforced for all projects registered after January 1, 2010. (LL 03-11)<({hѓ} єL{фЁ@<„№„Ђ №Ÿœ Г №B€ЈN^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№@ SГ№]4Ÿ@ —шШИРKДbћ“ geЮ‹< №Жј0<ё Basic Community Resources (1 point). Select a site that meets one of the following criteria: a) Located within М mile of four basic community resources (Table 2). b) Located within Н mile of seven basic community resources (Table 2). c) Located within Н mile of transit services that offer 30 or more transit rides per weekday (combined bus, rail, and ferry). Clarifications: - If the number of transit rides varies throughout the year (e.g., the project is built in a seasonal resort or on an academic campus), the average rides per weekday should be used. - Multiple transit stops can only be counted if they are for different transit lines. For example, a single bus that stops just north of the home, in front of the home, and just south of the home should only be counted as one stop. If the bus passes by 10 times per weekday, 10 rides should be counted, not 30. - The distance requirements must be calculated based on possible walking distances, not  as the bird flies . For example, if a resource is within Н mile on a map, but requires >Н mile of walking because of highways or other obstructions, the resource should not be counted. Exemplary Performance: - Projects can earn 1 ID point if they are within Н mile of transit services that offer 250 or more transit rides per weekday. - Projects can earn 1 ID point if they are within Н mile walking distance of 28 community resources. As per the Rating System, projects may not take credit for more than 2 of the same type of community resource. (LL 05-05)<09џ p‰I 9п ƒ‰| ™9У ј@ _<„№„Ђ № œ Г №B€O^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№HlUЭ№]4 @ ‰2‚> їDВИЄ,БЗЛхБ‹< №Жќ0<љ Outstanding Community Resources (3 points). Select a site that meets one of the following criteria: a) Located within М mile of 11 basic community resources (Table 2). b) Located within Н mile of 14 basic community resources (Table 2). c) Located within Н mile of transit services that offer 125 or more transit rides per weekday (combined bus, rail, and ferry). Clarifications: - If the number of transit rides varies throughout the year (e.g., the project is built in a seasonal resort or on an academic campus), the average rides per weekday should be used. - Multiple transit stops can only be counted if they are for different transit lines. For example, a single bus that stops just north of the home, in front of the home, and just south of the home should only be counted as one stop. If the bus passes by 10 times per weekday, 10 rides should be counted, not 30. - The distance requirements must be calculated based on possible walking distances, not  as the bird flies . For example, if a resource is within Н mile on a map, but requires >Н mile of walking because of highways or other obstructions, the resource should not be counted. Exemplary Performance: - Projects can earn 1 ID point if they are within Н mile of transit services that offer 250 or more transit rides per weekday. - Projects can earn 1 ID point if they are within Н mile walking distance of 28 community resources. As per the Rating System, projects may not take credit for more than 2 of the same type of community resource. (LL 05-05)<0{ыqL€{І†Ž{Ѓќ@<„№„Ђ №Ёœ Г №B€(O^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№Dё'T<№]4Ё@ dЈZЉH­zGЃТЩ?*.У‹< №Ж§@<ћ Extensive Community Resources (2 points). Select a site that meets one of the following criteria: a) Located within М mile of seven basic community resources (Table 2). b) Located within Н mile of 11 basic community resources (Table 2). c) Located within Н mile of transit services that offer 60 or more transit rides per weekday (combined bus, rail, and ferry). Clarifications: - If the number of transit rides varies throughout the year (e.g., the project is built in a seasonal resort or on an academic campus), the average rides per weekday should be used. - Multiple transit stops can only be counted if they are for different transit lines. For example, a single bus that stops just north of the home, in front of the home, and just south of the home should only be counted as one stop. If the bus passes by 10 times per weekday, 10 rides should be counted, not 30. - The distance requirements must be calculated based on possible walking distances, not  as the bird flies . For example, if a resource is within Н mile on a map, but requires >Н mile of walking because of highways or other obstructions, the resource should not be counted. Exemplary Performance: - Projects can earn 1 ID point if they are within Н mile of transit services that offer 250 or more transit rides per weekday. - Projects can earn 1 ID point if they are within Н mile walking distance of 28 community resources. As per the Rating System, projects may not take credit for more than 2 of the same type of community resource. (LL 05-05)<@{эp} qW} ‚{І‡Žž{Ѓ§@<„№„Ђ №Іœ Г №B€€O^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№\cˆzя№]4І@ ђaˆэА5]EЏхgХ=gѕ‹< №ЖЃ8<GReduce Local Heat Island Effects (1 point). Do one of the following: a) Locate trees or other plantings to provide shading for at least 50% of sidewalks, patios, and driveways within 50 feet of the home. Shading should be calculated for noon on June 21, when the sun is directly overhead, based on five years growth. b) Install light-colored, high-albedo materials or vegetation for at least 50% of sidewalks, patios, and driveways within 50 feet of the home. Acceptable strategies include the following: i. white concrete; ii. open pavers (counting only the vegetation, not the pavers); and iii. any material with a solar reflectance index (SRI) of at least 29. Clarifications: - Gray concrete (part ii) is not an acceptable approach to earning this credit unless it is demonstrated to have an SRI of at least 29. - For multi-home developments, common roads should not be included in this calculation. - White gravel may only be used if the SRI value can be verified. Data from the manufacturer or supplier is recommended, but not required. - Additional methods for earning the credit: parking that is a) beneath the home; b) under a vegetated deck; c) lower levels of a multi-level garage; or d) the top level of a multi-level garage that meets the credit requirements. - Both existing and new hardscapes fall under the scope of this credit. - SS 3 may be awarded if shading is provided by existing trees on the property. - If a project team can demonstrate that the product being used on the project meets the SRI requirements in SS 3, credit should be awarded. Data from the manufacturer or supplier is required, unless the project can find a way to demonstrate compliance on site. - Pool decks that are within 50 feet of the home should be included in the calculation for SS 3. (SS 03-21) Exemplary Performance: - Projects can earn Н ID point if 100% of the sidewalks, patios, and driveways meet the credit requirements. (SS 03-08) <8{MЅLД{Њˆ'{ЋЂ: Ѓ@<„№„Ђ №Ќœ Г №B€ЈO^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ЂKПљ№]4Ќ@ fž6п*ШўKІђGx>юКы‹< №Ж2 <ePerformance of ENERGY STAR for Homes. Meet the performance requirements of ENERGY STAR for Homes, including third-party inspections. Clarifications: - The performance requirements of Energy Star for Homes 2006 are published on the EPA website and include: 1) HERS Index of 80 or lower in climate zones 6-8 or HERS Index of 85 or lower in climate zones 1-5; 2) completed Thermal Bypass Inspection Checklist, including slab-edge insulation in climate zones 4+; 3) duct leakage of less than 6 CFM to outdoors per 100 sq. ft.; 4) at least one Energy Star qualified product (heating or cooling equipment; windows; 5 or more labeled light fixtures, appliances, or ventilation fans); 5) indoor and outdoor coils must be matched, in accordance with AHRI standards; 6) adaptive recovery for any programmable thermostats installed in homes with a heat pump; and 7) maximum oversizing limit for air conditioners and heat pumps is 15%, with the exception of heat pumps in Climate Zones 5-8, where maximum oversizing is 25%). - The requirement for EA 1.1 is to meet the performance requirements of ENERGY STAR for Homes 2006. - Energy Star for Homes does not allow projects to meet the minimum HERS Index with renewable power systems. However, solar thermal domestic hot water systems may be used to meet the minimum HERS Index requirement. - If a project is meeting a regional Builder Option Package (BOP) but not meeting the prerequisites in the prescriptive approach (i.e. EA 2  10), the regional BOP can be used to satisfy EA 1.1. In the case of a project that only minimally complies with a regional BOP, the project may only earn EA points for meeting the requirements of EA 7.1, 7.2, and 11.2. See related CIRS: EA 0-14; EA 04-10; EA 07-21. - A Manual J (or equivalent) calculation is required for each unit in multi-family or multi-home projects. It may be possible to re-use a Manual J calculation, but only if the units have the same or very similar design (including size, orientation, exposure, and energy-efficiency measures) such that they would be expected to have the same loads. - Although Manual J & D calculations are not required for ductless projects, calculations must be performed to determine the room-by-room loads based on specific features of the home and to determine how to size the distribution system to satisfy these loads. In the case where individual heating and cooling units are used in each room (e.g. radiant floor heating, mini-splits), the distribution requirement may be satisfied by performing the load calculations and then following manufacturer s guidance to meet these loads. - According to the EPA, homes with uninsulated walls may meet the performance requirements of ENERGY STAR for Homes. There is no explicit requirement in the Thermal Bypass Checklist (TBC) that walls must be insulated; TBC requirements relate to air barrier details in walls where insulation does exist. Note that the slab edge insulation requirement in the current TBC would still apply to slab-on-grade construction in Climate Zones 4 and higher. - To be credited in EA 10 or EA 1, any renewable energy system must serve the occupants - either directly or indirectly. If a project leases space on the building for a renewable energy system but the system is not used to offset energy use from the building, it may not be used to earn credit in EA 10 or EA 1.< 9т ‡‰I –9‹? 2 @<„№„Ђ №Вœ Г №B€аO^ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5•CЩЎ№]4В@ зЩ0ЭЏыB‡БЩ K…‹< №Ж0<Advanced Lighting Package (3 points). Install ENERGY STAR Advanced Lighting Package using only ENERGY STAR labeled fixtures. The Advanced Lighting Package consists of a minimum of 60% ENERGY STAR qualified hard-wired fixtures and 100% ENERGY STAR qualified ceiling fans (if any). OR Install ENERGY STAR labeled lamps in 80% of the fixtures throughout the home. ENERGY STAR labeled CFLs are acceptable. All ceiling fans must be ENERGY STAR labeled. Clarifications: - The second part of the credit,  Install Energy Star labeled lamps in 80% of the fixtures ought to be  At least 80% of all lamps in the home must be Energy Star labeled. This may affect the requirement of the credit where fixtures include multiple lamps. - According to EPA, in multi-family buildings the Advanced Lighting Package only applies to in-unit spaces, not corridor or outdoor public lighting. Exemplary Performance: Projects can earn 1 ID point for the use of 90% ENERGY STAR fixtures (i.e. not just lamps) and 100% ENERGY STAR ceiling fans. <0{ ЦLе{Шp‹†{у@<„№„Ђ №Еœ Г №B€0_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№56ІФH\№]4Е@ oСМcЗC—e<ʐіР‹< №Жš(<5Education of Building Manager (1 point). For multifamily buildings (more than five units), provide the building manager with the following: a) A building owner s manual or binder that includes these items:i. The completed checklist of LEED for Homes features; ii. A copy of each signed Accountability Form; i ii. A copy of the durability inspection checklist; iv. The product manufacturers manuals for all installed equipment, fixtures, and appliances; v. General information on efficient use of energy, water, and natural resources; vi. Operations and maintenance guidance for any LEED for Homes related equipment installed in the home, including space heating and cooling equipment, mechanical ventilation equipment, humidity control equipment, radon protection system, renewable energy system, and irrigation, rain water harvesting, and or graywater system; vii. Guidance on occupant activities and choices, including cleaning materials, methods, and supplies, water-efficient landscaping, impacts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, irrigation, lighting selection, and appliance selection; viii. Educational information on  green power . b) A minimum one-hour walkthrough of the building before occupancy, featuring the following: i. Identification of all installed equipment; ii. Instruction in how to use the measures and operate the equipment in each unit; iii. Information on how to maintain the measures and equipment in each unit. Clarifications: - This credit can be awarded to multi-home, single-family developments, but only if there are permanent staff involved with ongoing operations and maintenance. - This credit cannot be awarded to projects that consist of one single-family home. If someone other than the tenant or occupant is responsible for operation and maintenance of the home, that responsible party should be trained as per the requirements of AE 1.1, and credit can be awarded in AE 1.2, not AE 2. <({ƒГLТ{t ˜}š@<„№„Ђ №. Г №B€а0_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№ ё (Ј№]4. @ њлеёПN›Ь{Х:и‹< №Ж <Building Orientation for Solar Design (1 point). Design the home such that all of the following requirements are met: a) The glazing area on the north- and south-facing walls of the building is at least 50% greater than the sum of the glazing area on the east- and west- facing walls. b) The east-west axis of the building is within 15 degrees of due east-west. c) The roof has a minimum of 450 square feet of south-facing area that is oriented appropriately for solar applications. d) At least 90% of the glazing on the south-facing wall is completely shaded (using shading, overhangs, etc.) at noon on June 21 and unshaded at noon on December 21. Clarifications: - There is no requirement that the home be constructed so the long axis is within 15 degrees of due east-west. As long as the one of the primary axes is within 15 degrees of due east-west, this subpart of the credit is satisfied. (ID 01-16)< {„Lž{=џ<„№„Ђ №5 Г №B€(1_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5—Ћ ЏK№]45 @ ЊїE€dеЩ€Ѓ~ю‹< №Жз0<Џ Very High Efficiency Fixtures and Fittings (2 points each, maximum 6 points). Meet one or more of the following requirements by installing very high efficiency fixtures or fittings. A project cannot earn points in both WE 3.1 and WE 3.2 for the same fixture type (e.g., faucet, shower, or toilet). a) The average flow rate for all lavatory faucets must be d" 1.50 gpm OR lavatory faucets must meet the U.S. EPA WaterSense specification and be certified and labeled accordingly. b) The average flow rate for all showers must be d" 1.75 gpm per stall. c) The average flow rate for all toilets must be d" 1.10 gpf. Clarifications: - Part (c) cannot be earned through the use of toilet tank bags. - For part (c), the flow rate of dual-flush toilets can be calculated using the following formula (high and low volumes must be verified): Avg. volume = [(high volume flush) + 2* (low volume flush)] ї 3 - Flow restrictors are an acceptable strategy to earn WE 3, if the flow-restrictors are hardware that cannot easily be removed. For toilets, flush valve conversion devices and toilet tank bags cannot be used to earn credit under WE 3. - Average or weighted flow rates (i.e. in the case of dual-flush toilets) must be calculated to the hundredths place. For example, if the average flow rate for toilets is 1.13 gal/flush, this cannot be rounded down to 1.10. Exemplary Performance: - Projects may be awarded 1 ID point for installing toilets that have an average flow rate of 0.8 GPF or less.