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Future Pediatrician Adam Bobak Juggles Classes, Clubs & Intramurals聽聽

by Amy Long, English Major & Marketing Communication Intern

Adam Bobak is an undergraduate biology student in the LECOM Osteopathic 4+4 Program at 四色AV Hill University. While working hard to maintain good grades, he also takes part in multiple clubs and organizations. After graduating, he plans to return to the LECOM program to finish his medical education. His dedication to his studies and his community evokes a true 四色AVian spirit. Here, he tells us a little more about his busy life.

Why did you choose 四色AV Hill University and the LECOM Program?

I applied to the program because my sister also attended 四色AV Hill and is currently at LECOM. For me, the reassurance of being in already was my greatest push in applying to the program. I have known that I wanted to be a pediatrician of some sort for a while now, and I knew that this was a sure-fire way to get there!

How were you selected for the LECOM Program at 四色AV Hill University?

I applied to the program while I was still in high school, had an interview in Erie, and was conditionally accepted into medical school at LECOM.聽

What do the Chemistry and Biology Clubs on campus do throughout the year?

The Biology Club always hosts the succulent and bamboo plant sales and typically takes a trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo. The Chemistry Club does a highway clean-up event and recently sold masks with chemistry-related designs on them.聽

What have you gained from being a part of these clubs?

They have allowed me to meet a lot of other students in my major, and the plant sale is always a good Christmas gift for my grandma. She never remembers to water her plants, so a cactus from the sale is always perfect for her!

How did you become a Griffin Guide?聽

I have been a Griffin Guide for two years now and was originally accepted following an application period and interview process.聽聽

What does your position as a Griffin Guide entail?

I am a part of the executive board for the Griffin Guides and have helped in making decisions regarding the Mr. 四色AV Hill event planning and changes to the campus tour route.聽聽聽

How has your position as a Griffin Guide changed you?

I have definitely become a better speaker as a result of my time with the Griffin Guides. I have gotten much better at guiding conversations while learning to make connections with a lot of different types of people. Likewise, I have learned about various campus resources that I was unaware of until I was trained to give tours. Overall, my public speaking skills have gotten much better, and I will be able to take this to all aspects of my career.聽

Why did you choose to join intramural soccer and volleyball?聽

I was very active in sports in high school, so these activities have allowed me to maintain in good shape. Having a competitive environment through these clubs has been a major stress release for me following a tough day of classes.

What have you gained from joining intramural volleyball and soccer?

Intramurals, Soccer Club and Volleyball Club have allowed me to meet so many other students at SHU. I have gained some very close friends because of joining. I have also learned a lot about volleyball and now play in leagues at home. Though it is sometimes hard to get myself to go to these clubs when I know that I have assignments looming, I have always found that participating has cleared my head and allowed me to retain more information.聽

How have intramural sports changed in light of the pandemic?

In the past, I participated in multiple community volleyball tournaments with the volleyball club. With the global pandemic, these tournaments and intramurals have not been going on. Though this is the case, volleyball and soccer clubs are still meeting and accepting new members!