Orange County, NY
Rating system:LEED Cities: Existingv4.1 - LEED v4.1
Last certified on:
Certification level: Silver
Certification level: Silver
Project info
Size | 812 sq miles |
Orange County achieved LEED certification for implementing practical and measurable strategies and solutions aimed at improving sustainability and the standard of living for residents.
“The LEED Silver certification provides a wonderful example of what we can do to foster local climate and clean energy action, while saving local governments and residents money on their energy bills, creating local jobs and realizing the tremendous opportunities provided by expanding the green economy.” said Orange County’s Executive Steven M. Neuhaus.
Certification Type: LEED v4.1 for Cities: Existing
Level: Silver
Points: 53
Certification Date: March 25, 2021
Scorecard and Case Study: Learn more by viewing Orange County's certification details.