<0{ gLv{R‹h{dз@<„№„Ђ №9 Г №B€P1_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5‰лИт№]49 @ ЇЋбє87хD•Aƒ іЭ…‹< №Ж(<=Efficient Hot Water Distribution (2 points). Design and install an energy-efficient hot water distribution system (see Figure 5). None of the branch length requirements below apply to cold water demand loads (e.g., toilets), washing machines, or tubs without showerheads. Select one of the following designs: a) Structured plumbing system. The system must meet all of the following: i. The system must have a demand-controlled circulation loop that is insulated to at least R-4. ii. The total length of the circulation loop must be less than 40 linear feet of plumbing in one-story homes. Add 2x the ceiling height for two-story homes, and add 4x the ceiling height for three- or four-story homes. iii. Branch lines from the loop to each fixture must be d"10 feet long and a maximum of Н-inch nominal diameter. iv. The system must be designed with a push button control in each full bathroom and the kitchen and an automatic pump shut-off. b) Central manifold distribution system. The system must meet all of the following: i. The central manifold trunk must be no more than 6 feet in length. ii. The central manifold trunk must be insulated to at least R-4. iii. No branch line from the central manifold to any fixtures may exceed 20 feet in one-story homes. Add 1x the ceiling height for two-story homes, and add 2x the ceiling height for three- or four-story homes. iv. Branch lines from the manifold must be a maximum of Н-inch nominal diameter. c) Compact design of conventional system. The system must meet all of the following: i. No branch line from the water heater to any fixtures may exceed 20 feet in one-story homes. Add 1x the ceiling height for two-story homes, and add 2x the ceiling height for three- or four-story homes. ii. Branch lines from the central header to each fixture must be a maximum of Н-inch nominal diameter. Clarifications: - Determine "ceiling height" by measuring the floor-to-floor distance. No additional branch length should be allowed for homes with a basement, and a basement should not be considered an additional story for EA 7.1. - Part (a) can be met using multiple loops that extend from a single water heater. - Parts (b) & (c) can be met with multiple water heaters. - For parts (a-iii), (b-iii), and (c-i), calculate the length of installed pipe from the circulation loop, manifold, or water heater to the furthest fixture. Any 3/8 diameter piping should be counted at half the length of Н diameter pipe when calculating maximum branch length; check local code for compliance. - For part (c-i) in a multi-story home, the maximum allowable branch length differs for each story. Branches to 1st floor fixtures may not exceed 20 feet; branches to 2nd story fixtures may not exceed 20 feet + 1x the story height; branches to 3rd story fixtures may not exceed 20 feet + 2x the story height; etc. - Partial credit (1 point) is awarded if a project meets part (a)  structured plumbing system - sections i, iii, and iv. - Pot-fillers can be left out of this equation if they are not located above a sink or drain. - For part (a-iv), motion sensors are an acceptable alternative to push button controls as long as the motion sensor is designed to activate the demand-controlled pump and there is a time delay after the initial trigger to shut off the pump. The sensor should be installed in a way that the pump is only activated if someone is very close to the faucet or shower. - Part (c) can be awarded if the total capacity (in gallons) for each hot water branch line in the home is less than 0.5 gallons. (EA 07-37) - The WaterSense New Home requirements for hot water distribution satisfy EA 7.1 for both parts (b) and (c). Meeting the WaterSense New Home requirements for a structured plumbing system only ensures 1 point for EA 7.1 unless the length of the recirculating loop is verified. (EA 07-40) <(9п# ;‰I J: K9\& @e<„№„Ђ №: Г №B€а1_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ЌпЖv№]4: @ ЃBNЁ‰ŠoFБŸswkэNЭ‹< №Жa(<bRefrigerant Charge Test. Provide proof of proper refrigerant charge of the air- conditioning system (unless home has no mechanical cooling system). Clarifications: - Split systems, even those that are pre-charged, must have a refrigerant charge test to satisfy EA 11.1. - No refrigerant charge test is required for non-split, factory charged units. <({g–LЅ{ `} a@<„№„Ђ №D Г №B€P2_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5Пќј№]4D @ šФн‘uјFБє(ењТF‹< №Жђ8< Environmentally Preferable Products (0.5 point each, maximum 8 points). Use building component materials that meet one or more of the criteria below. Except as noted in Table 24, a material must make up 90% of the component, by weight or volume. A single component that meets each criterion (i.e., environmentally preferable, low emissions, and local sourcing) can earn points for each. a) Environmentally preferable products (0.5 point per component). Use products that meet the specifications in Table 24. Note: Recycled content products must contain a minimum of 25% postconsumer recycled content, except as noted in Table 24. Postindustrial (preconsumer) recycled content must be counted at half the rate of postconsumer content. AND/OR b) Low emissions (0.5 point per component). Use products that meet the emissions specifications in Table 24. AND/OR c) Local production (0.5 point per component). Use products that were extracted, processed, and manufactured within 500 miles of the home. Clarifications: - For the component  Other: Trim this only refers to interior trim, not exterior trim. - For the component  Roof and Floor and Wall: Insulation this only refers to cavity insulation, not rigid insulation. - For the component "Floor: Flooring", wool carpet is an acceptable alternative for meeting the EPP specification. - For the component  Floor: Flooring , a project can earn credit for low-emissions flooring if a) at least 90% of the flooring is CRI Green Label Plus carpet with CRI Green Label pad, OR b) at least 90% of the flooring is hard surface flooring, OR c) at least 90% of the flooring is a combination of CRI Green Label Plus carpet (with Green Label pad) and hard surface flooring. - For the component "Floor: Flooring", credit may only be awarded if 90% or more of the total flooring area is SCS Floorscore certified. SMaRT Platinum certified products are treated as equivalent SCS FloorScore certified pr‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъь§џџџэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџoducts. - For the component  Interior Walls and Ceilings and Millwork: Paints and Coatings , points may only be awarded if all of the paints and coatings used in the interior of the home meet the requirements. Pre-finished surfaces should be assumed to satisfy the emissions specification. - For part (a), Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C) certification is an acceptable alternative for any component. Credit cannot be granted for being C2C certified and also meeting the existing criteria (e.g. recycled-content, reclaimed, FSC). - For part (c), 90% of a given product must have its entire lifecycle within 500 miles to be awarded credit. For example, even the petroleum in insulation products must be verified as being sourced from within 500 miles of the project. - Both ICFs and SIPs should be treated as two different components  framing and insulation. If the requirements for either or both components are met, points should be awarded accordingly. - Garage floors (for both conditioned and unconditioned garages) should not be included in the calculation for EPP, low-emissions, or local flooring. - The component  decking or patio material should be re-labeled as  Decking AND patio . If both decking and patio exist on site, at least 90% of the material in both must meet EPP requirements for EPP credit, or local for local credit. For this component, materials containing 30% fly-ash/slag as a substitute for cement qualify for EPP credit. This credit can still be awarded for projects with only a deck or a patio, as long as the requirements are met. - New components have been added that can earn 1/2 point under the EPP specification. Please review the Errata & Clarifications document published by the USGBC. - Any of the FSC certifications (FSC Pure, FSC Mixed Credit, FSC Mixed Source, and FSC Mixed NN%) may be used to satisfy the requirements in MR 2.2. Products that are certified as FSC Recycled may be used to satisfy the "recycled-content" criteria in MR 2.2 . Note that this is a change from the policy in the Reference Guide, which states that FSC Mixed NN% should be counted at NN%. - For EPP criteria, 1/2 point may be awarded for 25% flya<фsh or slag - this replaces the 30% requirement. 1 point may be awarded for 50% flyash or slag. - The low emissions requirements in MR 2.2 apply only to products applied inside the building envelope. Exemplary Performance: - Projects that meet more than 16 of the options under MR 2.2 may be awarded 1/2 point for exemplary performance for each additional measure, not to exceed the limit of 4 ID points total. All exemplary performance points are counted in ID 3. - The following measures are worthy of 1/2 point for exemplary performance: Foundation cement - 50% flyash/slag; Exterior wall framing / wall structure - 50% flyash/slag; Roof, floor and wall sheathing - use sheathing that meets the EPP criteria for all three components.<8ƒэ №…N џƒЙE й…‡ я„ ђƒы ђ@<„№„Ђ №H Г №B€Ј2_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5№Ф#ђ№]4H @ œvSp$оA›фьг=ј‹< №Жѓ(<єA. Forced-Air Systems: Third-Party Performance Test (2 points). Have the total supply air flow rates in each room tested using a flow hood with doors closed, or one of the other acceptable methods cited by the ACCA Quality Installation Specifications. Supply air flow rates must be within +/- 15% (or +/- 10 cfm) of calculated values from ACCA Manual J (as required by EA 6.1). B. Nonducted HVAC Systems (e.g., Hydronic Systems): Multiple Zones (2 points). Install nonducted HVAC system with at least two distinct zones with independent thermostat controls. Clarification: - For homes with mixed systems, the forced-air system must meet the return air flow credit requirement and any nonducted system must meet the room-by-room controls requirement. <({– 3FA{#ђ} ѓ@<„№„Ђ №I Г №B€Ј3_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5С№№]4I @ ˆцСЖuECГх@тьTfд‹< №Жz(<{A. Forced-Air Systems: Return Air Flow (1 point). Ensure that every room (except baths, kitchens, closets, pantries, and laundry rooms) has adequate return air flow through the use of multiple returns, transfer grilles, or jump ducts. Meet one of the following requirements: a) Size the opening to 1 square inch per cfm of supply (this area may include free area undercut below door). b) Demonstrate that the pressure differential between closed rooms and adjacent spaces with return is no greater than 2.5 Pa (0.01 inch w.c.). B. Nonducted HVAC Systems (e.g., Hydronic Systems): Room-by-Room Controls (1 point). Design the HVAC system with flow control valves on every radiator. Clarifications: - Projects with nonducted forced-air systems may only be awarded EQ 6.2 if the requirement in section A for Return Air Flow are met. - For homes with mixed systems, the forced-air system must meet the return air flow credit requirement and any nonducted system must meet the room-by-room controls requirement. - For radiant floor heating systems without flow control valves, this credit can only be earned if each room has thermostatic control.<({XЎLН}Р{њ z@<„№„Ђ №K Г №B€Ј4_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5NФ/ї№]4K @ WСs_[ЂUO›Ом€ха‹< №Ж› <œIndoor Contaminant Control during Construction (1 point). Upon installation, seal all permanent ducts and vents to minimize contamination during construction. Remove any seals after all phases of construction are completed. Clarification: - This credit can be earned by all homes, according to the following conditions: 1) for homes with nonducted forced-air systems (e.g. mini-split, PTAC), the system must be sealed off during construction or installed after all construction work has been completed; 2) for homes with radiant systems located outside the living space (e.g. below-floor radiant heating), nothing additional is required. In all cases, any ductwork in the home must be sealed during construction (see EQ 08-11b). This replaces an earlier ruling. - This credit applies to all ductwork in the house, including bathroom and kitchen exhaust, whole-house ventilation, heating and cooling distribution, etc.< {т_ѓ{Й›@<„№„Ђ №M Г №B€(5_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5 гK1х№]4M @ фЎk"ђNЖsіѕхs‹< №Ж‡ <ˆ Radon-Resistant Construction in High-Risk Areas. If the home is in EPA Radon Zone 1, design and build the home with radon-resistant construction techniques as prescribed by EPA, the International Residential Code, Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code, or some equivalent code or standard. Clarifications: - Radon-resistant new construction includes five components: 1) gas-permeable layer; 2) heavy-gauge plastic sheeting; 3) sealing and caulking of all penetrations through the concrete slab; 4) vent pipe that exhausts gases to the outside through side wall or roof; and 5) electrical outlet near vent piping. It is not acceptable to cap the exhaust pipe inside the home. - Radon-resistant new construction requires the sub-slab pipe to be vented to the outside, either through the side wall or roof. It is not acceptable to cap the pipe inside the home. - The requirements for radon protection are automatically satisfied if the home is elevated by at least 2 ft. with open air space between the home and ground. An open-air garage under a multi-family building is an acceptable alternative. - For projects in Canada, the prerequisite is to have the home tested for radon OR install radon resistant new construction. If the project installs an active sub-slab or sub-membrane depressurization system, 1 point can be awarded under EQ 9.2. - Gut-rehab projects must do one of the following: 1. Meet the requirements in ASTME-2121, which includes: install passive radon-resistant infrastructure, including piping through slab that connects to exterior through sidewall or roof. In this case, the area under the slab must be tested for connectivity, to ensure the piping accommodates the entire sub-slab area. Depending on sub-slab connectivity, multiple source pipes may be needed. In this case, a post-construction test is still strongly recommended. 2. Conduct radon testing. If the test shows minimal radon risks, no further action is required. If the test shows an unacceptable radon risk, an active radon mitigation system is required. See EQ 09-15 for details about how to conduct the testing. USGBC follows the EPA recommendations on radon testing. See www.epa.gov/radon/pubs/citguide.html for details. - Multi-family projects should follow the ASTM-E Standard 2121 for details about how to design the sub-slab soil-gas collection system. See http://www.epa.gov/radon/pubs/mitstds.html for information on how to get a free copy of the Standard. According to the EPA document "Building Radon Out" (pg. 38), slab designs that are greater than 4,000 square feet should include separate sub-slab pipe loops for each 2,000 to 4,000 square foot area.< 9@ 8‰I G97. ‡ @<„№„Ђ №q Г №B€P5_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5Р №№]4q @ ”ŒЅ‡NИєЙ;?Ѕ№п‹< №Ж<Enhanced Outdoor Air Ventilation (2 points). Meet one of the following: a) In mild climates (fewer than 4,500 infiltration degree-days), install a whole-building active ventilation system that complies with ASHRAE Standard 62.2. OR b) Install a system that provides heat transfer between the incoming outdoor air stream and the exhaust air stream, such as a heat-recovery ventilator (HRV) or energy-recovery ventilator (ERV). The heat recovery system must be listed by a certified testing lab (e.g., UL, ETL). <{Ž } @<„№„Ђ №ѕ Г №B€Ј5_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№ё&№]4ѕ @ WхœŽ>БсЛДцrЙѓГнИ‹< №Жj(<kDesign Charrette (1 point). No later than the design development phase and preferably during schematic design, conduct at least one full-day integrated design workshop with the project team defined in ID 1.2. Use the workshop to integrate green strategies across all aspects of the building design, drawing on the expertise of all participants. Clarifications: - Any design charrette must include a full-day or two half-day meetings in order to earn the credit. (ID 01-02) - It is acceptable to hold charrettes via webex or video conference but no credit may be awarded for just holding phone conferences. (ID 01-19) <(9Е Y: Z‰I i9ё jAh<„№„Ђ №і Г №B€(6_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№$—Ф:№]4і @ ­пhЊЉ=ўMО,KКМL‹< №Жк (<л Durability Planning. Prior to construction, the project team shall do the following: a) Complete the Durability Risk Evaluation Form to identify all moderate- and high-risk durability issues for the building enclosure. b) Develop specific measures to respond to those issues. c) Identify and incorporate all the applicable indoor moisture control measures listed in Table 1: - Tub, showers, and spa areas - Use nonpaper-faced backerboard on walls - Kitchen, bathroom, laundry, and spa areas - Use water-resistant flooring; do not install carpet - Entryway (within 3ft of exterior doors) - Use water-resistant flooring; do not install carpet - Tank water heater in or over living space - Install drain and drain pan - Clothes washer in or over living space - Install drain and drain pan, or install accessible throw valve - Conventional clothes dryer - Exhaust directly to outdoors - Condensing clothes dryer - Install drain and drain pan d) Incorporate the measures from 2.1(b) and (c), above, into project documents (drawings, specifications, and/or scopes of work, as appropriate). e) List all the durability measures and indicate their locations in the project documents in a durability inspection checklist. Include the checklist in project documents for use in verification. Clarifications: - For part (c), the use of paper-faced backerboard that meets ASTM mold-resistant standards is acceptable for exposed walls and behind fiberglass surrounds. It is not acceptable for use behind tile. Alternatively, this part can be satisfied by installing paperfaced backer board covered by a membrane that meets ANSI A118.10 and ASTM 96? - For part (c), nonpaper-faced backer board is not required on ceilings or bathroom walls not near the tub, shower, or spa. (ID 02-16) - The clothes washer requirement ("install drain and drain pan") can be satisfied with a moisture sensor to detect leaks and an automated mechanism to control the flow of water. It is only acceptable if the mechanism is designed so the default setting is "off" -water is only allowed to flow when the system does not detect a leak and there is power. The moisture sensor must be located in a pan underneath the washing machine in such a way that the system will shut off if there is a leak. (ID 02-11) - In multi-family buildings, the prerequisite in part (c) related to entryways must be met for individual units with doors that open to the exterior. Where units open to enclosed common corridors, all building entryways must include water-resistant flooring within 3 feet of the exterior doors and either individual units must also meet the prerequisite OR the common entrance to the building must have a walk-off mat that meets the requirements for EQ 8.2. (ID 02-32)<(9 &‰I 5: 89  к Be<„№„Ђ №ј Г №B€а6_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№4iJЋ№]4ј @ IФS*ˆEЁoэnE|}‹< №Ж„ < Site Selection (2 points). Do not develop buildings, built structures, roads or parking areas on portions of sites that meet any of the following criteria: a) Land whose elevation is at or below the 100-year floodplain as defined by FEMA. b) Land that is specifically identified as habitat for any species on federal or state threatened or endangered lists. c) Land within 100 feet of any water, including wetlands as defined by U.S. Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR, Parts 230 233 and Part 22, and isolated wetlands or areas of special concern identified by state or local rule, or land within distances given in applicable state or local regulations, whichever is more stringent. New wetlands constructed as part of stormwater mitigation or other site restoration efforts are exempt from this part of the requirement. d) Land that prior to acquisition for the project was public parkland, unless land of equal or greater value as parkland is accepted in trade by the public landowner (park authority projects are exempt). e) Land that contains  prime soils ,  unique soils , or  soils of state significance , as identified in state Natural Resources Conservation Service soil surveys. Verification of soil types should be conducted by the project civil engineer, wetlands engineer, or biologist. If no project team member is qualified to verify this requirement, follow the steps laid out in the LEED for Homes Reference Guide. Sites that are previously developed are exempt from this requirement. Clarification: - Part (a) cannot met by raising a home off the ground. (LL 02-15) - Existing built features within 100 ft that will not be disturbed are exempted from LL 2 part (c). If there are existing built features within 100 ft that will be disturbed, the project does not meet LL 2 part (c) and credit LL 2 cannot be earned. - For part (c), if a project is located on land that is designated as "prime if irrigated", LL 2 should not be awarded. Projects that are located in areas that are designated as other "prime if" classifications (e.g., "prime if protected from flooding", "prime if irrigated and drained", etc.) should submit a project-specific CIR with detailed information about the particular soil classification. (LL 02-15) - If the site is not identified on a FEMA map, local or state flood maps may be used on the following conditions: 1) the map characterizes the floodplain for a 100-year (or greater) flood; and 2) the map shows natural floodplains, not accounting for engineered flood management systems (e.g. levees). Projects may not earn this credit if they are located under the 100-year floodplain, even if the flood risks are mitigated. (LL 02-18)< 9ј ч‰C ѕ9# „ @<„№„Ђ №њ Г №B€(7_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№<ВФI<№]4њ @ ъм[6ЈмVJВј№ч^‹< №Жь0<эExisting Infrastructure (1 point). Select a lot that is within Н mile of existing water service lines and sewer service lines. In the case of a multihome new development, each home in the development is awarded this point if the center of the development site is within Н mile of existing water service lines and sewer service lines. Clarification: - Having a septic system is not a substitute for being located within Н mile of sewer service. However, a project can earn this credit even if the project is not actually connected to the existing water or sewer service, only located with Н mile of service. - For projects with multiple homes / buildings, the distance in LL 4 should be measured from the center of the new development. (LL 04-06)<09_ N: P‰C ^: a9  ь@Т<„№„Ђ №ћ Г №B€P7_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№JЯФR№]4ћ @ ƒ’ь\)БЩC…юmkе@ ‹< №ЖЕ(<kAccess to Open Space (1 point). Select a location within Н mile of a publicly accessible or community-based open space that is at least О acre in size. The open space requirement can be met by either one large open space or two smaller spaces totaling О acre. Clarification: - The distance requirements must be calculated based on possible walking distances, not  as the bird flies . For example, if a community-based open space is within Н mile on a map, but requires >Н mile of walking because of highways or other obstructions, it cannot be counted. - For projects with multiple homes / buildings, the distance in LL 6 should be measured from the center of the new development. (LL 06-07)<(9 ‰C : 9. Е@<„№„Ђ №ќ Г №B€(8_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№QШФ\Ж№]4ќ @ žв'ж›ІMЙ'Яu.Ÿп‹< №Ж (< Minimize Disturbed Area of Site (1 point). Minimize disturbance to the site by meeting the following: Where the site is not previously developed: a) Develop a tree or plant preservation plan with  no-disturbance zones clearly delineated on drawings and on the lot (see Note 1 below). b) Leave undisturbed at least 40% of the buildable lot area, not including area under roof. Only softscapes can be counted toward this credit; projects cannot receive credit for preserving preexisting hardscapes, such as driveways. OR Where the site is previously developed: c) Develop a tree or plant preservation plan with  no-disturbance zones clearly delineated on drawings and on the lot (see Note 1 below), and rehabilitate the undisturbed portion of the lot by undoing any previous soil compaction, removing existing invasive plants, and meeting the requirements of SS 2.2 (see Note 2, below). OR d) Build on site with a lot area of less than 1/7 acre, or with housing density for the project that is equal to or greater than 7 units per acre. For multifamily buildings, the average lot size shall be calculated as the total lot size divided by the number of units. Clarification: - In part (b), the term  buildable lot area should be replaced with  lot area, not including area that is legally protected from disturbance. Setbacks from the road are generally not buildable, but should still be preserved, if possible. - Part (a) and (b) apply only to sites that are not previously developed or  disturbed . Undeveloped sites with substantial amounts of garbage and/or invasive weeds should be treated as previously disturbed sites. - Part (b) can be earned in a multi-home development but project-specific requests must be submitted with project details. These CIRs must address the following: (1) the area being claimed as "undisturbed" was not disrupted during the entire development process - i.e., it includes greenfield land; (2) the area is stipulated to be protected for 50+ years with an enforceable lease or contract language; and (3) the area being preserved represents 40% of the total buildable lot for the entire development, not just 40% of individual phases of development; and (4) the scope of the project used for this credit is used for all other credits - including SS 6. (SS 01-16)<(9_ : ’‰C  9Ѓ  @<„№„Ђ №ў Г №B€а8_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№V­—ks№]4ў @ оvй,ЩƒYN‚TŠ{Чт‹< №Ж! <CBasic Landscape Design (2 points). Meet the following requirements for all designed landscape softscapes: a) Any turf must be drought-tolerant. b) Do not use turf in densely shaded areas. c) Do not use turf in areas with a slope of 25% (i.e., 4:1 slope). d) Add mulch or soil amendments as appropriate. Mulch is defined as a covering placed around plants to reduce erosion and water loss and to help regulate soil temperature. In addition, upon decomposition, organic mulches serve as soil amendments. The type of mulch selected can affect soil pH. e) All compacted soil (e.g., from construction vehicles) must be tilled to at least 6 inches. Clarification: - Landscaping does not have to be fully established prior to certification; if the lot is seeded and mulched, the project can earn credit as appropriate in SS 2.2-2.5. - For projects earning credit in SS 2.5, 1 ID point may be awarded in ID 3 if the requirements of SS 2.2, parts (b), (c), (d), and (e) are met. - Any grass that requires routine watering, mowing, or fertilizers should be considered conventional turf for the purposes of SS 2.3. Even turf identified as drought-tolerant may qualify as  conventional for the purposes of SS 2.3. Further guidance on differentiating grasses for LEED for Homes is forthcoming from USGBC. - Projects with no space for landscaping may only earn points in SS 2.2-2.5, SS 3 (a), and WE 2.1-2.3 if a vegetated roof is installed and the vegetation meets the credit requirements. No points are available for SS 4.1 or 4.2. Points may be awarded for SS 4.3 if the credit requirements are satisfied. - Projects that choose or are only able to install landscaping for 50% of the designed landscape area, points are only available on specific conditions. See SS Gen-25 for details. - Projects that choose or are unable to install landscaping (e.g. production builders, projects finishing during winter) may be certified only on specific conditions. See SS Gen-24 and SS 04-36 for details. - Special rules apply to non-vegetated natural groundcover (e.g. bare mulch, pinestraw). See SS 02-34 for details. - Areas with synthetic turf should be treated like a hardscape. If the synthetic turf is permeable and includes a porous subbase, it may be counted under SS 4.1 (b). (SS 02-39) - For areas built over parking podium, see CIR SS 02-47< 9— ‰‰C —9= ! @<„№„Ђ №ž Г №B€(9_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№\Vˆuf№]4 @ UioAйVЊN‰OFєj€Ђ)‹< №Ж™(<3Drought-Tolerant Plants (maximum 2 points, as specified in Table 4). Install drought-tolerant plants. Percentage of installed plants that are drought-tolerant - Points 45 89% - 1 90% or more - 2 Clarification: - Landscaping does not have to be fully established prior to certification; if the lot is seeded and mulched, the project can earn credit as appropriate in SS 2.2-2.5. - Any grass that requires routine watering, mowing, or fertilizers should be considered conventional turf for the purposes of SS 2.3. Even turf identified as drought-tolerant may qualify as  conventional for the purposes of SS 2.3. Further guidance on differentiating grasses for LEED for Homes is forthcoming from USGBC. - Projects with no space for landscaping may only earn points in SS 2.2-2.5, SS 3 (a), and WE 2.1-2.3 if a vegetated roof is installed and the vegetation meets the credit requirements. No points are available for SS 4.1 or 4.2. - Projects that choose or are only able to install landscaping for 50% of the designed landscape area, points are only available on specific conditions. See SS Gen-25 for details. - Projects that choose or are unable to install landscaping (e.g. production builders, projects finishing during winter) may be certified only on specific conditions. See SS Gen-24 and SS 04-36 for details. - Special rules apply to non-vegetated natural groundcover (e.g. bare mulch, pinestraw). See SS 02-34 for details. - Plants that are used in rain gardens may be excluded from the calculations (i.e. not counted for or against the project) in SS 2.4 and SS 2.5 if the plants meet the following conditions: they are not served by an irrigation system, AND they appear on a list of rain garden appropriate plants published by a local or regional 3rd party source (e.g., agricultural extension office, botanical garden). - For projects with multiple homes / buildings, it is acceptable to conduct landscape calculations for the entire property only if the following conditions are met: 1) the property is owned by one organization, or 2) all landscaping is managed collectively and landscaping is similar for all of the homes. Otherwise, calculations must be performed for each lot. <(9У Ц: Ч‰C е9F& ™@<„№„Ђ №ž Г №B€P:_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№]ˆzv№]4 @ ёfBŒ˜cHЂH„mPЪ‹< №Ж 8< Reduce Overall Irrigation Demand by at Least 20% (maximum 6 points, as specified in Table 5). Design the landscape and irrigation system to reduce overall irrigation water usage. The estimates must be calculated and prepared by a landscape professional, biologist, or other qualified professional using the method outlined below. Reduction in estimated irrigation water usage - Points 20 24% - 2 25 29% - 3 30 34% - 4 35 39% - 5 40 44% - 6 45+% - see WE 2.3 Clarifications: - Landscaping does not have to be fully established prior to certification; if the lot is seeded and mulched, the project can earn credit as appropriate in SS 2.2-2.5. - Any grass that requires routine watering, mowing, or fertilizers should be considered conventional turf for the purposes of SS 2.3. Even turf identified as drought-tolerant may qualify as  conventional for the purposes of SS 2.3. Further guidance on differentiating grasses for LEED for Homes is forthcoming from USGBC. - Projects with no space for landscaping may only earn points in SS 2.2-2.5, SS 3 (a), and WE 2.1-2.3 if a vegetated roof is installed and the vegetation meets the credit requirements. No points are available for SS 4.1 or 4.2. - Projects that choose or are only able to install landscaping for 50% of the designed landscape area, points are only available on specific conditions. See SS Gen-25 for details. - Projects that choose or are unable to install landscaping (e.g. production builders, projects finishing during winter) may be certified only on specific conditions. See SS Gen-24 and SS 04-36 for details. - Special rules apply to non-vegetated natural groundcover (e.g. bare mulch, pinestraw). See SS 02-34 for details. - Areas with synthetic turf should be treated like a hardscape. If the synthetic turf is permeable and includes a porous subbase, it may be counted under SS 4.1 (b). (SS 02-39) - A project with no irrigation system cannot earn points automatically. Please see the guidance document for the outdoor water use calculation that relates to this credit. - For projects with multiple homes / buildings, it is acceptable to conduct landscape calculations for the entire property only if the following conditions are met: 1) the property is owned by one organization, or 2) all landscaping is managed collectively and landscaping is similar for all of the homes. Otherwise, calculations must be performed for each lot. Exemplary Performance: - For projects earning credit in SS 2.5, 1 ID point may be awarded if the requirements of SS 2.2, parts (b), (c), and (d) are met. <89ќ Ь: Э‰I м9[% k ‰|  9x  @ma<„№„Ђ №ž Г №B€€:_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№YтqР№]4 @ Hgk{ѕ BšЄ/ѕf.f‹< №Жh (<бLimit Conventional Turf (maximum 3 points, as specified in Table 3). Limit the use of conventional turf in the designed landscape softscapes. Percentage of designed landscape softscape area that is conventional turf - Points 41 60% - 1 21 40% - 2 20% or less - 3 Clarifications: - Landscaping does not have to be fully established prior to certification; if the lot is seeded and mulched, the project can earn credit as appropriate in SS 2.2-2.5. - Any grass that requires routine watering, mowing, or fertilizers should be considered conventional turf for the purposes of SS 2.3. Even turf identified as drought-tolerant may qualify as  conventional for the purposes of SS 2.3. Further guidance on differentiating grasses for LEED for Homes is forthcoming from USGBC. - Projects with no space for landscaping may only earn points in SS 2.2-2.5, SS 3 (a), and WE 2.1-2.3 if a vegetated roof is installed and the vegetation meets the credit requirements. No points are available for SS 4.1 or 4.2. - Projects that choose or are only able to install landscaping for 50% of the designed landscape area, points are only available on specific conditions. See SS Gen-25 for details. - Projects that choose or are unable to install landscaping (e.g. production builders, projects finishing during winter) may be certified only on specific conditions. See SS Gen-24 and SS 04-36 for details. - Special rules apply to non-vegetated natural groundcover (e.g. bare mulch, pinestraw). See SS 02-34 for details. - Areas with synthetic turf should be treated like a hardscape. If the synthetic turf is permeable and includes a porous subbase, it may be counted under SS 4.1 (b). (SS 02-39) - Calculations can be performed for total landscaping on a multi-home project only if the following conditions are met: 1) the property is owned by one organization, or 2) all landscaping is managed collectively and landscaping is similar for all of the homes. Otherwise, calculations must be performed for each lot. - For areas built over parking podium, see CIR SS 02-47 - For projects with multiple homes / buildings, it is acceptable to conduct landscape calculations for the entire property only if the following conditions are met: 1) the property is owned by one organization, or 2) all landscaping is managed collectively and landscaping is similar for all of the homes. Otherwise, calculations must be performed for each lot. - A turf or grass species can be considered non-conventional and earn credit under SS 2.3 if the following conditions are met: (1) A third-party resource is provided to the verification team showing that the turf will go dormant and survive without water during hot and dry conditions. This is a higher bar than demonstrating drought tolerance. (2) No irrigation system is installed or planned to be installed; (3) Information is included in the occupant manual and occupant training that explains dormancy, and the fact that the turfgrass may turn brown during hot and dry conditions but additional irrigation is not needed. (4) The turf species requires less mowing and less fertilizer application than conventional turf species for the area. (SS 02-20) <(9* : ‰I 9и7 h @<„№„Ђ №ž Г №B€а:_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№h9Ф|<№]4 @ ђЮрц=lB­гGs›ЬЋ‹< №Жn(<нPermeable Lot (maximum 4 points, as specified in Table 9). Design the lot such that at least 70% of the built environment, not including area under roof, is permeable or designed to capture water runoff for infiltration on-site. Area that can be counted toward the minimum includes the following: a) Vegetative landscape (e.g., grass, trees, shrubs). b) Permeable paving, installed by an experienced professional. Permeable paving must include porous above-ground materials (e.g., open pavers, engineered products) and a 6-inch porous subbase, and the base layer must be designed to ensure proper drainage away from the home. c) Impermeable surfaces that are designed to direct all runoff toward an appropriate permanent infiltration feature (e.g., vegetated swale, on-site rain garden, or rainwater cistern). Percentage of buildable lot (excluding area under roof) that is permeable - Points 70 79% - 1 80 89% - 2 90 99% - 3 100% - 4 Clarifications: - The calculation for this credit should include all buildable land, not  built environment . This reverses a previous Errata item. - Non-vegetated natural groundcover (e.g., bare mulch, pine straw) can be used to earn credit SS 4.1, but it must meet the requirements under SS 4.1 part (b). - To be treated as permeable under SS 4.1, gravel areas must comply with part (b) of the credit, which includes a porous sub-base. This applies to all gravel areas, including those where the soil below is not expected to be compacted. - Part (c) cannot be satisfied by vegetation unless the vegetated elements are designed by a landscape professional or equivalent to accommodate the additional water running off the impermeable surfaces being served. Any designed elements should be able to handle water from a 2-year, 24-hour design storm. - Projects that are constructed to the lot-line and have no space for landscaping may not earn this credit. (SS 02-49) - Common roads that serve multiple homes / buildings should not be included in this calculation. If the roads include the primary parking areas (i.e. parking spots along the road), those parking areas should be included in the calculation. (SS 04-42)<(9= Њ: Ћ‰I К9i n@<„№„Ђ № ž Г №B€P;_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№xШIˆг№]4 @ ћwќн'Nс@…™нИ^ebэ‹< №ЖИ (<qPest Control Alternatives (Н point each, maximum 2 points). Implement one or more of the measures below. All physical actions (for pest management practices) must be noted on construction plans. a) Keep all wood (i.e., siding, trim, structure) at least 12 inches above soil (code typically requires 8 inches). b) Seal all external cracks, joints, penetrations, edges, and entry points with caulking. Where openings cannot be caulked or sealed, install rodent- and corrosion-proof screens (e.g., copper or stainless steel mesh). Protect exposed foundation insulation with moisture-resistant, pest-proof cover (e.g., fiber cement board, galvanized insect screen). c) Include no wood-to-concrete connections or separate any exterior wood-to-concrete connections (e.g., at posts, deck supports, stair stringers) with metal or plastic fasteners or dividers. d) Install landscaping such that all parts of mature plants will be at least 24 inches from the home. e) In areas marked  moderate to heavy through  very heavy on the termite infestation probability map (Figure 1), implement one or more of the following measures (Н point each): i) Treat all cellulosic material (e.g., framing) with borate product to a minimum of 3 feet above the foundation. ii) Install a sand or diatomaceous earth barrier. iii) Install a steel mesh barrier termite control system. iv) Install non-toxic termite bait system. v) Use noncellulosic (i.e., not wood or straw) wall structure. vi) Use solid concrete foundation walls or masonry wall with top course of solid block bond beam or concrete-filled block. Clarifications: - Part (a) only applies to wood within the built structure; it does not apply to material stored on-site during construction. - Part (a) applies to wood that is directly exposed to soil or air, including non-structural elements such as trip and siding. Internal framing that is separated from soil or air by foundation walls does not need to comply. It does not apply to porches or decks, as these are handled in part (c). - Part (c) applies to all exterior elements, including the faчade and exterior framing over foundations. - For part (d), all structures that connect to the home without a gap (e.g., porches, steps) must be at least 24 from mature plant parts. - For part (e-i), all borate treatment is required at least three ft above the foundation, even if the foundation is raised or extended above grade. - For part (e-i), if there is no cellulosic material on the exterior of the home and all exterior framing is non-cellulosic, this credit may be awarded automatically. (SS 05-12a) - Part (e-vi) can only be awarded to projects with foundation walls, not projects with stem wall & slab construction. - For part (b), if the dryer vents have some kind of self-closing mechanism to meet the intent, and all other elements of the credit are satisfied, this is acceptable. Please review local codes, as they may have insight into acceptable strategies for dryer vents. (SS 05-33) <(9Є 8‰I G9g З : И @<„№„Ђ №ž Г №B€а;_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№ŒŽФЂо№]4 @ 4_~‚ЇFН‚ь[oXІx‹< №Ж 8<?High-Efficiency Irrigation System (1 point each, maximum 3 points). Design and install a high-efficiency irrigation system (based on overall landscaping plans, including measures adopted in SS 2) such that any of the following are met: a) Install an irrigation system designed by an EPA Water Sense certified professional. b) Design and install an irrigation system with head-to-head coverage. c) Install a central shut-off valve. d) Install a submeter for the irrigation system. e) Use drip irrigation for at least 50% of landscape planting beds to minimize evaporation. f) Create separate zones for each type of bedding area based on watering needs. g) Install a timer or controller that activates the valves for each watering zone at the best time of day to minimize evaporative losses while maintaining healthy plants and obeying local regulations and water use guidance. h) Install pressure-regulating devices to maintain optimal pressure and prevent misting. i) Utilize high-efficiency nozzles with an average distribution uniformity (DU) of at least 0.70. This may include conventional rotors, multistream rotors, or high-efficiency spray heads, but the DU must be verified by manufacturer documentation or third-party tests. A point source (drip) irrigation system should be counted as having a DU of 0.80. j) Check valves in heads. k) Install a moisture sensor controller or rain delay controller. For example,  smart" evapotranspiration controllers receive radio, pager, or Internet signals to direct the irrigation system to r      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkm§џџџnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€eplace only the moisture that the landscape has lost because of heat, wind, etc. Clarifications: - If a project earns points in SS 2.5, additional points for irrigation system improvements may only be earned in WE 2.3. No points may be earned in WE 2.1 or WE 2.2. Exemplary Performance: - Projects that implement irrigation measures beyond the maximum 3 points in this credit can earn 1/2 point for each additional measure, for a maximum of 2 exemplary performance points total. - Projects with only landscaping beds (i.e., no turf) that are served only by low-volume and point source irrigation (e.g., drip) can earn 0.5 point of exemplary performance credit, to be counted in ID 3. - Projects that are constructed to the lot-line and have no space for landscaping may be certified, but have the following limitations: 1) points may only be awarded for SS 2.2-2.5 and WE 2.1-2.3 if a vegetated roof is installed and the vegetation meets the credit requirements; 2) no points may be awarded for SS 4.1 or SS 4.2; and 3) points may be awarded for SS 4.3 if the credit requirements are satisfied. - If the irrigation system serves less than half of the designed landscape softscapes, no credit is available; if the irrigation system serves 50%+ of the designed landscape softscapes, half credit is available; if the irrigation system serves 90%+ of the designed landscape softscapes, full credit is available. If a project is designed to need little or no irrigation, this may be captured in the outdoor water demand calculator in SS 2.5 / WE 2.3. (WE 02-23)<89K W: X‰I g9K ‰y '9~  @шм<„№„Ђ №ž Г №B€<_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ЖEПљ№]4 @ vвmdšJЗLќЫTхј‹< №Ж0 <1Detailed Framing Documents (1 point). Prior to construction, create detailed framing plans or scopes of work and accompanying architectural details for use on the job site. Indicate the specific locations, spacing, and sizes of all framing members in the floors, walls, roof, and ceiling (if different from the roof). Clarifications: - Projects with a precut framing package (e.g. kit homes) are awarded MR 1.2 and MR 1.3 automatically. Modular homes or any projects earning MR 1.5 cannot earn MR 1.2 or MR 1.3. - For gut-rehab projects, if 90% of the interior and exterior framing for the final LEED home (i.e., not the original home) is salvaged or maintained, both MR 1.2 and MR 1.3 should be awarded automatically. - If pre-cut SIPs are used for all exterior walls, floors, and roof, the project must be awarded 4 points under MR 1.5 and no points may be awarded in MR 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4. If site-cut SIPs are used for all exterior walls, floors, and roof, the project may be awarded 3 points under MR 1.4, and no points awarded in MR 1.2 or 1.3. If pre-cut SIPs are used for some components (e.g. walls or floor or roof), points should be awarded in MR 1.4 accordingly, and MR 1.2 and 1.3 may only be awarded if the remaining wall, floor, and roof framing all meet the Rating System requirements. If site-cut SIPs are used for some components (e.g. walls or floor or roof), points should be awarded in MR 1.4 accordingly, and MR 1.2 and 1.3 may not be awarded. - For ICF or concrete block construction, no points may be awarded in MR 1.2 or 1.3. If autoclaved aerated concrete is used, one point may be awarded in MR 1.4. - Homes with strawbale construction can earn MR 1.2 & 1.3 as long as all the credit requirements are met for all other framing in the home. For MR 1.4, if 90% of the exterior is strawbale construction, 1 point can be awarded. (MR 01-58) - If 50% of the exterior framing is wood and this framing meets the requirements of MR 1.2 and 1.3, half credit may be awarded. If less than 50% of the exterior framing is wood, no credit may be awarded without a CIR. (MR 01-39c) < 9' @‰I O9E" 0@<„№„Ђ №ž Г №B€P<_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5Ж‘KПљ№]4 @ wJъИ\< DЛ1Ei:Щ›Я‹< №ЖB <CDetailed Cut List and Lumber Order (1 point). The requirements in MR 1.2 must be met to earn this credit. Prior to construction, create a detailed cut list and lumber order that corresponds directly to the framing plans and/or scopes of work. Clarifications: - Projects with a precut framing package (e.g. kit homes) are awarded MR 1.2 and MR 1.3 automatically. Modular homes or any projects earning MR 1.5 cannot earn MR 1.2 or MR 1.3. - For gut-rehab projects, if 90% of the interior and exterior framing for the final LEED home (i.e., not the original home) is salvaged or maintained, both MR 1.2 and MR 1.3 should be awarded automatically. - If pre-cut SIPs are used for all exterior walls, floors, and roof, the project must be awarded 4 points under MR 1.5 and no points may be awarded in MR 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4. If site-cut SIPs are used for all exterior walls, floors, and roof, the project may be awarded 3 points under MR 1.4, and no points awarded in MR 1.2 or 1.3. If pre-cut SIPs are used for some components (e.g. walls or floor or roof), points should be awarded in MR 1.4 accordingly, and MR 1.2 and 1.3 may only be awarded if the remaining wall, floor, and roof framing all meet the Rating System requirements. If site-cut SIPs are used for some components (e.g. walls or floor or roof), points should be awarded in MR 1.4 accordingly, and MR 1.2 and 1.3 may not be awarded. - For ICF or concrete block construction, no points may be awarded in MR 1.2 or 1.3. - Homes with strawbale construction can earn MR 1.2 & 1.3 as long as all the credit requirements are met for all other framing in the home. (MR 01-58) - If 50% of the exterior framing is wood and this framing meets the requirements of MR 1.2 and 1.3, half credit may be awarded. If less than 50% of the exterior framing is wood, no credit may be awarded without a CIR. (MR 01-39c)< 9У і‰I 9 B@<„№„Ђ №ž Г №B€€<_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ЗШФЭё№]4 @ Фu–К \CЃyџbАŒв‹< №Ж30<g1.4 Framing Efficiencies (maximum 3 points). Implement measures from Table 23. Measure - Points Precut framing packages - 1.0 Open-web floor trusses - 1.0 Structural insulated panel (SIP) walls - 1.0 SIP roof - 1.0 SIP floors - 1.0 Stud spacing greater than 16 o.c - 1.0 Ceiling joist spacing greater than 16 o.c. - 0.5 Floor joist spacing greater than 16 o.c. - 0.5 Roof rafter spacing greater than 16 o.c. - 0.5 Implement any 2 of the following: - 0.5 " Size headers for actual loads " Use ladder blocking or drywall clips " Use 2-stud corners Clarifications: - The requirements of this credit only apply to exterior framing. - If the requirements are met in only 50% of the walls (by area), half credit can be awarded. - Projects cannot use I-joists to earn credit under MR 1.4. - If pre-cut SIPs are used for all exterior walls, floors, and roof, the project must be awarded 4 points under MR 1.5 and no points may be awarded in MR 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4. If site-cut SIPs are used for all exterior walls, floors, and roof, the project may be awarded 3 points under MR 1.4, and no points awarded in MR 1.2 or 1.3. If pre-cut SIPs are used for some components (e.g. walls or floor or roof), points should be awarded in MR 1.4 accordingly, and MR 1.2 and 1.3 may only be awarded if the remaining wall, floor, and roof framing all meet the Rating System requirements. If site-cut SIPs are used for some components (e.g. walls or floor or roof), points should be awarded in MR 1.4 accordingly, and MR 1.2 and 1.3 may not be awarded. - For ICF or concrete block construction, one point can be awarded for the use of autoclaved aerated concrete. (MR 01-39b) - Homes with strawbale construction can earn 1 point in MR 1.4 if 90% of the exterior is strawbale construction. (MR 01-58) - Projects cannot use I-joists to earn credit under MR 1.4. <09Ÿ P‰Y `9f *‰I 99Ё 3@pБQ<„№„Ђ №ž Г №B€а<_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ПцвПљ№]4 @ Чu4(UˆO€њггr⇋< №ЖОH<}Off-Site Fabrication (4 points). Use either of the following alternatives to on-site framing: a) Panelized construction. Wall, roof, and floor components are delivered to the job site preframed. b) Modular, prefabricated construction. All principal building sections are delivered to the job site as prefabricated modules. Clarifications: - This credit should only be awarded if the walls, roof, and floor are all fabricated off-site. A combination of panelized walls, roof trusses, and floor trusses satisfies this credit. If only the walls are panelized, 2 points should be awarded under MR 1.4. - This credit can be awarded to homes with concrete panelized wall systems if they are formed and poured off-site. - A project can earn full credit under MR 1.5 if the roof, walls, and interior floors meet the requirements in the credit or associated CIRs, but the bottom floor is slab-on-grade. - If pre-cut SIPs are used for all exterior walls, floors, and roof, the project must be awarded 4 points under MR 1.5 and no points may be awarded in MR 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4. If site-cut SIPs are used for all exterior walls, floors, and roof, the project may be awarded 3 points under MR 1.4, and no points awarded in MR 1.2 or 1.3. If pre-cut SIPs are used for some components (e.g. walls or floor or roof), points should be awarded in MR 1.4 accordingly, and MR 1.2 and 1.3 may only be awarded if the remaining wall, floor, and roof framing all meet the Rating System requirements. If site-cut SIPs are used for some components (e.g. walls or floor or roof), points should be awarded in MR 1.4 accordingly, and MR 1.2 and 1.3 may not be awarded. Exemplary Performance: -Projects that earn MR 1.5 can earn exemplary performance for incorporating advanced framing strategies into panelized or modular construction. Projects may be awarded as many as 1.5 points in ID 3 for the following: " Stud spacing greater than 16 o.c.  1/2 point Two of the following - 1/2 point (all four = 1 point) " Ceiling joist spacing greater than 16 o.c. " Floor joist spacing greater than 16 o.c. " Roof rafter spacing greater than 16 o.c. " 2 of the following: size headers for actual loads; user ladder blocking or drywall clips; use 2-stud corners <H9Р D‰N S93 i‰ƒ ~9Ж ŒŠs  9Ÿ Н: О@ј˜–<„№„Ђ №ž Г №B€P=_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5мiФчs№]4 @ §Ч>†@и&ГЂ’зДкѓ“нI‹< №Ж%(<&Construction Waste Management Planning. Complete the following tasks related to management of construction waste: a) Investigate and document local options for diversion (e.g. recycling, reuse) of all anticipated major constituents of the project waste stream, including cardboard packaging and household recyclables (e.g., beverage containers). b) Document the diversion rate for construction waste. Record the diversion rate for land clearing and/or demolition, if applicable (e.g., on gut rehab project), separately from the rate for the new construction phase of the project. Clarification: - If a builder returns unused material, it should not be counted as either waste or waste diverted. It is not considered waste, so it should be completely ignored from the waste diverted calculation. <(9 I‰C W9ч $: %e<„№„Ђ №!ž Г №B€P>_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5пx€п№]4! @ ?zXтЅАEЛfЗ”Mгт‹< №Ж8 (<9 Construction Waste Reduction (maximum 3 points). Reduce or divert waste generated from new construction activities from landfills and incinerators to a level below the industry norm. Use either of two options: a) Reduced construction waste. Generate 2.5 pounds (or 0.016 cubic yards) or less of net waste (not including waste diverted for reclamation or recycling) per square foot of conditioned floor area. Use column 1 or 2 and column 5 of Table 27 to determine the score. b) Increased waste diversion. Divert 25% of more of the total materials taken off the construction site from landfills and incinerators. Use column 3 or 4 and column 5 of Table 27 to determine the score; calculate the percentage using either weight or volume. Note: Land clearing and demolition waste (e.g., from removal of preexisting structures on the site) should not be counted in this calculation. Amount to landfills and incinerators Pounds/ft2 - Cubic yards/1,000 ft2 - Points 4.0 - 25.5 - 0.0 3.5 - 22.3 - 0.0 3.0 - 19.1 - 0.5 2.5 - 15.9 - 1.0 2.0 - 12.8 - 1.5 1.5 - 9.6 - 2.0 1.0 - 6.4 - 2.5 0.5 - 3.2 - 3.0 Reduced construction waste Increased waste diversion Percentage waste - Percentage diverted - Points 100% - 0% - 0.0 88% - 13% - 0.0 75% - 25% - 0.5 63% - 38% - 1.0 50% - 50% - 1.5 38% - 63% - 2.0 25% - 75% - 2.5 13% - 88% - 3.0 Clarifications: - Acceptable strategies for waste diversion include: Recycling; Third-party scrap reuse; On-site grinding of engineered lumber, untreated cellulosic material, and gypsum for use as a soil amendment. - Unacceptable strategies for waste diversion include: Scrap reuse by the builder; Burying unground material on-site; Packing unused material into wall cavities; Grinding treated / finished wood as soil amendment; Incineration, even waste-to-energy applications - It is not acceptable to use a facility average diversion rate to earn points in MR 3.2; the diversion rate must be based on the waste from the specific project. - Waste that is used at an industrial facility as Wood Derived Fuel (WDF), Alternative Daily Cover (ADC), or Industrial Waste Stabilizer (IWS) should be counted at half its value towards diversion. - If a builder returns unused material, it should not be counted as either waste or waste diverted. It is not considered waste, so it should be completely ignored from the waste diverted calculation. - For developments of similar construction type, home sizes and on a similar construction schedule, it is acceptable to average waste over multiple homes if all of the homes are part of the same project and pursuing LEED for Homes. (MR 03-38)<(9ž 5: 6‰I E9Џ 8 @<„№„Ђ №#ž Г №B€а>_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ёпћт№]4# @ ZюЧ ЭBМ\ЏЧ §š‹< №Ж <‘Enhanced Combustion Venting Measures (maximum 2 points). Install no fireplace or woodstove, or design and install a fireplace or woodstove according to the requirements in Table 29. Clarification: - Projects with masonry wood-burning fireplaces can earn 1 point for either meeting the requirements for a masonry heater OR passing the backdraft potential test. These projects must meet the requirements for a masonry heater AND pass the backdraft potential test to earn 2 points. - Projects that install "EPA qualified" wood fireplaces or fireplace inserts may earn credit in EQ 2.2 for Better Practice - as a substitute for EPA certification. (EQ 02-30)< 9Е Й‰C Ч9є @<„№„Ђ №$ž Г №B€?_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5ј/ї№]4$ @ ГТЩэИP§B›d€3‘>АфЛ‹< №Жѓ0<ч A. Forced-Air Systems: Good Filters. Install air filters with a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) e" 8 and ensure that air handlers can maintain adequate pressure and air flow. Air filter housings must be airtight to prevent bypass or leakage. B. Nonducted HVAC Systems (e.g., Hydronic Systems): Good Filters. Install air filters e" MERV 8 and maintain adequate pressure and air flow in any mechanical ventilation systems. A home in a climate with fewer than 4,500 infiltration degree-days, or a home that uses only passive or exhaust-only ventilation, is exempt from this requirement. Clarifications: - Non ducted units such as PTACs and mini splits are exempt from EQ 7.1 per the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.2 2007, section 6.7. The LEED Steering Committee approved this clarification on 9/10/09, reversing a previous ruling. See EQ 07-13 for details. - The air filter requirement is waived for HRV and ERV systems. - For EQ 7.1, air filters meeting the minimum MERV requirement are required on both air-handling equipment and mechanical supply ventilation systems. - Electronic air cleaners cannot be used to satisfy the requirements in EQ 7 unless the electronic air cleaner also includes a media filter that is MERV rated, this is acceptable<09Ѓ U: V9 W‰I f9ц ѓ@ВQ<„№„Ђ №%ž Г №B€(?_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5<Ф/ї№]4% @ ˜њW’ЪE“љNНšмE7‹< №ЖX <БA. Forced-Air Systems: Better Filters (1 point). Install air filters e" MERV 10 and maintain adequate pressure and air flow for any mechanical ventilation systems. B. Nonducted HVAC Systems (e.g., Hydronic Systems): Better Filters (1 point). Install air filters e" MERV 10 and ensure that air handlers can maintain adequate pressure and air flow. Air filter housings must be airtight to prevent bypass or leakage. Clarifications: - Projects with a mechanical supply ventilation system that is separate from the AHU (i.e. outdoor air does not come through the AHU) can earn EQ 7.2 and 7.3 if only the mechanical ventilation system meets the credit requirements. The AHU still must meet the requirements of EQ 7.1. - Air filters meeting the minimum MERV requirement are required on both air-handling equipment and mechanical supply ventilation systems. < 9 Ѓ‰I В9d X@A<„№„Ђ №&ž Г №B€(•_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5п#ђ№]4& @ w џ^Ш@ЉІ{кЊ‹< №ЖU <ЋA. Forced-Air Systems: Best Filters (2 points). Install air filters e" MERV 13 and ensure that air handlers can maintain adequate pressure and air flow. Air filter housings must be airtight to prevent bypass or leakage. B. Nonducted HVAC Systems (e.g., Hydronic Systems): Best Filters (2 points). Install air filters e" MERV 13 and maintain adequate pressure and air flow for any mechanical ventilation systems. Clarifications: - Projects with a mechanical supply ventilation system that is separate from the AHU (i.e. outdoor air does not come through the AHU) can earn EQ 7.2 and 7.3 if only the mechanical ventilation system meets the credit requirements. The AHU still must meet the requirements of EQ 7.1. - Air filters meeting the minimum MERV requirement are required on both air-handling equipment and mechanical supply ventilation systems.< 9 Ё‰L Б9^ U@<„№„Ђ №'ž Г №B€P•_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№5xФ/ї№]4' @ й ЊS E”>АП/АЈ‹< №Ж  <Indoor Contaminant Control (1 point each, maximum 2 points). Select from the following measures: a) Design and install permanent walk-off mats at each entry that are at least 4 feet in length and allow accessibility for cleaning (e.g., grating with catch basin). b) Design a shoe removal and storage space near the primary entryway, separated from living areas. This space may not have wall-to-wall carpeting, and it must be large enough to accommodate a bench and at least two pairs of shoes per bedroom. c) Install a central vacuum system with exhaust to the outdoors. Ensure that the exhaust is not near any ventilation air intake. Clarification: - For part (a), walk-off mats must be at least 4 feet long in the primary direction of travel. - For part (b), credit should only be awarded to homes with a designed space that could serve as a shoe removal area - either a mudroom space or nook near the primary entryway. This space does not need to be separated from the living space by a door, but it should be separated by some architectural feature. Having open space inside the front door is not sufficient. - For multi-family or multi-home projects, this credit be earned if some homes/units meet the requirements of part (a) and other homes/units meet the requirements of part (b).< 9€ €‰C Ž9| @<„№„Ђ №)ž Г №B€€•_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№54uФA=№]4) @  єик2Зі@Іђg‡Ъ?чџ‹< №Жф8<Щ Enhanced Training (1 point). Provide two hours of training for the occupant(s) in addition to the training provided for AE 1.1. Examples of eligible trainings include: a) An additional walkthrough or training held in another home that has similar green measures and equipment. b) A builder- or developer-sponsored meeting of homebuyers that informs participants of the unique features of a LEED home. c) A group homebuyer training that includes discussion of the required items in the occupant s operations and maintenance manual, including information on efficient use of resources, appropriate use of measures and systems and proper maintenance of measures and systems. d) A homebuyer DVD with operations and maintenance information on the home s LEED for Homes measures. Clarification: - AE 1.2 may only be awarded for training the actual homebuyer or occupant. AE 1.2 may be awarded even if a homebuyer has not yet been identified, but the project team must have a planned training program and it must focus on the actual homebuyer and not just prospective homebuyers. - For rental properties, the project team should develop a thorough training program, including a plan for who will provide the training; the content of the training, and the frequency and process for delivering the training. There is no requirement related to frequency of training, but occupants should receive the training within a couple months of occupancy. Exemplary Performance: - No exemplary performance is available. <89„ : ‰C 9З Є‰| К9д ф@\і&<„№„Ђ №*ž Г №B€Ј•_ …‹П XPƒPП?П№55-E3№]4* @ ЇдCyHЙ2ЪzVI‹< №ЖР8<СPublic Awareness (1 point). Promote general public awareness about LEED for Homes by conducting at least three of the following activities: a) Hold an advertised, attended public open house that lasts at least four hours per day on at least four weekends, or participate in a green building exhibition or tour. The home or building must display at least four informational stations about the LEED for Homes features (and/or offer a guided tour that highlights at least four LEED for Homes features). b) Publish a website with at least two pages that provides detailed information about the features and benefits of LEED homes. c) Generate a newspaper article on the LEED for Homes project. d) Display LEED for Homes signage, measuring six square feet or more, on the exterior of the home or building. Clarifications: - For rural projects with long driveways, part (d) can be met by placing the sign at the road, rather than on the home. - Any tour of exhibition being claimed for this credit must be publicly available, fairly well-publicized, and include at least three venues. There are no strict minimum requirements for the number of attendees or the length of time spent in the home, but the project team should document the details of the event (including attendees, dates, duration, topics covered, etc.) and the Green Rater has discretion to deny the credit if a serious effort was not made. Exemplary Performance: - No exemplary performance is available. <8ƒ &…N 5ƒE ~„ …‡ •ƒы Р@<Z№R’ №Жž C №ПџП№№]FЖ ! d ю2<Ъ№ТВ №Нž Ѓ №ˆ€ћAС?Пџ?€УУПNew LEED LogoPicture 2New LEED Logo№sЏE№]&Н `џџ<„№„’ №@ Г №B€€€P–_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘ C’№]H  Ыб: < №Ж";<<a) Individuals or organizations with necessary capabilities<4ш ; C<„№„’ №@ Г №B€„€Ј–_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ б[’№]H  ›в: < №Ж"*<+c) Regular meetings held with project team<4­ * C<„№„’ № @ Г №B€„€—_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘s Cћ№]H  Ыв: < №Ж"7<8b) All team members involved in various project phases <4х 7 C<„№„’ №!@ Г №B€€€P—_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘& Ю&+№]H ! 3г: < №Ж""<#a) Durability evaluation completed<4‹ " C<„№„’ №#@ Г №B€„€Ј—_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘&$ Ю&J№]H # ›г: < №Ж"4<5b) Strategies developed to address durability issues<4в 4 C<„№„’ №$@ Г №B€€€˜_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘# '#Œ№]H $ Ыг: < №Ж"H<Ia) Glazing area on north/south walls 50% greater than on east/west walls<4% H C<„№„’ №%@ Г №B€„€P˜_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н# n#Œ№]H % 3м: < №Ж"R<Sc) At least 450 sq. ft. of south-facing roof area, oriented for solar applications<4; R C<„№„’ №&@ Г №B€„€Ј˜_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘#y '#і№]H & ›м: < №Ж"7<8b) East-west axis is within 15 degrees of due east-west<4к 7 C<„№„’ №'@ Г №B€„€™_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н#‚n$№]H ' Ым: < №Ж"F<Gd) 90% of south-facing glazing is shaded in summer, unshaded in winter<4 F C<„№„’ №(@ Г №B€€€P™_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘( Ю(ц№]H ( 3н: < №Ж"1<2Builder has a quality management process in place<4Ю 1 C<„№„’ №)@ Г №B€„€Ј™_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н(”(ц№]H ) ›н: < №Ж"B<CBuilder conducted inspection using durability inspection checklist<4  B C<„№„’ №*@ Г №B€„€š_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н&”&Д№]H * Ын: < №Ж"@<Ad) Durability strategies incorporated into project documentation<4 @ C<„№„’ №+@ Г №B„€Pš_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н&­”&г№]H + 3о: < №Ж"@<Ae) Durability measures listed in durability inspection checklist<4і @ C<„№„’ №,@ Г №B€€€Јš_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘: ':f№]H , ›о: < №Ж"2<3a) Built above 100-year floodplain defined by FEMA<4а 2 C<„№„’ №-@ Г №B€„€›_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘:“ ':ќ№]H - Ыо: < №Ж"7<8c) Not built within 100 ft of water, including wetlands<4Ю 7 C<„№„’ №.@ Г №B€„€P›_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘:H ':Б№]H . 3п: < №Ж"<<=b) Not built on habitat for threatened or endangered species<4ѓ < C<„№„’ №/@ Г №B€„€Ј›_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ ш:€:f№]H / ›п: < №Ж"B<Cd) Not built on land that was public parkland prior to acquisition<4џ B C<„№„’ №0@ Г №B€„€œ_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ ш:O€:Б№]H 0 Ып: < №Ж"S<Te) Not built on land with prime soils, unique soils, or soils of state significance<4; S C<„№„’ №1@ Г №B€€€Pœ_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘H ЮH‚№]H 1 3и: < №Ж"1<2a) Within 1/4 mile of 4 basic community resources<4Щ 1 C<„№„’ №2@ Г №B€„€Јœ_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ шH ”H‚№]H 2 ›и: < №Ж"E<Fc) Within 1/2 mile of transit services providing 30 rides per weekday<4  E C<„№„’ №3@ Г №B€„€_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘Hu ЮHъ№]H 3 Ыи: < №Ж"1<2b) Within 1/2 mile of 7 basic community resources<4Щ 1 C<„№„’ №4@ Г №B€€€P_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘J ЮJ‚№]H 4 3й: < №Ж"1<2a) Within 1/4 mile of 7 basic community resources<4Щ 1 C<„№„’ №5@ Г №B€„€Ј_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ шJ ”J‚№]H 5 ›й: < №Ж"E<Fc) Within 1/2 mile of transit services providing 60 rides per weekday<4  E C<„№„’ №6@ Г №B€„€ž_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘Ju ЮJъ№]H 6 Ый: < №Ж"2<3b) Within 1/2 mile of 11 basic community resources<4Ъ 2 C<„№„’ №9@ Г №B€€€Pž_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘L ЮL‚№]H 9 3к: < №Ж"2<3a) Within 1/4 mile of 11 basic community resources<4Ъ 2 C<„№„’ №:@ Г №B€„€Јž_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ шL ”L‚№]H : ›к: < №Ж"F<Gc) Within 1/2 mile of transit services providing 125 rides per weekday<4 F C<„№„’ №;@ Г №B€„€Ÿ_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘Lu ЮLъ№]H ; Ык: < №Ж"2<3b) Within 1/2 mile of 14 basic community resources<4Ь 2 C<„№„’ №<@ Г №B€€€PŸ_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘S ЮSV№]H < 3л: < №Ж"8<9a) Stockpile and protect disturbed topsoil from erosion.<4у 8 C<„№„’ №=@ Г №B€„€ЈŸ_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘S• ЮSй№]H = ›л:! < №Ж"P<Qc) Protect sewer inlets, streams, and lakes with straw bales, silt fencing, etc.<42 P C<„№„’ №>@ Г №B€„€@ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘SM ЮS›№]H > Ыл: < №Ж"K<Lb) Control the path and velocity of runoff with silt fencing or equivalent.<4 K C<„№„’ №?@ Г №B€„€P@ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ шS ”SV№]H ? 3:" < №Ж"8<9d) Provide swales to divert surface water from hillsides<4п 8 C<„№„’ №A@ Г №B„€Ј@ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ шSM”S›№]H A ›:# < №Ж"G<He) Use tiers, erosion blankets, compost blankets, etc. on sloped areas.<4 G C<„№„’ №C@ Г №B€„€A …‹П))AПР@џ?№­U– цUх№]H C Ы:% < №Ж"O<Pb) Leave 40% of buildable lot area, not including area under roof, undisturbed <47 O C<„№„’ №D@ Г №B€„€PA …‹П))AПР@џ?№­UD цU“№]H D 3:$ < №Ж"E<Fa) Develop tree / plant preservation plan with "no-disturbance" zones<4 E C<„№„’ №G@ Г №B€„€ЈA …‹П))AПР@џ?№­V5 ЮVu№]H G ›:& < №Ж"I<Jc) Develop tree / plant preservation plan with "no-disturbance" zones AND<4/ I C<„№„’ №H@ Г №B€„€B …‹П))AПР@џ?№­Vr ЮVВ№]H H Ы:' < №Ж"J<K Rehabilitate lot; undo soil compaction and remove invasive plants AND<4/ J C<„№„’ №I@ Г №B€„€PB …‹П))AПР@џ?№­VВ ЮVђ№]H I 3:( < №Ж"$<% Meet the requirements of SS 2.2<4Ž $ C<„№„’ №K@ Г №B€„€ЈB …‹П))AПР@џ?№ЩW ШWд№]H K ›:) < №Ж";<<d) Build on a lot of 1/7 acre or less, or 7 units per acre.<4й ; C<„№„’ №U@ Г №B€€€C …‹П))AПР@џ?№­\ Ю\Z№]H U Ы:* < №Ж"%<&a) Any turf must be drought-tolerant.<4” % C<„№„’ №V@ Г №B€„€PC …‹П))AПР@џ?№­\ Ю\№№]H V 3:, < №Ж"-<.c) Do not use turf in areas with slope of 25%<4Г - C<„№„’ №W@ Г №B€„€ЈC …‹П))AПР@џ?№­\] Ю\І№]H W ›:+ < №Ж"+<,b) Do not use turf in densely shaded areas.<4­ + C<„№„’ №X@ Г №B€„€D …‹П))AПР@џ?№ є\”\]№]H X Ы:- < №Ж"/<0d) Add mulch or soil amendments as appropriate.<4Щ / C<„№„’ №Y@ Г №B€„€PD …‹П))AПР@џ?№ є\Z”\Г№]H Y 3:. < №Ж":<;e) All compacted soil must be tilled to at least 6 inches.<4р : C<„№„’ №]@ Г №B€€€ЈD …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘k" Ѕkб№]H ] ›:/ < №Ж"B<Ca) Locate trees / plantings to provide shade for 50% of hardscapes<4 B C<„№„’ №_@ Г №B€„€E …‹П))AПР@џ?№ шk(nkУ№]H _ Ы:0 < №Ж"[<\b) Install light-colored, high-albedo materials for 50% of sidewalks, patios, and driveways<4e [ C<„№„’ №b@ Г №B€€€PE …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘x Юxш№]H b 3:1 < №Ж"H<Ia) For portions of lot on steep slope, use terracing and retaining walls<4 H C<„№„’ №c@ Г №B€„€ЈE …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нx”y№]H c ›:2 < №Ж"&<'b) Plant trees, shrubs, or groundcover<4› & C<„№„’ №d@ Г №B€€€F …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘z Юzv№]H d Ы:3 < №Ж"G<Ha) Install permanent stormwater controls to manage runoff from the home<4. G C<„№„’ №e@ Г №B€„€PF …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нz”zv№]H e 3:5 < №Ж"4<5c) Install vegetated roof to cover 100% of roof area<4Я 4 C<„№„’ №f@ Г №B€„€ЈF …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘zq Юzж№]H f ›:4 < №Ж"3<4b) Install vegetated roof to cover 50% of roof area<4Ь 3 C<„№„’ №g@ Г №B€„€G …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нzv”zж№]H g Ы:6 < №Ж"G<Hd) Have lot designed by professional to manage runoff from home on-site<4- G C<„№„’ №i@ Г №B€€€PG …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘} Ю}0№]H i 3:7 < №Ж"1<2a) Keep all exterior wood at least 12" above soil<4П 1 C<„№„’ №j@ Г №B€„€ЈG …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘}U Ў}}№]H j ›:9 < №Ж"Q<Rc) Include no wood-to-concrete connections, or separate connections with dividers<4T Q C<„№„’ №k@ Г №B€„€H …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘}/ Ю}V№]H k Ы:8 < №Ж"R<Sb) Seal external cracks, joints, etc. with caulking and install pest-proof screens<4< R C<„№„’ №l@ Г №B€„€PH …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘}w Ю}Ё№]H l 3 :: < №Ж"9<:d) Install landscaping so mature plants are 24" from home<4ы 9 C<„№„’ №m@ Г №B€„€ЈH …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н}”}B№]H m › :; < №Ж"K<Li) Treat all cellulosic material with borate product to 3' above foundation<4$ K C<„№„’ №n@ Г №B€„€I …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н}>”}f№]H n Ы :< < №Ж".</ii) Install sand or diatomaceous earth barrier<4Г . C<„№„’ №o@ Г №B€„€PI …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н}a”}‰№]H o 3 := < №Ж"6<7iii) Install steel mesh barrier termite control system<4Э 6 C<„№„’ №q@ Г №B€„€ЈI …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н}‰”}А№]H q › :> < №Ж")<*iv) Install non-toxic termite bait system<4 ) C<„№„’ №r@ Г №B€„€J …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н}­”}е№]H r Ы :? < №Ж"#<$v) Use noncellulosic wall structure<4‹ # C<„№„’ №t@ Г №B€„€PJ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н}б”}љ№]H t 3:@ < №Ж"I<Jvi) Use solid concrete foundation walls or pest-proof masonry wall design<4+ I C<„№„’ №v@ Г №B€€ЈJ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘• Ю•7№]H v ›:A < №Ж"G<Ha) Irrigation system designed by EPA Water Sense certified professional<4% G C<„№„’ №w@ Г №B„€K …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘•V Ю•‹№]H w Ы:C < №Ж"!<"c) Install central shut-off valve<4{ ! C<„№„’ №x@ Г №B„€PK …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘•/ Ю•b№]H x 3:B < №Ж"/<0b) Irrigation system with head-to-head coverage<4Т / C<„№„’ №y@ Г №B„€ЈK …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘•} Ю•В№]H y ›:D < №Ж"-<.d) Install submeter for the irrigation system<4Ў - C<„№„’ №z@ Г №B„€L …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘•Ђ Ю•е№]H z Ы:E < №Ж"/<0e) Use drip irrigation for 50% of planting beds<4Е / C<„№„’ №{@ Г №B„€PL …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘•Х Ю•ј№]H { 3:F < №Ж"1<2f) Create separate zones for each type of bedding<4Щ 1 C<„№„’ №|@ Г №B„€ЈL …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н• ”•7№]H | ›:G < №Ж"5<6g) Install timer or controller for each watering zone<4Ь 5 C<„№„’ №}@ Г №B„€M …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н•/”•b№]H } Ы:H < №Ж"&<'h) Install pressure-regulating devices<4• & C<„№„’ №~@ Г №B„€PM …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н•T”•‡№]H ~ 3 :I < №Ж"I<Ji) High-efficiency nozzles with distribution uniformity of at least 0.70.<4 I C<„№„’ №€@ Г №B„€ЈM …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н•w”•Њ№]H € › :J < №Ж" <!j) Install check valves in heads<4{ C<„№„’ №@ Г №B„€N …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н•œ”•Э№]H  Ы :K < №Ж"3<4k) Install moisture sensor or rain delay controller<4Х 3 C<„№„’ №@ Г №B€€PN …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘  Ю a№]H  3 :M < №Ж"6<ma) Average flow rate of lavatory faucets is d" 2.00 gpm<4и 6 C<„№„’ №@ Г №B„€ЈN …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н ” k№]H  › :O < №Ж"7<oc) Average flow rate for all toilets is d" 1.30 gpf; OR<4Ы 7 C<„№„’ №‘@ Г №B„€O …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘ a Ю А№]H ‘ Ы :N < №Ж"<<yb) Average flow rate for all showers is d" 2.00 gpm per stall<4щ < C<„№„’ №’@ Г №B„€PO …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н Z” А№]H ’ 3 :P < №Ж"< Toilets are dual-flush; OR<4r  C<„№„’ №“@ Г №B€„€ЈO …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н œ”Ё№]H “ › :Q < №Ж"3<4 Toilets meet the EPA Water Sense specification<4а 3 C<„№„’ №”@ Г №B€€Р …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘Ђ ЮЂw№]H ” Ы :R < №Ж";<wa) Average flow rate of lavatory faucets is d" 1.50 gpm; OR<4ъ ; C<„№„’ №•@ Г №B„€PР …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нЂ”Ђw№]H • 3„:T < №Ж"9<sb) Average flow rate for all showers d" 1.75 gpm per stall<4о 9 C<„№„’ №–@ Г №B„€ЈР …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘Ђk ЮЂк№]H – ›„:S < №Ж"=<> Lavatory faucets meet the EPA Water Sense specification<4њ = C<„№„’ №™@ Г №B€„€С …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нЂZ”Ђц№]H ™ Ы„:U < №Ж"2<ec) Average flow rate for all toilets is d" 1.10 gpf<4Е 2 C<„№„’ №Ÿ@ Г №B€€PС …‹П))AПР@џ?№vЎ ТЎ‘№]H Ÿ 3…:V < №Ж"<a) Structured plumbing system<4|  C<„№„’ № @ Г №B„€ЈС …‹П))AПР@џ?№ шЎ”Ў–№]H   ›…:X < №Ж"(<)c) Compact design of conventional system<4Б ( C<„№„’ №Ё@ Г №B„€Т …‹П))AПР@џ?№vЎo ТЎэ№]H Ё Ы…:W < №Ж"'<(b) Central manifold distribution system<4ž ' C<„№„’ №Є@ Г №B€€PТ …‹П))AПР@џ?№vЕ ТЕ”№]H Є 3†:Y < №Ж"<a) Use no refrigerants<4X  C<„№„’ №Ѕ@ Г №B„€ЈТ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нЕ”Е”№]H Ѕ ›†:[ < №Ж"H<Ic) Use refrigerants that complies with global warming potential equation<4" H C<„№„’ №І@ Г №B€„€У …‹П))AПР@џ?№vЕq ТЖ№]H І Ы†:Z < №Ж"<b) Use non-HCFC refrigerants<4{  C<„№„’ №Ї@ Г №B€€PУ …‹П))AПР@џ?№vП ТП<№]H Ї 3‡:^ < №Ж"<Precut framing packages<4g  C<„№„’ №Ј@ Г №B„€ЈУ …‹П))AПР@џ?№vПc ТП–№]H Ј ›‡:` < №Ж" <!Structural insulated panel walls<4} C<„№„’ №Љ@ Г №B„€Ф …‹П))AПР@џ?№vП7 ТПj№]H Љ Ы‡:_ < №Ж"<Open-web floor trusses<4`  C<„№„’ №Њ@ Г №B„€PФ …‹П))AПР@џ?№vП– ТПЩ№]H Њ 3€:a < №Ж"< Structural insulated panel roof<4{  C<„№„’ №Ћ@ Г №B„€ЈФ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нП ”П<№]H Ћ ›€:c < №Ж"'<(Stud spacing greater than 16" on center<4Ÿ ' C<„№„’ №Ќ@ Г №B„€Х …‹П))AПР@џ‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыью§џџџя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџ?№vПФ ТПї№]H Ќ Ы€:b < №Ж"!<"Structural insulated panel floors<4‚ ! C<„№„’ №­@ Г №B„€PХ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нП7”Пl№]H ­ 3:d < №Ж"0<1Ceiling joist spacing greater than 16" on center<4М 0 C<„№„’ №Ў@ Г №B„€ЈХ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нϘ”ПЫ№]H Ў ›:f < №Ж".</Roof rafter spacing greater than 16" on center<4К . C<„№„’ №Џ@ Г №B„€Ц …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нПf”Ϙ№]H Џ Ы:e < №Ж".</Floor joist spacing greater than 16" on center<4З . C<„№„’ №А@ Г №B„€PЦ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нПЩ”Пљ№]H А 3‚:g < №Ж"\<]Two of the following: Size headers for loads; ladder blocking; drywall clips; 2-stud corners<4h \ C<„№„’ №Г@ Г №B€€€ЈЦ …‹П))AПР@џ?№vС% ТСЭ№]H Г ›‚:h < №Ж"<a) Panelized construction<4i  C<„№„’ №Е@ Г №B€„€Ч …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нС,”Сд№]H Е Ы‚:i < №Ж"&<'b) Modular, prefabricated construction<4ž & C<„№„’ №Ж@ Г №B€€€PЧ …‹П))AПР@џ?№vФ ТФ‡№]H Ж 3ƒ:j < №Ж"F<Ga) Provide suppliers with a notice of preference for FSC products; AND<4# F C<„№„’ №З@ Г №B€„€ЈЧ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ бФyФ‡№]H З ›ƒ:l < №Ж"O<Pb) No tropical wood installed (exceptions for FSC-certified or reclaimed wood)<4A O C<~№~’ №Л@ Ѓ №<€Ш …‹П))AПР@џ№РШŽрЪ№]H Л Ыƒ:n < №Ж"4<~№~’ №Н@ Ѓ №<€PШ …‹П))AПР@џ№^ШЋ^Ъ-№]H Н 3Œ:n < №Ж"4<~№~’ №О@ Ѓ №<€ЈШ …‹П))AПР@џ№РЩгрЫ-№]H О ›Œ:o < №Ж"4<~№~’ №Р@ Ѓ №<€Щ …‹П))AПР@џ№^Щг^Ы-№]H Р ЫŒ:o < №Ж"4<~№~’ №С@ Ѓ №<€PЩ …‹П))AПР@џ№РЪгрЬ№]H С 3:p < №Ж"4<~№~’ №Т@ Ѓ №<€ЈЩ …‹П))AПР@џ№ UЪг kЬ№]H Т ›:p < №Ж"4<~№~’ №У@ Ѓ №<€аЩ …‹П))AПР@џ№^Ъг^Ь№]6 У < №Ж"4<~№~’ №Ф@ Ѓ №<€(Ъ …‹П))AПР@џ№РЫтрЭ№]H Ф Ž:q < №Ж"4<~№~’ №Х@ Ѓ №<€PЪ …‹П))AПР@џ№ UЫг UЭ№]6 Х < №Ж"4<~№~’ №Ц@ Ѓ №<€ЈЪ …‹П))AПР@џ№^Ыг^Э№]H Ц ›Ž:q < №Ж"4<~№~’ №Щ@ Ѓ №<€Ы …‹П))AПР@џ№^Эг^Я№]H Щ ЫŽ:s < №Ж"4<~№~’ №Ь@ Ѓ №<€PЫ …‹П))AПР@џ№^Юг^а-№]H Ь 3:t < №Ж"4<~№~’ №Э@ Ѓ №<€ЈЫ …‹П))AПР@џ№РЯтрб-№]H Э ›:u < №Ж"4<~№~’ №Я@ Ѓ №<€Ь …‹П))AПР@џ№^Яг^б-№]H Я Ы:u < №Ж"4<~№~’ №а@ Ѓ №<€PЬ …‹П))AПР@џ№Ратрв-№]H а 3ˆ:v < №Ж"4<~№~’ №в@ Ѓ №<€ЈЬ …‹П))AПР@џ№^аг^в-№]H в ›ˆ:v < №Ж"4<~№~’ №е@ Ѓ №<€Э …‹П))AПР@џ№^бг^г-№]H е Ыˆ:w < №Ж"4<~№~’ №ж@ Ѓ №<€PЭ …‹П))AПР@џ№Рвтрд-№]H ж 3‰:x < №Ж"4<~№~’ №з@ Ѓ №<€ЈЭ …‹П))AПР@џ№ Uвг kд-№]H з ›‰:x < №Ж"4<~№~’ №й@ Ѓ №<€Ю …‹П))AПР@џ№Ргтре-№]H й Ы‰:y < №Ж"4<~№~’ №л@ Ѓ №<€PЮ …‹П))AПР@џ№^гг^е-№]H л 3Š:y < №Ж"4<~№~’ №м@ Ѓ №<€ЈЮ …‹П))AПР@џ№Рдтрж-№]H м ›Š:z < №Ж"4<~№~’ №о@ Ѓ №<€Я …‹П))AПР@џ№^дг^ж-№]H о ЫŠ:z < №Ж"4<~№~’ №п@ Ѓ №<€PЯ …‹П))AПР@џ№Ретрз-№]H п 3‹:{ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №с@ Ѓ №<€ЈЯ …‹П))AПР@џ№^ег^з-№]H с ›‹:{ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №ш@ Ѓ №<€P …‹П))AПР@џ№Ржтри-№]H ш Ы‹:| < №Ж"4<~№~’ №ъ@ Ѓ №<€PP …‹П))AПР@џ№^жг^и-№]H ъ 3:| < №Ж"4<~№~’ №ы@ Ѓ №<€ЈP …‹П))AПР@џ№Рзтрй-№]H ы ›:} < №Ж"4<~№~’ №э@ Ѓ №<€Q …‹П))AПР@џ№^зг^й-№]H э Ы:} < №Ж"4<~№~’ №ё@ Ѓ №<€PQ …‹П))AПР@џ№Рйтрл-№]H ё 3: < №Ж"4<~№~’ №ѓ@ Ѓ №<€ЈQ …‹П))AПР@џ№^йг^л-№]H ѓ ›: < №Ж"4<~№~’ №є@ Ѓ №<€R …‹П))AПР@џ№Рктрм-№]H є Ы:€ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №і@ Ѓ №<€PR …‹П))AПР@џ№^кг^м-№]H і 3:€ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №ї@ Ѓ №<€ЈR …‹П))AПР@џ№Рлтрн-№]H ї ›: < №Ж"4<~№~’ №љ@ Ѓ №<€S …‹П))AПР@џ№^лг^н-№]H љ Ы: < №Ж"4<~№~’ №њ@ Ѓ №<€PS …‹П))AПР@џ№Рмтро-№]H њ 3:‚ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №ћ@ Ѓ №<€ЈS …‹П))AПР@џ№ Uмг kо-№]H ћ ›:‚ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №ќ@ Ѓ №<€T …‹П))AПР@џ№^мг^о-№]H ќ Ы:‚ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №§@ Ѓ №<€PT …‹П))AПР@џ№Рнтрп-№]H § 3:ƒ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №џ@ Ѓ №<€ЈT …‹П))AПР@џ№^нг^п-№]H џ ›:ƒ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №A Ѓ №<€U …‹П))AПР@џ№РЭтрЯ№]H  Ы:s < №Ж"4<~№~’ № A Ѓ №<€PU …‹П))AПР@џ№ UЫг kЭ№]H  3:q < №Ж"4<~№~’ № A Ѓ №<€ЈU …‹П))AПР@џ№ UЬг UЮ№]H  ›:r < №Ж"4<„№„’ №A Г №B€€€V …‹П))AПР@џ?№vф Тфђ№]H  Ы:„ < №Ж"0<1a) Investigate local options for waste diversion<4П 0 C<„№„’ №A Г №B€€PV …‹П))AПР@џ?№vѓ ТѓG№]H  3:† < №Ж"$<%a) no unvented combustion appliances<4Ÿ $ C<„№„’ №A Г №B„€ЈV …‹П))AПР@џ?№vѓ} ТѓП№]H  ›:ˆ < №Ж"<c) no fireplace installed, OR<4p  C<„№„’ №A Г №B„€W …‹П))AПР@џ?№vѓA Тѓ€№]H  Ы:‡ < №Ж"G<Hb) carbon monoxide monitors on each floor (of each unit, if applicable)<4 G C<„№„’ №A Г №B„€PW …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нѓ”ѓG№]H  3:Š < №Ж"E<Fd) space, water heating equipment designed with closed combustion; OR<4' E C<„№„’ №A Г №B„€ЈW …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нѓ}”ѓП№]H  ›:Œ < №Ж"S<T space and water heating equipment located in detached or open-air facility; OR<4H S C<„№„’ №A Г №B„€X …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нѓD”ѓ†№]H  Ы:‹ < №Ж"C<D space and water heating equipment has power-vented exhaust; OR<4 C C<„№„’ №A Г №B„€PX …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нѓЖ”ѓї№]H  3: < №Ж"9<: no space- or water-heating equipment with combustion<4ъ 9 C<~№~’ №+A Ѓ №<€ЈX …‹П))AПР@џ№ kј •њ<№]H + ›:“ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №,A Ѓ №<€Y …‹П))AПР@џ№ kљг•ћ-№]H , Ы:” < №Ж"4<~№~’ №-A Ѓ №<€PY …‹П))AПР@џ№ kћг•§-№]H - 3:– < №Ж"4<~№~’ №.A Ѓ №<€ЈY …‹П))AПР@џ№ kњг•ќ-№]H . ›:• < №Ж"4<~№~’ №0A Ѓ №<€Z …‹П))AПР@џ№ kќг•ў-№]H 0 Ы:— < №Ж"4<~№~’ №1A Ѓ №<€PZ …‹П))AПР@џ№ k§Ф•џU№]H 1 3:˜ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №3A Ѓ №<€ЈZ …‹П))AПР@џ№љгыћ-№]H 3 ›:Ž < №Ж"4<~№~’ №5A Ѓ №<€[ …‹П))AПР@џ№њгыќ-№]H 5 Ы: < №Ж"4<~№~’ №6A Ѓ №<€([ …‹П))AПР@џ№ћгы§-№]6 6 < №Ж"4<~№~’ №7A Ѓ №<€€[ …‹П))AПР@џ№ќгыў-№]H 7 K:‘ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №8A Ѓ №<€а[ …‹П))AПР@џ№§ФыџU№]H 8 Г:’ < №Ж"4<~№~’ №@A Ѓ №<€(\ …‹П))AПР@џ№ћгы§-№]H @ : < №Ж"4<„№„’ №KA Г №B€„€€\ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н” №]H K K:š < №Ж"E<Fb) Central HVAC system equipped with additional dehumidification mode<4( E C<„№„’ №PA Г №B€€а\ …‹П))AПР@џ?№v Т‘№]H P Г:› < №Ж";<<a) Qualifies under ASHRAE Std. 62.2-2007 climate exemption.<4ќ ; C<„№„’ №QA Г №B„€(] …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н”–№]H Q : < №Ж"<c) Intermittent ventilation<4f  C<„№„’ №RA Г №B€„€€] …‹П))AПР@џ?№vj Т№]H R K:œ < №Ж"<b) Continuous ventilation<4h  C<„№„’ №SA Г №B€„€а] …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нo”№]H S Г:ž < №Ж"<d) Passive ventilation<4Y  C<„№„’ №WA Г №B€€€(^ …‹П))AПР@џ?№v Т№]H W :Ÿ < №Ж"=<>a) Meets EQ 4.1 part (a), active ventilation system installed<4э = C<„№„’ №YA Г №B€„€€^ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н ”№]H Y K:  < №Ж"< b) Install heat recovery system<4|  C<„№„’ №[A Г №B€€а^ …‹П))AПР@џ?№v  Т №]H [ Г:Ё < №Ж"K<La) Bathroom and kitchen exhaust meets ASHRAE Std. 62.2 air flow requirement<4E K C<„№„’ №\A Г №B„€(_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н  ” ›№]H \ :Ѓ < №Ж"<c) Air exhausted to outdoors<4v  C<„№„’ №]A Г №B€„€€_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№v k Т №]H ] K:Ђ < №Ж"<<=b) Fans and ducts designed and installed to ASHRAE Std. 62.2<4џ < C<„№„’ №^A Г №B€„€а_ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н p” №]H ^ Г:Є < №Ж",<-d) ENERGY STAR labeled bathroom exhaust fans<4Э , C<„№„’ №_A Г №B€€( …‹П))AПР@џ?№v Т№]H _ д:Ѕ < №Ж"<a) Occupancy sensor<4W  C<„№„’ №`A Г №B„€€ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н ”˜№]H ` Kд:Ї < №Ж"O<Pc) Automatic timer tied to switch to operate fan for 20+ minutes post-occupancy<4G O C<„№„’ №aA Г №B€„€а …‹П))AПР@џ?№vh Т№]H a Гд:І < №Ж""<#b) Automatic humidistat controller<4 " C<„№„’ №bA Г №B€„€(‘ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нn”№]H b е:Ј < №Ж"%<&d) Continuously operating exhaust fan<4› % C<„№„’ №gA Г №B„€€‘ …‹П))AПР@џ?№vŒ Юэ№]H g Kе:Њ < №Ж"H<Ib) Limited pressure differential between closed room and adjacent spaces<4, H C<„№„’ №hA Г №B„€а‘ …‹П))AПР@џ?№v> ЅŸ№]H h Ге:Љ < №Ж"5<6a) Return air opening of 1 sq. inch per cfm of supply<4Ю 5 C<„№„’ №iA Г №B„€(’ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н> Ÿ№]H i ж:Ћ < №Ж")<*Flow control valves on every radiator; OR<4Њ ) C<„№„’ №mA Г №B„€€’ …‹П))AПР@џ?№vW Ѕп№]H m Kж:Ќ < №Ж"<<=Have supply air flow rates in each room tested and confirmed<4љ < C<„№„’ №nA Г №B„€а’ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нW п№]H n Гж:­ < №Ж"G<HInstall at least two distinct zones with independent thermostat control<4 G C<„№„’ №oA Г №B€€(“ …‹П))AПР@џ?№v# Т#Œ№]H o з:Ў < №Ж";<<a) Design and install permanent walk-off mats at each entry<4№ ; C<„№„’ №pA Г №B„€€“ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н#”#Œ№]H p Kз:А < №Ж"9<:c) Install central vacuum system with exhaust to outdoors<4ы 9 C<„№„’ №qA Г №B„€а“ …‹П))AПР@џ?№v#e Т#у№]H q Гз:Џ < №Ж"><?b) Design shoe removal and storage space near primary entryway<4  > C<„№„’ №sA Г №B€€(” …‹П))AПР@џ?№v/1 Т/}№]H s а:Б < №Ж"A<BSeal all penetrations and connecting floor and ceiling joist bays<4 A C<„№„’ №wA Г №B„€€” …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н/1”/}№]H w Kа:Г < №Ж"<Weather-strip all doors<4]  C<„№„’ №yA Г №B„€а” …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н/h”/З№]H y Га:Д < №Ж"@<ACarbon monoxide detectors in rooms that share a door with garage<4 @ C<„№„’ №zA Г №B„€(• …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н/Ђ”/ё№]H z б:Е < №Ж"5<6Seal all penetrations and cracks at the base of walls<4в 5 C<„№„’ №{A Г №B€€€• …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘1 Ю1ї№]H { Kб:Ж < №Ж"<a) Fan runs continuously<4e  C<„№„’ №|A Г №B„€а• …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н1 ”1ї№]H | Гб:З < №Ж",<-b) Fan designed with automatic timer control<4Ж , C<„№„’ №}A Г №B€€(– …‹П))AПР@џ?№­7 Ю7ц№]H } в:И < №Ж""<#a) Operations and training manual <4‹ " C<„№„’ №~A Г №B„€€– …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н7”7ї№]H ~ Kв:Й < №Ж"(<)b) One-hour walkthrough with occupant(s)<4Ћ ( C<„№„’ №A Г №B€€а– …‹П))AПР@џ?№;h ;№№]H  Гв:Л < №Ж"4<5b) Website about features and benefits of LEED homes<4с 4 C<„№„’ №‚A Г №B„€(— …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н;”;ˆ№]H ‚ г:М < №Ж"#<$c) Newspaper article on the project<4Ž # C<„№„’ №ƒA Г №B„€€— …‹П))AПР@џ?№; ;ˆ№]H ƒ Kг:К < №Ж"'<(a) Open house on at least four weekends<4Ї ' C<„№„’ №„A Г №B„€а— …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н;h”;№№]H „ Гг:Н < №Ж"3<4d) Display LEED signage on the exterior of the home<4е 3 C<„№„’ №…A Г №B€€(˜ …‹П))AПР@џ?№> >б№]H … м:О < №Ж""<#a) Operations and training manual <4‹ " C<„№„’ №†A Г №B„€€˜ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н>'”>й№]H † Kм:П < №Ж"-<.b) One-hour walkthrough with building manager<4О - C<„№„’ №‡A Г №B€€€а˜ …‹П))AПР@џ?№vp@ Юpј№]H ‡ Гм:Р < №Ж"0<1a) Insulation meets R-value requirements of IECC<4Ы 0 C<„№„’ №ˆA Г №B€„€(™ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ бp0”pш№]H ˆ н:С < №Ж"A<Bb) Insulation meets HERS Grade II specifications for installation<4 A C<„№„’ №‰A Г №B€€€€™ …‹П))AПР@џ?№vr0 Юrш№]H ‰ Kн:Т < №Ж"8<9a) Insulation exceeds R-value requirements of IECC by 5%<4ь 8 C<„№„’ №ŠA Г №B€„€а™ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ бr0”rш№]H Š Гн:У < №Ж"@<Ab) Insulation meets HERS Grade I specifications for installation<4 @ C<„№„’ №‹A Г №B€€(š …‹П))AПР@џ?№v~ Т~‚№]H ‹ о:Ф < №Ж"E<Fa) Windows and glass doors meet ENERGY STAR BOP window specifications<4B E C<„№„’ №ŒA Г №B„€€š …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н~”~‚№]H Œ Kо:Х < №Ж"3<gb) Skylight glazing area is d" 3% of floor area AND<4Ш 3 C<„№„’ №A Г №B„€аš …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н~o”~о№]H  Го:Ц < №Ж":<; Skylights meet ENERGY STAR requirements for skylights<4ї : C<„№„’ №‘A Г №B€€(› …‹П))AПР@џ?№v…1 Т…x№]H ‘ п:Ч < №Ж"9<sa) Duct leakage of d" 4.0 CFM at 25 Pascals per 100 sq.ft.<4ц 9 C<„№„’ №’A Г №B„€€› …‹П))AПР@џ?№ б…1y…~№]H ’ Kп:Ъ < №Ж"<<=At least R-3 insulation around pipes in unconditioned spaces<4ј < C<„№„’ №“A Г №B„€а› …‹П))AПР@џ?№v…o Т…Ж№]H “ Гп:Ш < №Ж"><?b) No ducts in exterior walls unless extra insulation is added<4ё > C<„№„’ №–A Г №B„€(œ …‹П))AПР@џ?№v…Њ Т…ё№]H – и:Щ < №Ж"?<@c) At least R-6 insulation around ducts in unconditioned spaces<4 ? C<„№„’ №—A Г №B€€€œ …‹П))AПР@џ?№Z‡U Ж‡л№]H — Kи:Ы < №Ж"6<mDuct leakage of d" 3.0 CFM at 25 Pascals per 100 sq.ft.<4м 6 C<„№„’ №˜A Г №B„€аœ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ б‡Uy‡л№]H ˜ Ги:Ь < №Ж"><?Keep the boiler and pipes entirely within conditioned envelope<4љ > C<„№„’ №›A Г №B€€( …‹П))AПР@џ?№Z‰7 Ж‰}№]H › й:Э < №Ж"9<sa) Duct leakage of d" 1.0 CFM at 25 Pascals per 100 sq.ft.<4ф 9 C<„№„’ №œA Г №B„€€ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ б‰1y‰}№]H œ Kй:а < №Ж"F<GOutdoor reset control to set distribution temp. based on outdoor temp.<4" F C<„№„’ №A Г №B„€а …‹П))AПР@џ?№Z‰n Ж‰Д№]H  Гй:Ю < №Ж"P<Qb) Air-handler and all ductwork is within conditioned envelope and EA 3.3 is met<4A P C<„№„’ №žA Г №B„€(ž …‹П))AПР@џ?№Z‰Ћ [‰ё№]H ž к:Я < №Ж"V<Wc) Air-handler and all ductwork visibly within conditioned spaces (not in walls, etc.)<4J V C<„№„’ №ŸA Г №B€€€ž …‹П))AПР@џ?№Œ Œ…№]H Ÿ Kк:б < №Ж"C<Da) Design and size HVAC equipment using ACCA Manual J or equivalent<4) C C<„№„’ № A Г №B„€аž …‹П))AПР@џ?№Œv Œь№]H   Гк:в < №Ж"><?b) Install efficient heating AND cooling equipment (see Table)<4њ > C<„№„’ №ЁA Г №B„€(Ÿ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ бŒ”Œ…№]H Ё л:г < №Ж"2<3c) Install ENERGY STAR programmable thermostat OR<4ч 2 C<„№„’ №ЂA Г №B„€€Ÿ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ бŒ{”Œё№]H Ђ Kл:д < №Ж"?<@ Heat pump or hydronic installed and exempted from part (c)<4ћ ? C<„№„’ №ЄA Г №B€€аŸ …‹П))AПР@џ?№— —‰№]H Є Гл:е < №Ж"<a) Structured plumbing system<4|  C<„№„’ №ЅA Г №B„€(@ …‹П))AПР@џ?№—w —њ№]H Ѕ :ж < №Ж"'<(b) Central manifold distribution system<4ž ' C<„№„’ №ІA Г №B„€€@ …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н—”—”№]H І K:з < №Ж"(<)c) Compact design of conventional system<4Б ( C<„№„’ №ЇA Г №B€€а@ …‹П))AПР@џ?№Є Єи№]H Ї Г:и < №Ж"F<Ga) Indoor lighting - 3 additional ENERGY STAR lights in high-use rooms<46'ЉF C<„№„’ №ЈA Г №B„€(A …‹П))AПР@џ?№ бЄ yЄи№]H Ј :й < №Ж"><?b) Exterior lighting - motion sensor controls or integrated PV<4`!Љ> C<„№„’ №ЊA Г №B€€€A …‹П))AПР@џ?№І Іб№]H Њ K:к < №Ж"+<,a) 60% of fixtures are ENERGY STAR fixtures<4ќЉ+ C<„№„’ №ЋA Г №B„€аA …‹П))AПР@џ?№ бІyІб№]H Ћ Г:л < №Ж"$<%b) 80% of lamps are ENERGY STAR CFLs<4АЉ$ C<„№„’ №ЌA Г №B€€(B …‹П))AПР@џ?№Љ ЉŠ№]H Ќ :м < №Ж"#<$a) ENERGY STAR labeled refrigerator<4cЉ# C<„№„’ №­A Г №B„€€B …‹П))AПР@џ?№Љf Љь№]H ­ K:н < №Ж"J<Kb) ENERGY STAR labeled ceiling fans in living/family room and all bedrooms<4ш)ЉJ C<„№„’ №ЎA Г №B„€аB …‹П))AПР@џ?№ бЉyЉŠ№]H Ў Г:о < №Ж"E<Fc) ENERGY STAR labeled dishwasher using 6.0 gallons per cycle or less<45'ЉE C<„№„’ №ЏA Г №B„€(C …‹П))AПР@џ?№ бЉfyЉь№]H Џ :п < №Ж"<d) ENERGY STAR clothes washer<4Љ C<„№„’ №АA Г №B€€€C …‹П))AПР@џ?№vЗ ТЗ№]H А K:р < №Ж"<a) Use no refrigerants<4 Љ C<„№„’ №БA Г №B„€аC …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нЗ”З№]H Б Г:т < №Ж"H<Ic) Use refrigerants that complies with global warming potential equation<4т'ЉH C<„№„’ №ВA Г №B„€(D …‹П))AПР@џ?№vЗk ТЗѕ№]H В :с < №Ж"<b) Use non-HCFC refrigerants<4CЉ C<~№~’ №ГA Ѓ №<€€D …‹П))AПР@џ№^Ъг^Ь№]H Г K:p < №Ж"4<„№„’ №ДA Г №B€„€аD …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нф”фђ№]H Д Г:… < №Ж"1<2b) Document diversion rate for construction waste<4Я 1 C<„№„’ №ИA Г №B€€€(E …‹П))AПР@џ?№v Т №]H И :™ < №Ж"%<&a) Additional dehumidification system<4š % C<„№„’ №B Г №B€€€E …‹П))AПР@џ?№vН ТНя№]H  K:\ < №Ж"$<%Requirements of MR 1.2 have been met<4Ё $ C<„№„’ №B Г №B„€аE …‹П))AПР@џ?№ нН”Ня№]H  Г:] < №Ж"K<LDetailed cut list and lumber order corresponding to framing plans or scopes<44 K C<~№~’ №—C Ѓ №<€(F …‹П))AПР@џ№ Uит kк<№]H — :~ < №Ж"4<„№„’ №жC Г №B€„€€F …‹П))AПР@џ?№vФ‚ ТФэ№]H ж K:k < №Ж"9<: Request country of manufacture for each wood product<4ю 9 C<„№„’ №зC Г №B„€аF …‹П))AПР@џ?№vѓЖ Юѓї№]H з Г:‰ < №Ж".</ all fireplaces and woodstoves have doors<4З . C<~№~’ №Е‹ Ѓ №<€(G …‹П))AПР@џ№РЮёра№]H Е :s < №Ж"4<~№~’ №З‹ Ѓ №<€€G …‹П))AПР@џ№РЮтра-№]H З K:t < №Ж"4<~№~’ №И‹ Ѓ №<€аG …‹П))AПР@џ№Рбтрг-№]H И Г:v < №Ж"4<~№~’ №Й‹ Ѓ №<€(H …‹П))AПР@џ№Рбтрг-№]H Й  :w < №Ж"4<~№~’ №О‹ Ѓ №<€€H …‹П))AПР@џ№Ротрр-№]H О K :~< №Ж"4<~№~’ №?œ Ѓ №<€аH …‹П))AПР@џ№Рпёрсr№]H ? Г :< №Ж"4<~№~’ №_ Ѓ №<€(I …‹П))AПР@џ№ н“”э№]H _   :Ћ < №Ж"=<>Radiant floor system with thermostatic controls in every room<†ў =`Aх<„№„’ №‰ž Г №B„€€I …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘&D Ю&k№]H ‰  K :< №Ж":<;c-i) Nonpaper-faced backer board in tub, shower, spa areas<4 : C<„№„’ №Šž Г №B„€аI …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘&g Ю&№]H Š  Г :< №Ж"<<=c-ii) No carpet in kitchen, bathroom, laundry, and spa areas<4  < C<„№„’ №‹ž Г №B„€(J …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘&Š Ю&А№]H ‹  : < №Ж"-<.c-iii) No carpet within 3 ft of each entryway<4П - C<„№„’ №Œž Г №B„€€J …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘&­ Ю&в№]H Œ  K: < №Ж"R<Sc-iv) Install drain and drain pans in tank water heaters in/over living spaces; OR<4b R C<„№„’ №ž Г №B„€аJ …‹П))AПР@џ?№‘&Я Ю&є№]H   Г: < №Ж"2<3 no tank water heaters in/over living spaces<4Ю 2 C<„№„’ №ž Г №B„€(K …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н&y&(№]H   : < №Ж"O<Pc-v) Install drain and drain pans for clothes washers in/over living spaces; OR<4Z O C<„№„’ №ž Г №B„€€K …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н&'y&L№]H   K: < №Ж"/<0 no clothes washers in/over living spaces<4Ф / C<„№„’ №‘ž Г №B„€аK …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н&Gy&m№]H ‘  Г:< №Ж"><?c-vi) Exhaust conventional clothes dryers directly to outdoors<4 > C<„№„’ №’ž Г №B„€(L …‹П))AПР@џ?№ н&jy&№]H ’  :< №Ж"@<Ac-vii) Install drain and drain pan for condensing clothes dryers<4 @ C" Douglas Kingn Douglas Kingn! 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This is allowed but discouraged.xxzzО&“Automated CalculationIncorrect input›This cell includes an automatic calculation based on the inputs below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. bY htt О6“Automated CalculationIncorrect inputЋThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on the air leakage rate given above. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit.t02 xx О6“Automated CalculationIncorrect inputЋThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on the air leakage rate given above. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit.t03 zz О+#la# InœœОˆ“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. o 00.511.5ЃЃ ЃЃОŠ“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. o 00.511.521ЈЈ ЈЈОx“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. oN 1­­Оq“Automated Calculation      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}§џџџ€Incorrect inputЋThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on the air leakage rate given above. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit.At>00.511.522.533.544.555.566.577.588.599.5105­­ Оа Automated CalculationAutomated Calculation›This cell includes an automatic calculation based on the inputs below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.›This cell includes an automatic calculation based on the inputs below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged..7 tt­­хх‰‰mmƒƒ……]]aaОm Do not overwrite3These cells include calculations. Do not overwrite.catiББ Ок Automated calculation›This cell includes an automatic calculation based on the inputs below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.t –iur–iББО‚“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit.pu0344““““ О? Linked Cell Linked CellbThis cell is linked to a cell on the Project Summary tab. Please complete the Project Summary tab. This cell is linked to the Summary tab. Please complete the Summary information tab. If you wish to overwrite this cell, you may, but it will destroy the link. isC\ilSS О? Linked Cell Linked CellbThis cell is linked to a cell on the Project Summary tab. Please complete the Project Summary tab. This cell is linked to the Summary tab. Please complete the Summary information tab. If you wish to overwrite this cell, you may, but it will destroy the link. isC]ilSSО? Linked Cell Linked CellbThis cell is linked to a cell on the Project Summary tab. Please complete the Project Summary tab. This cell is linked to the Summary tab. Please complete the Summary information tab. If you wish to overwrite this cell, you may, but it will destroy the link. isCnilLL ОG Linked Cell Linked CellbThis cell is linked to a cell on the Project Summary tab. Please complete the Project Summary tab. This cell is linked to the Summary tab. Please complete the Summary information tab. If you wish to overwrite this cell, you may, but it will destroy the link. isC`ilaa ZZ ОG Linked Cell Linked CellbThis cell is linked to a cell on the Project Summary tab. Please complete the Project Summary tab. This cell is linked to the Summary tab. Please complete the Summary information tab. If you wish to overwrite this cell, you may, but it will destroy the link. isCbilaaZZО? Linked Cell Linked CellbThis cell is linked to a cell on the Project Summary tab. Please complete the Project Summary tab. This cell is linked to the Summary tab. Please complete the Summary information tab. If you wish to overwrite this cell, you may, but it will destroy the link. isClilLLОš“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit.e 0122єє єє"" ""aa О€“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit.e  023456ee Оm“Automated CalculationIncorrect inputкThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on the input for 'Percentage reduction in estimated irrigation water demand' below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. T 023456ee О“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. o00.5 1 1.5 2 |||| Оˆ“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. o04 РР РР…… О+ np#_О, np‹‹О|“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. o0234‰‰ О†“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. o 012343˜˜ mm О|“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. o0246ЁЁ О“ No Double-CountingIncorrect input‰A project can only take credit for points in WE 3.1 or WE 3.2 for a given fixture/fitting type (i.e. lavatory faucets, showers, toilets).?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. bu0123ŸŸО“ No Double-CountingIncorrect input‰A project can only take credit for points in WE 3.1 or WE 3.2 for a given fixture/fitting type (i.e. lavatory faucets, showers, toilets).?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. bu0246ЁЁОŸ Incorrect inputfYou have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. Please enter a value between 0 and 34.ype."ЈЈ О‘ Linked Cell]This cell is linked to a cell on the Project Summary tab. Please complete the Project Summaryn C4.ЊЊО‘ Linked Cell]This cell is linked to a cell on the Project Summary tab. Please complete the Project Summaryn C.4.ЊЊО˜“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. t00.511.522.53ОО ООхх О­“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit.3 t00.511.522.533.544.555.566.577.584ХХХХ О“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. t0133яя яяО Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. t#w'''' Оw Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. t#>'' О+ np#I''О6“Automated CalculationIncorrect input›This cell includes an automatic calculation based on the inputs below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit.00.511.522.53хх Оk“Automated CalculationIncorrect inputкThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on the input for 'Percentage reduction in estimated irrigation water demand' below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. T 012343˜˜ О*“Automated CalculationIncorrect input›This cell includes an automatic calculation based on the inputs below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. u 0234‰‰ О,“Automated CalculationIncorrect input›This cell includes an automatic calculation based on the inputs below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. u  012343mm ОЯ Automated CalculationAutomated CalculationкThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on the input for 'Percentage reduction in estimated irrigation water demand' below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.›This cell includes an automatic calculation based on the inputs below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.ƒ…˜˜eeОŸ Automated CalculationAutomated Calculation›This cell includes an automatic calculation based on the inputs below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.ЊThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on the inputs on the 'Summary' tab. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged. catЈЈЈЈ ОЄ Calculated cellkThis cell is calculated based on the values in the cells above, such that the sum of all cells equals 100%. c)hil*huuО Calculated cellVThis cell is calculated automatically based on the inputs for # of units and lot size. c)heq*h ОЁLCalculated cellkThis cell is calculated based on the values in the cells above, such that the sum of all cells equals 100%.cilОЁLCalculated cellkThis cell is calculated based on the values in the cells above, such that the sum of all cells equals 100%.cilОН  Linked CellˆThis cell is linked to the input in SS 2.5. The same calculation used to calculate water demand reduction for SS 2.5 is used for WE 2.3.lc–ion–iœœО‹“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. t00.511.5 21yy yyОJЃ$np!Certified Silver Gold Platinum О“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. t01006666 ОY“Automated CalculationIncorrect inputЪThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on the input for 'Percentage of landscape area that is turf' below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. l 0123]] Оf“Automated CalculationIncorrect inputйThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on the input for 'Percentage of installed plants that are drought-tolerant' below. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is allowed but discouraged.?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit.0122aa О" Linked Cell Linked CellbThis cell is linked to a cell on the Project Summary tab. Please complete the Project Summary tab.ƒThis cell is linked to the Project Summary tab. If you wish to overwrite the contents of this cell, you may, but it it discouraged.YoCen О Linked Cell Linked Cell]This cell is linked to a cell on the Project Summary tab. Please complete the Project SummaryƒThis cell is linked to the Project Summary tab. If you wish to overwrite the contents of this cell, you may, but it it discouraged.edCn О Linked Cell Linked Cell]This cell is linked to a cell on the Project Summary tab. Please complete the Project SummaryƒThis cell is linked to the Project Summary tab. If you wish to overwrite the contents of this cell, you may, but it it discouraged.edC ОЕ Automated CalculationaThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on the information provided in the Summary tab.llчin  О InnovationsРOnly include ID requests that have been processed and approved through the USGBC. If an ID request has been approved, please input the ID ruling # here as it appears on the CIR & ID database.s ll22,,..00ОВ“Incorrect inputyThis credit is currently not available. Once USGBC develops a credentialed position, this credit will be available again. t01i О•“ Incorrect input?You have entered a value that is inappropriate for this credit. de00.5 1,,2200..К Sheet9ggџџџџ@ggh'hЫЬhŸh0ee  ^^11ЈЈххtzmm eett ­­yy ххdd--//dd^^LM^^^^ LM^^]]uw aa……ƒƒ˜˜ЈЈ OOLO LOLOOObdaabbbbSSZZZZSS`a`d```a`d @ g2ЭЩ€ $ƒЙ Q X= .[ Mr яr  dќЉёвMbP?_*+‚€%џС<9&LLEED for Homes Accountability Form&CPage &P of&O &N&R&Dƒ„&р?'р?(р?)ш?M HP officejet 6200 seriesмФ!Cя€ъ od§џLetterџџџџDINU"8t PчіІЅD 8SMTJ(HP officejet 6200 seriesInputBinAutomaticallySelectRESDLLUniresDLLHPPreAnalysisFalseMSPreAnalysisFalseHPReportSymmetricMarginsFalseHPMinimizeMarginsFalseHPAlignMarginsForMDTrueHPPrintPreviewFalseHPOverSprayOptionAutomaticHPOverSpray100HPBorderLessPhotoFalseHPBorderLessAutoFitFalseHPCustomBorderlessTrueHPOutputOrderReverseTruePaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTrueHPDryTimeOptionAutomaticHPDryTime0HPInkVolumeOptionAutomaticHPInkVolumeNormalHPPrintInGrayScaleFalsePrintQualityNormalPrintQualityGroupPQGroup_2HPColorModeCOLOR_MODEHPPDLTypePDL_PCL3HPPosterPrintingFalseHPPosterPrintingOptionPOSTER_2ColorModeColor24HPMirrorPrintFalseTextAsBlackFalseMediaTypePLAINResolution600dpiPQDPIInstalledHPAutoDuplexScalingTrueHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalseHPManualDuplexDialogItemsInstructionID_01_FACEUP-NOROTATEHPManualDuplexPageRotateUserRotateHPOutputBinOrientationFACEUPHPManualFeedOrientationFACEUPHPSpeedMechFastDraftHPMediaTypeTreeviewPopupTrueHPManualDuplexDialogModelModalHPManualDuplexPageOrderOddPagesFirstHPMapManualFeedToTray1FalsePSAlignmentFileHPZ3AlhnPSServicesOptionStarHPCleaningFilesDataHP_Clean_TestPageHPConsumerCustomPaperHPCustomHPColorSelectionForHPAEnabledHPBornOnDateHPBODHPCustomSizeCommandTRUEHPRESDLLNameHPFRES50HPRedEyeReductionOnHPDigitalImagingHPHomePrintingHPSmartFocusOnHPContrastOnHPDigitalFlashOnHPSharpnessOnHPSmoothingOnHPJpegPngPassthroughTrueHPHTDLLNameHPFIGlhnHPMHDLLNameHPFIME50HPHPAFilterTrueHPAdvancedColorSettingTrueHPCRDCommandTrueHPSendUnitMeasureCommandTRUEHPXMLFileUsedhpo6200t.xmlPIUPHdLetterъ oџџџџџџџџџџџџ [none] [none]4PРРРРРРd€?OWNERџџџџ44dPrint driver host for 32bit appџџџџsplwow64.exe<‚C:\Windows\splwow64.exeЁ"T§џр?р?œ&œU} ’ } Ж } Ж} Ж} m } ’} Ж} m} m} $ } $} I} } $ } $ m} I} ’'ƒю@а@Г@”@”@”`Џ@Є@Г@ ,@ ,@ ,@ ,@ ,@ГРо!h@  ,@ ,@ –@ •@ ў@ i@ @ Ѓ@ б@ †@ †@ †@ x@  J  i` § BVО&BBBBBBBBBџџџџџџџ§ $О&$$$$$$$$$§ я§ $О$$$$$$$$$§ я§ $О$$$$$$$$$§ я§ $О$$$$$$$$$О(я$$$$$$$$$§ я§ $О$$$$$$$$$§ Љ§ 0CО KKL§ 0GО KKL § 3KО § § 1DО CCD§ 1HО CCD § 4LО § § 1EО CCD§ 1IО OOP § 4MО § § 2FО MMN§ 2JО MMN § 5NО § О јљљљјљљљјљљ § ЈОО   p§ 1ЩО2223ОўўўўўОўўўўўО šš[§ ШНО&&&&&&&& О šš[§ ШООШШШШШШШШ Оš[[ššЛЛЛЛЛЛ š§ Y1ОYYYYYYYYY О a§ ]SО]]]]]]]]] § ,ЌО,,,,,,,,, е§ ,TО,,,,,,,,, § ,UО,,,,,,,,, § ,RО,,,,,,,,, Оeeeжжжжжжжж О №*§ +МО,+-+..../ ОБЪ===>>UUUU? зBpX88DDD,DXXXX < 88 484444 8 ,!-@"J@#-@$J@ %x@&IРš'ЅРТ(;)hР”*hР”+hР”,hР”-‡@.;/%@0‡@1;2†@35@4@5J@6J@7J@8h@9J@:J@;f@<9@=I@>J@?J@О Бjk§ lК7 \џџ џ!C  #BО \\\§ mПŒ Zџџ"џvCn Cl B$TCn  #l6Cl  #nCn, Cl""BО Z[ О!Бnš_OOOOšППР О "%nš§ "`Л7"Цџџ" џ!C  #BО"ЦЦЦš 7" 'џџ)џ!Ck  #kBО " '( О#%nš`FFFFšППР О$%o@A0000B 7$ ^џџhџ!Cm  #mBО $ ^_ О%%qзззrrOOOOš § &‚œ§ &B|&&§ &&•О&&&&'(&&&) &™О'ю\\\\\и]^^^S 'Е](CџџVџGD)РY D*РY D+РY D,РY B% N YBN§ (ЙО(      § ( !u§ ( "–#( Oџ %), Р Р39)џџ*џ#Z, Р Y NBN9)Dџџ@џ#Z,Р Y NBNY)-џџ*џCID 3.1 Innovation #1: C6 #6@B@ID 3.1 Innovation #1: О)......./O T) m џ>D) РCd $D)РY  " B)ы9*џџ+џ#Z. 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If the project is listed in a zone that begin with the letter A or V (e.g, A, AE, AO, A11, V1) it is below the 100-yr floodplain and does not meet the requirement for LL 2(a). If the project is listed in a zone that begins with the letter B, C, or X, it is above the 100-yr floodplain and does meet the requirement for LL 2(a). If the project is listed in Zone D, it is an undetermined flood risk. These projects must use a different source of information to determine if the requirement of LL 2(a) is met.<9Џ oх=ьZ№R’ №}Љ C №ПџП№  z №]F}! d юžьЬ№ФВ №ЙЉ Ѓ №Š€ћAС?Пџ?€УУПNew LEED LogoPicture 22New LEED Logo№C32Š№]&Й`џџь~№~’ №\ Ѓ №<€€ …‹П))AПР@џ№w$Ё$~№]6  ь №Ж" < hurricanes<4+ ь~№~’ №\ Ѓ №<€Ј …‹П))AПР@џ№w$yЁ$ш№]6  ь №Ж"< tornados<4& ь~№~’ № \ Ѓ №<€а …‹П))AПР@џ№=$Д$~№]6  ь №Ж" < earthquakes<43 ь~№~’ № \ Ѓ №<€ …‹П))AПР@џ№=$yД$ш№]6  ь №Ж"<floods<4 ь~№~’ № \ Ѓ №<€( …‹П))AПР@џ№`$x$~№]6  ь №Ж" < wildfires<4! ь~№~’ № \ Ѓ №<€P …‹П))AПР@џ№`$yx$ш№]6  ь №Ж" < blizzards<4# xDoug>ДАЊ<Pg‹‹Ub   х !          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А88 88 БвPџџ?„€88 __KQIIKK Kџџџџџџџџџ џџџџ>ERROR! Total Area of zones doesn't equal Total Landscaped AreaLРBRAA&{Ч{88 ˜џџ?„€KQIIKK Kџџџџџџџџџ џџџџџџџџџ џџџџџџ џџUI mИ:аЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ ;http://www.epa.gov/watersense/nhspecs/wb_data_finder.html рЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ Œhttp://www.epa.gov/watersense/nhspecs/wb_data_finder.htmlyXє;HЏ,‚]Ф…'cЅЋВТЋџџџџО Automated CalculationŠThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on user inputs. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is not allowed.!This is an automated calculation.žwlљРNone  @,MњРlљР  @ ^lќР  @ 9lўР  @ @,MњР@"@"@"B%ОУ Automated calculationŠThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on user inputs. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is not allowed.s a О†“ Choose irrigation type from menuHChoose the type of irrigation system installed from the pull-down menu. ›Please choose type of irrigation system from pull-down menu. Please do not enter by hand. Calculation is case-sensitive. Please use the pull-down menu. ` ]None Fixed Spray Impact/ microspray Rotors Multistream rotators Low vol/ Pt source/ Dripu% О  Microclimate descriptionаEnter a general description of the zone. Include if the zone is in partial sun, or is always shaded; if the zone is in a windy, protected, or average-wind area; and if zone is on North or South side of bldg.usth% ОР •Enter control factor (CF) for zone. If none installed: CF = 1. For installed control, CF = 1-(fraction of overall irrigation water saved by control).te o&'ОА“ QEnter microclimate factor (Kmc) for zone. See Table 7 in SS 2.5 in Rating System.+Kmc value entered should be between 0.5-1.5r  0.8 1.0 1.2&' ОМ“ KEnter species factor (Ks) for zone. See Table 6 in SS 2.5 in Rating System.$Ks value outside of range of values.)ee&0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.90&'Оѓ Automated CalculationŠThis cell includes an automatic calculation based on user inputs. Overwriting this cell will disable the calculation. This is not allowed.&FF ,344:: >> BB DD О Species descriptionкGive a brief description of the type(s) of species in the zone and their water needs. Examples: drought tolerant shrubs, considered lowest water users for this region; or flowers (groundcover) with typical water needs.h%%О€“ Choose Ks from menuїChoose species factor (Ks) for zone. Use SS 2.5 Table 6 in Rating System: Ks=0.2 - very drought tolerant- lowest water users for region Ks=0.4 - moderately drought tolerant Ks=0.5 - medium water needs Ks=0.6-0.9 - high water needs (e.g., turf) $Ks value outside of range of values./ R,0.2 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.95%ОЪ“ Choose Kmc from menuйChoose Kmc for zone: - Low (0.8) if zone shaded, on north side of bldg, and/or protected from wind. - Average (1.0) if sometimes shaded & winds moderate. - High (1.2) if sunny, windy, and/or on south side of bldg. ЂKmc value entered should be between 0.8-1.2 Values < 0.8 are only for areas that are densely shaded AND protected from wind. No values below 0.5 are acceptable. 0.8 0.91.0 1.11.2% О8ƒ Choose add'l expertise from menuChoose from pull-down menuюChoose from pull-down menu - N/A (no irrigation) - WaterSense (installed by WaterSense professional) - 3rd party verif (3rd party verified system distributes water evenly, similar to WE 2.2) - Both (WaterSense & 3rd party verif) - Neither­Do not type in information. Calculation is case-specific, and must be entered from pull-down menu. Please delete your original answer, and then choose from pull-down menu.A>N/A WE 2.1a-WaterSense WE 2.2-3rd party verif Both Neither3%О+ƒ Choose # of irrigation measuresљHow many of these measures (WE 2.1 - b,c,d,h,i,j) are installed? Choose 0-6. (N/A if no irrigation) b.Head to head coverage c.Central shut-off valve d.Submeter h.Pressure-regulating devices i.High efficiency nozzles or drip j.Check valves in headsвPlease choose from pull-down menu. Do not type in information. Calculation is case-specific, and must be entered from pull-down menu. Please delete your original answer, and then choose from pull-down menu.rSN/A None 1 2 3 4 5 6%О' Irrigation Control descriptionхEnter description of type of controls(s) installed in irrigation system (e.g., "moisture sensor"). And enter how much water the control(s) save. For example, 15%. Savings cannot be greater than 30%. If no controls, enter "None".vaes%О_ Control Factor valueВEnter control factor (CF) for zone. If none installed: CF = 1. If controller installed: CF = 1-(fraction of overall irrigation water saved by control). CF must be at least 0.7.jA value below 0.70 cannot be used for the control factor. Please see the USGBC guidance on the calculator. wnffffffц? n%К Sheet6ggџџџџ@ g2ЭЩ€ (—ЖYЦНЬ  dќЉёвMbP?_*+‚€%џСƒ„&ffffffц?'ffffffц?(ш?)ш?M’Adobe PDF (Copy 1)мДSя€ъ oU,,LetterPRIVт0''''А„0\KhCFFŸђџџАSMTJ Adobe PDF ConverterResolution1200dpiPageSizeLetterPageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlotOnlyOne0EBDAStandardЁ"U,,333333г?333333г?œ&œ<3ЊРU} Ж} m } $ } m}  л} л } Ж(h@h@h@џ@ @` @ ;x@    x@ +@ x@ x@ Р” x@ €” x@ Р” x@  x@  џ У@ J x@w,@в@@§ œОœœœœœœœœœœœœ О œœœœœœœœœœœœœ О œœœœœœœœœœœœœ § JzО&JJJJJJJJJJJJццццО(JJJJJJJJJJJJJццццО(JJJJJJJJJJJJJччччО§  О О ђѓѓѓѓѓѓѓѓѓѓѓє § ѕ‡О ѓѓі/§ Oч P§ IО IIII2 О ђѓїѓѓѓѓѓѓѓѓѓє § RwО SSSSSSSSSSST О ђѓїѓѓѓѓѓ)ѓѓѓє О ђ)ј§ Q!О QQ5^^ § Q"О QQ2 О ђѓїѓѓѓѓѓ)ѓѓѓє О љ"§ њ$~ [О\]6,§  .+О [\]ћ О ђѓїѓѓѓ0ѓ-ѓѓѓє О љ"§ ј#~ LОMN6,§  .sО [\]ћ О ђѓїѓѓѓ0ѓ)ѓѓѓє О љ"§ ј(`Uџџ# џJD РYes $DР per unit$DР per unitB $225 per unitОVW6,§  њ&О [\]ћ О ђѓї0000ѓ)0001 О ђѓ§ ј)rUџџ ў\D РYes $$175 per submittal + $50/unit'$225 per submittal + $75/unitB $225 per submittal + $75/unitОVW7)§  #(Z Uџџ!џDD РYes $750 per building$900 per buildingB$900 per buildingО  VW2 О ђѓї0000ѓї0001 Ођѓ/88§ 9yО :)§  ј)‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌ­ЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ђ§џџџѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџт Uџџ џЬD РYes \D Р2 #$0.03 per conditioned sq.ft.'$0.035 per conditioned sq.ft."_D Р2 #$0.04 per conditioned sq.ft.'$0.045 per conditioned sq.ft."B $0.045 per conditioned sq.ft.О  VW2 О аš§ ‰šРb@џsDРd 2^DР2 KBDР d&DР } –"""B‰š l@%џsDРd }^DР2 –BDР Џ&DР Ш с"""BО ššš§  tA БьQИ…ыЁ?% џ+D Р2  И…ыQИž?ьQИ…ыЁ?BA Б зЃp= Ї? џ+D Р2  {ЎGсzЄ? зЃp= Ї?BО  БР О ќ§ў§§§§§џ3334 § %О О    О § KuОKKK §  KvО KKK Дcџџ џžDР multi-family LEEstimates based on information on Multi-family or Multi-building page8.Estimates based on information on Summary pageB1.Estimates based on information on Summary pageО`````a§ _xО ````a О ђѓїѓѓѓєђ)ѓѓѓє О ђѓ§ ј.;bџџ!џ%Z0Р :0РBОbb ђ§  ј.А bџџџšDР D Р B$$Mixed - single & multi-family[DР  Single-family2D Р  Multi-family ""BО  bbє зD:l0$$8,,0$Z$0$P$\$\$Ц$\$Xь$0$P%$ x@!@"x@ #@ $x@ %@ &x@' О ђѓїѓѓѓєђ)ѓѓѓє О !ђѓ{!јџџџeC multi-family 0)# of buildings / conditioned floor area: Number of homes: BNumber of homes: Ё!beџџџ‹DР vDР multi-family GZ6Р  / ZРZ Р / Z Р":8Р"BО!bb ђ§ ! ј.§ ! `/О ! ``є О "ђѓїѓѓѓєђ)ѓѓѓє О #ђѓ§ ##r§ #L*О#MN ђ§ # ј,Š# XџџџtDРD Р@@ QD РYes юD РDРDР „D РDРDР@"BО # YZє О $ђѓїѓѓѓєђ)ѓѓѓє О %ђѓ§ %ј'f%Xџџ §PDР ;DР multi-family ŠD РYes 9Z6Р ZРD РZ РD Р"<Z6Р ZРD РZ РD Р""D РYes Џ2Z8РсKZ8РBD!Р D#Рyes B%)D РYes Џ с"B"BО%YZ ђ§ % ј-ž% Xџџ џˆDРD Р@@ eD РYes #D РD РЏDР2DР*D РD РсDРKDР@"BО % YZє О &ђѓїѓѓѓєђ)ѓѓѓє О 'ќ§§§§§ќ§§§§ зŒ$ˆ$ш$X$Т< §  ќ    )% @8%  eьц№BА№ CИ№*№( № №И№–Ђ №И у №T€( …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє?П№зz ШG№]4@ †›ТгпbG’.Ћus!3Жь №ЖЎ<ЏThis includes single-family detached homes as well as single-family attached homes such as townhomes. Stacked flats or stacked duplexes are considered multi-family buildings.<9 Ўх=0œ€ьЂ№ЂЂ №И  №`€€P …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє??П№ј І ]@№]4@ Œ#сŒъNƒl‡ŒgЄх…ь №Жё<ђThe term "batch submittal" here refers to the number of documentation submittals sent to USGBC. When a group of homes are combined onto one LEED for Homes checklist, they can be treated as a single batch submittal even if they have different layouts, designs, and even home sizes. Each submittal sent to USGBC is counted as a separate batch, even if the homes within each batch are identical. Please discuss this with your LEED for Homes Provider and refer to the Batch Submittal Guidelines.<9ѕ ёrдіDь–№–Ђ №И у №T€€ …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє?П№ !zА€№]4@ ВŠъQѕ,FП–АЇHЏЫМ‹ь №ЖЯ<аThis includes stacked duplexes and triplexes, apartment buildings, condos, etc. that are 3 stories or fewer above grade. For buildings with 4+ stories above-grade, please use the mid-rise project checklist.<9 Ях=0œ€ь–№–Ђ №"И у №T€Ј …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє?П№c& !l№]4"@ œ#Ћw„­@ЇїЌьћК“l‹ь №Ж6<7Multi-family and Multi-building tab must be completed<9 6ь№Ђ №#И г №N€а ‹ПXџџсƒџџс…єПУєє?П№cє+%№]4#@ вЩусKAЂ`§q<жПь №Ж<Summary page must be completed<9­ х=ь–№–Ђ №,И у №T€ …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє?П№ Oфз№]4,@ R-; pјŒN„Ћp‹]‹ь №ЖЎ<ЏInclude total conditioned square footage for all multi-family buildings in the project. Include all conditioned in-unit, residential-associated, and non-residential spaces.<9M Ўх=0œ€ь–№–Ђ №4И у №T€( …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє?П№я Q VР№]44@ ;:M+gI™-O>rЇ‹ь №Жu<vPlease be sure this number corresponds to the information on the Summary page for "# of homes in this project, total"<9[ uх=-ь–№–Ђ №7И у №T€P …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє?П№и‡ )(—№]47@ ЦYИЏ MТSАЊI‹ь №Ж}<~Please indicate if this is the first submittal for this project. Secondary submittals of 10+ units are subject to a discount.<9Z }ьЂ№ЂЂ №BИ  №`€€€ …‹П Xџџсƒџџс…єПУєє??П№ OшА+№]4B@ ˆ0"(#GЋFa> жИ…ь №ЖД<ЕTo receive the USGBC member price, an active member of the project team must be an employee of a national member organization. Go to www.usgbc.org/membership for more information.<9О ДraяьZ№R’ №CИ C №ПџП№ “ №]FC! d ю9 BDoug Doug Doug4DougDoug ,Doug#Doug!"Doug#7Doug>ДАЊ<Pg‹‹db   хъ  !! !! %%%%    ##   ##         ВCО8ƒ  Yes NoN ##ОL і’sі’  О, c”sc”К Sheet3ggџџџџ@ggh'h @ g2ЭЩ€ 0цїшŠw/bT z№ЂјПHйЬл  dќЉёвMbP?_*+‚€%џСNџ џ@=&LU.S. Green Building Council&CPage &P of &N&RJanuary 1, 2011ƒ„&р?'р?(а?)а?M’Adobe PDF (Copy 1)мДSя€ъ oJ§џLetterPRIVт0''''А„0\KhCFFŸђџџАSMTJ Adobe PDF ConverterResolution1200dpiPageSizeLetterPageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlotOnlyOne0EBDAStandardЁ"J§џа?а?œ&œЊРU} } m } } m} ’} mm} л} Ж}  ’} } л } ’ } л} } m} Жm} Im} mm} ’mцр@JРƒ •@•@•@ џ@x@@i@ ;@ i@ ;@ ;@  xР”†Р”YР”xР”JР”YР”ЅР” Д@@;@ J џџџџџ<@ џџОBBBCC§ ШМО"ШШШШШШШШШШШШШШО.‚‚ЩЩЩЩЩЩЩЩЩЩЩЩЩЩЩО DПП§ \Р§ ЈцОѕџџџ 7 Юџџ џ!C  #BО ЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЮЯОDППРР§ Љ†ОЌЫ''  оџџ џiCn %Cl  #l"6Cl  #nCn, Cl"BО оооооооопОDППРР§ Њ‡ОЋWWq Ћ рџџ џ•C@, @@C@@, @@Ci@, , DC@, @@C@@, @@Ci@BО ррррррррсО.DППРРПР`````````УУФФО.YППРРПР`````````УУФФ§ /ОРРПР``'š §  #О `š``УУФФšО.''ПРРПР``š``````УУФФ Х§ Ц7 Ьџџ џ!C  #BО ЬEE§ Ц.7 Ьџџ џ!CZ  #ZBО ЬЦ § ЦŸ ‡€F@ џC Ц§ Ц  dРR@џC-О d™™О. 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